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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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1 hour ago, Annesley Red said:

Bad news for me. Missus just told me we on a cruise on May 25th and that is Cup Final day (Reds are still in the cup).

I never wanted to cruise in the first place.

Being in a floating Petri dish of bacteria with the sort of people who go on cruises, from whom you can’t escape. What’s not to like about it? :biggrin:

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@MelissaJKelly sorry you have been made redundant - have you any thoughts on what you’d like to do?  It’s a bit of a cliche but’when one door closes, another one opens’.  This has certainly been the case several times in my life. (Although  it can feel a bit bleak when you’re between doors !). x

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Ah Melissa what a shame I seem to recall that you went into teaching..........could have been another Nottstalgian......... Anyway Margie is right, the opportunities are out there and you cannot know what is round the corner. I know that life has many crossroads and the decisions you make are what you live with. Do you know the Robert Frost poem "The Road Not Taken" ?

 I am sure that something will be there and then you will not look back. All the very best.

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Sorry to hear your news Melissa but as others have said it may be your chance to look around and try some thing different.


I have had a great day we went into Hucknall and sat inside a nice warm Greggs with a bacon baguette and coffee and watched the world go by. Then home and the chainsaw out and took the other cherry tree down, no more sweeping leaves up in the front garden again, cleared every thing up. Then into the house when I finally sat down suffering I thought that was a stupid idea, when will I ever learn.

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I was made redundant twice during my working life. Neither occasion was unexpected, but both times it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and before long I was in a better position than I was before it happened.

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I could see it coming once, many years ago. I jumped ship before it happened. I’ve been on the other side of the fence where I’ve had to make redundancies. It wasn’t a happy time for me as an employer. There’s a strict legal procedure to follow when selecting for redundancy and employees can consult an employment lawyer if they think their selection for redundancy was unfair. It will then go either before an industrial tribunal or a financial out of court settlement may be reached.

I would suggest you look on the government website 'Unfair or constructive dismissal' to see the options open to you.

I would suggest Nelsons as a good law firm to deal with but the choice is obviously yours if you wish to pursue the matter.

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Bad luck Melissa, but like others have commented, there are plenty of opportunities out there, especially with your degree, you’re well qualified …….. you could go into lots of different areas of commerce and/or industry.  Don’t be down about it, take a rest and think about what you really want to do.  

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A few weeks before I got married I got the push . My employers promised to get a cleaning lady to come into the hairdressing salon where I worked. The promise never materialised even after hints and reminders.  My girls did the cleaning and sterilization so I told them not to do it anymore as I was so fed up of asking , so after a face to face “ discussion “ I was told to leave. To tell the truth I was glad because after having a lovely apprenticeship and a few years with my previous employer it was a relief not to be at their dishonesty. Don’t worry Melissa give yourself a break to decide which direction you want to go. Good luck.

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On 1/19/2024 at 9:55 AM, MelissaJKelly said:

I am officially redundant at the moment. First time for me and not a pleasant experience at all. Its weird being a lady of leisure! Not sure what to do with myself! 


Melissa, you have my sympathies, as someone who suffered more redundancies than I can properly recall, but I can't disagree with anything said by others so far..... problems often point to opportunities. One of my many redundancies caused me to 'go rogue' and decide not to look for work, but to take a month to think and explore options. That led to me taking my 15 year old  'O' levels..talking my way onto a degree course and post grad diploma and swapping from 'last in first out' factory fodder, to a fully qualified (and employed!!) Career Adviser.


Unless it is desperately urgent to do so, I wouldn't rush into anything. Or just accept something temporary to tide you over while planning.  Take your time to think about your future and what you want from it. Seek advice if need be, especially about any education or training options which might be relevant.  I spent 30 years as a Careers Adviser, when we still actually had a Careers Service...  I've been retired for 10 years and things change, so I'm a bit rusty, but feel free to p.m. me if I can help in any way.


What is your degree?


