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5 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

but now I'm happy there's nothing crucial and what is there can be pulled off the drive,


Why not pull it out and install in new 'puter where it will automatically become drive D or E

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Fair point. I'd have to check if there's an available 'bay', but on balance I'd sooner just interrogate it using my 'caddy', when I get the time and then 'format' it for a new use.  I've got an embryonic plan to use a couple of spare drives, in conjunction with a couple of cameras as a security system... an alternative to a 'Ring' doorbell.

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Unexpected 9 hour round trip up to Bristol airport today (from West Cornwall).

We'd had our son staying here from Netherlands for 2 weeks and he was due to fly back home early this afternoon.


I was just supposed to take him to our local station at 8 a.m. for the 4 hour train trip to Bristol Templemead but sods law,  a goods train broke down other side of St Austell and his train was cancelled as was the following one, which meant he'd be late for his flight. 


Only thing was for us to drive him there , luckily it was one of the only times I can remember that there were no road works on the M5 and it was a fairly easy drive aided by the fact the new dual carriageway on the bottom bit of the A30 in Cornwall has just been opened which relieves some bottlenecks. 


He just texted to say he was home , a 12 hour trip for him. 


Biggest shock was the fee for dropping off passengers at Bristol airport. £6 for 10 minutes ! ANPR cameras payable on exit. What a rip off ! 


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Busy week this week preparing the house and doing the gardening before Saturday when I have a knee replacement. Our house is big but the Victorians didn't fit a single room with  en suite. From our bedroom we have to go down a step, turn, then up a step to reach the bathroom. Not ideal on crutches during the night. So my tackle room, which is opposite the bathroom is now a bedroom again. Had to have a shed installed for my tackle :rolleyes: It's a nice posh shed though with veranda. I snatched a couple of hours fishing thisafto. Enjoyable but when leaving the lakes I had to stop - a sheep and her lamb were stuck in the cattle grid. Don't know how I did it but was able to lift the half grown lamb out and to assist it's mum out. Didn't do my knees and her legs much good but we were both able to walk afterwards.

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2 minutes ago, PeverilPeril said:

Had to have a shed installed for my tackle 

OOooooo ... no don't... stop it..... ooo yeah but no but........

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Biggest shock was the fee for dropping off passengers at Bristol airport. £6 for 10 minutes ! ANPR cameras payable on exit. What a rip off ! 



Drop off is £5 for 15 mins plus £1 per minute there after, at East Midlands Airport.
Unless as I do, you park in Long Stay 2 (free for 1hr) and catch the free bus to the terminal and back again, mainly for pick up, but works for drop off as well.

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19 minutes ago, Stuart.C said:




......East Midlands Airport.
Unless as I do, you park in Long Stay 2 (free for 1hr) and catch the free bus to the terminal and back again....

Good idea and all very well if you are familiar with the layout. Can't actually remember ever flying from East Mids and if I did it would be more than 40 years ago.

Pretty chaotic at Bristol airport today , plenty of building work going on and really busy with hundreds of punters milling about in the drizzle  ! 

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Every good wish to @PeverilPeriland @IAN FINN for their replacement ops.  Ran into a former colleague of mine earlier this week. She's had one hip replacement and both knees replaced. Now waiting for the second hip replacement. She's younger than me!! The Bionic Woman, no less.

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23 minutes ago, Jill Sparrow said:

  Ran into a former colleague of mine earlier this week. She's had one hip replacement and both knees replaced. Now waiting for the second hip replacement. 


Getting close to the point where she's no longer the person you originally knew.

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Maybe we should change the title of this thread to....

 BIONICSTALGIA or Letsby havingnew. :rolleyes:


Anyroad, all good luck and best wishes to you both. B.

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Add my best wishes to our wannabe Bionic folks ..


My two knee ops have transformed my life.  I can walk without pain for the first time in years.  A neighbour who was all but housebound has had two hips and one knee replaced and now skips up and down the street with her dog like a 20 year old.


I won't say there aren't downsides, especially with knees.  Kneeling in particular becomes difficult, or impossible for some, but it's more than compensated for.


These are my tips, but obviously listen to your surgeon/physio before me.


You really do have to work hard on the prescribed exercises and to some extent that means 'pushing through' pain. Bad results often come from not putting the work in, but don't be scared into thinking your knee will lock up if you don't follow the regime religiously. Just work at your own pace and be kind to yourself. It will come right, with effort and support.  I can't speak for other places, but at Wrightington, I had a few months of Physio support and also helplines to contact if needed, for all eventualities. My GP also has an 'in house' Pharmacist who was very helpful in pain management when I couldn't take the Morphine etc.

I was given bottles of Morphine, boxes of Codeine, etc., but found that Morphine and Codeine clash with my heart meds, and Ibuprofen is also out. That left me with only Paracetamol, which I don't like taking.. but I muddled through and the result is well worth it.

Also, I found it really difficult to do the prescribed knee bend, which involves sitting on a bed, or the floor and 'drawing up' the knee. My alternative was to sit in a chair, with my heel close to the chair base, then push forward, keeping the foot still and bending the knee.  Push as far as pain allows and hold, for 30 seconds then carefully pull back. That way, you are 'in charge of' how much pain you have to bear.  Repeat, several times a day.  The bend gradually comes.

To this day, the second replacement doesn't bend quite as far as the first, but it bends enough. Very common apparently. Every 'op' and every result, is different, but usually a massive improvement.


Good luck!!

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12 hours ago, PeverilPeril said:

Our house is big but the Victorians didn't fit a single room with  en suite.


PP, and others. I found that after both knee ops, I was unable to pee, due to the effects of the 'Spinal Block' anaesthetic. They monitor you very closely with some sort of 'badder scanner' device and get very concerned about possible kidney damage if you don't pee.  So, on both occasions I, and many others, ended up 'catheterised' for a couple of days.  Not pleasant, but necessary.  Thing is, once the catheter is gone, you can find you TEMPORARILY have very little bladder control and it's 'all or nothing'..with long periods of 'nothing', suddenly replaced with an 'all' which you have very little time to respond to. Even though only a couple of metres from the loo, across the landing..I slept for a few nights with a 'suitable receptacle' next to the bed.. just in case...  Mercifully, I never needed it, but ....

..and all back to normal within a few days.

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