Time to re-work your CV too.  If it helps, I can send you my CV/Cover Letter preparation guide when I can find it on my old P.C....:)





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Thanks i thought something was wrong thats the first time i have seen that no reports or postings any way good news here is we are warming up to-6C tomorrow time to get my lawn chair out. Hope all the floods have gone around your area and life is back to normal.


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The floods appear to have gone down everywhere except at the bottom of our field. It has flooded there in previous years but hasn’t lingered for so long. We’re beginning to think we should make a feature of it and stock it with fish. I’ve not been down to measure the depth but I guess it’s around a foot. There are some old gravel workings nearby, now called the Jubilee Ponds, which are fished for carp by a syndicate and Nottingham Fly Fishers use a lake at Gibsmere which is a trout fishery. I taught myself to sale down there many years ago in a Mirror dinghy which I built from a kit. Later on I bought an Enterprise dinghy and joined the Notts County Sailing Club at Hoveringham. I did have a brief dalliance with windsurfing which I practiced on a lake at Thurlby, Lincs, near to Plantfit’s village and I once surfed on a Scottish sea loch where I was stranded on a sandbank for two hours until the tide rose! I’ve had many exciting adventures on the sea and in the air, sadly just memories now. 

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On 1/16/2024 at 5:11 AM, mary1947 said:

Where we live if anyone passed away a couple or more would attend the funeral, Now I have been to a Jewish Wedding an Africans Wedding, a Catholic Wedding, A green bowlers Funeral.  A non   believer funeral, Chulla's  send off,  

BUT Never been to a Jehovah witness send off, there are 4 of us going One is a Muslim /one Catholic /one  a believer /one not    

What a combination.  

Up-date well sorry to Jehovah Witness people but I have not been converted.  Service all about the person who has passed away, you kept been told that you are asleep on the trip and Jehovah will always be there to help you, and look after you, Then you  pray. It seemed a long, heavy service, to those who were not witnesses. It just seemed to go on and on.

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Early trip to the vet at Sutton with Pushkin the kitten. Neutering day today. He was very good, although he cried a bit on the journey. I think what really miffed him was no breakfast!

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I’ve just been for a blood test. Tell me. Why are nurses so chubby? When I feel I could do with losing a few pounds I go, either to the local health centre or to Morrisons at Netherfield and I come home feeling like a sylph.

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I have to go for blood tests on a regular  basis and every time it is the same "we are having  problems finding a vein". A few weeks ago Nora the Needle had 4 attempts before she found blood and she told me the normal thing drink loads of water before you arrive. I could not wait to get out and find the nearest toilet before I had an unfortunate accident.

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The nurse who told me my cholesterol levels were too high (it's a given with an out of kilter thyroid) was ginormous.  I didn't like her attitude at all.  Without knowing anything about me, she decreed that I would have to change my lifestyle, stop eating takeaways, take more exercise and drink less alcohol. 


I informed her that I never eat takeaways, don't exceed half a bottle of red wine per week and take plenty of exercise.  I asked her if she understood the connection between an underactive thyroid and elevated cholesterol levels. She didn't.


As a parting shot, I observed that I only required one chair when I sit down! 

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Yesterday I went for an Echocardiogram requested by the Cardiologist. My BP was showing at 80 over 50 on my own monitor before I went. No wonder I struggled to walk from the car to the Cardio Dept...  I have noted that Cardio Depts in hospitals are always as far as possible away from the entrance.  Is it meant as a hint that we should be getting more exercise, or just somebody's idea of a joke? That said, the 'Sonographer' who did my 'echo', was lovely.  Friendly, talkative and caring.


Today I have written again, to the manager of the local Targeted Lung Health programme to express my 'disappointment' that I have not received and acknowledgement of my first email a week ago, much less a full response. Still not fully recovered from that episode.


9 days until my next appointment. Just a blood test.  Don't know what I'm going to do with myself for all that time...:)

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Must be blood week..........ive just had mine and out in 5 minutes....

The lovely Karen did mine......

Any chance of a biscuit?

No...ive ate em all

Was i brave ? jumped when the needle went in......

No chance of a date then ?

No i don't date cheeky men...

Thanks Karen...have a lovely day...

And you mi duck...tar ra.......

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