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True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

2 hours ago, TBI said:

Fair comment DJ, but the positives hopefully will arise over the coming years.... and to hope for positives one has to be positive.:)


Obviously TBI, it is what it is and I want my country to be a comfortable and prosperous place to live.  Just because I'm not convinced that Brexit is the way to achieve that doesn't mean I don't want it to work... after all, I live here too.  That said, I just hope that if if all goes pear shaped, those who brought it about will 'own' it, admit they were wrong and help us to put things right.

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I suspect that most people won't notice any great change in their lives, either for better or worse. The positives and the negatives won't be as extreme as predicted.


In a typical British way, we'll just carry on as normal and make a few running adjustments here and there.








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3 hours ago, Beekay said:

INDEPENDENCE FOR CORNWALL! THAT'S  WHOT I SAY. (After all, they haven't spoke English for years).


You keep picking 'em BK. Cornwall has had a separatist movement for years, even a  para military arm once although I seem to remember it was one sad individual with a grudge.  :(

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Brew, at the end of April I'm off to the grand duchy/kingdom of Norfolk for a week. Gonna take me passport to get me through the Dartford tunnel and the safe passage through Thetford, to my destination of of the principality of Wroxham.   thumbsup

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15 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

I suspect that most people won't notice any great change in their lives, either for better or worse. The positives and the negatives won't be as extreme as predicted.


In a typical British way, we'll just carry on as normal and make a few running adjustments here and there.


I imagine that's broadly right for us in the middle. .. What worries me is that the already super rich will make a 'killing', and the already poor.. will be more so..


Aaron Banks is reported to have spent £10 million on promoting Brexit.  I doubt he did that for the benefit of you and me.

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Priti Patel.  A dreadful woman with no discernible talent, who has been sacked before for 'freelancing' on Foreign policy.  I'm afraid the present Government is really a collection of 'barrel scrapings.'

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6 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

A horsey colleague once supplied me with several bags of horse manure. Problem was, it liked eating buttercups! The rotten things were soon all over my garden!


Well Jill.. that's why every single gardening magazine, article, book or TV prog adds the proviso 'well rotted', when suggesting the use of manure.  Of course.. exactly what constitutes 'well rotted' is something of a moot point...


My compost bin rarely heats up enough to properly rot stuff down, or kill off weed seeds so I usually empty it in spring and transfer the contents to plastic sacks and let it sit there for a year or so before digging into borders.  I still get weeds.. but I just dig em out, and the iproved soil encourages classier plants to grow and smother weeds.

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On 2/1/2020 at 3:40 PM, TBI said:

Fair comment DJ, but the positives hopefully will arise over the coming years.... and to hope for positives one has to be positive.:)


Have you really thought this through?



'I think something isn't right about my life.  That nice Mr Farage says it is because of the EU. He doesn't say what is wrong with it or how things will improve if we leave the EU but he is very convincing.. and he's a proper geezer. having a pint down the pub. and smoking his head off.. so he must be one of us.. So I'm going to believe what he says is wrong and why he says it's wrong and I just hope everything will come right... He hasn't told us that bit yet.. but I'm sure he will.. when he comes back....I haven't seen him lately.. maybe he's taking a well deserved holiday...."



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As an outsider looking into an increasingly foreign country, I find all of this UK government shenanigans quite amusing - philimayfield has it right, not only with that Patel woman but a number of the others as well - including the prime minister himself.

One to be extremely cautious about, though, is Dominic Cummings - the PM's SPAD (or other nonsensical acronym). He looks to be potentially extremely dangerous. Anyone who could contemplate filling 10 Downing Street with even more "weirdos and misfits" should seek urgent specialist help.


Where has respect for your government gone? Macron may not be liked here but he has political gravitas and is respected. Johnson has always been thought of as a joke, hasn't he?

Well Johnson is no joke read up about his time in the Bullingdon Club and Piers Gaveston Society with his mates David Cameron and George Osborne (remember them?)

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It’s all documented in a book ‘The Peter Principle’ written by Laurence Peter in 1969. It’s very well thought out. Read it and a lot of your experiences with management will fall into place. As Jonab infers, the government and opposition are riddled with such people.

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A bit of good news


Used to love this programme. Dad and I always made a point of watching.


It offended some when originally shown and will probably do so again, except people are more easily offended now or so it seems.


Laughter truly is the best medicine and, as they say, if you stick your head above the parapet...expect to be shot at.

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Spitting Image was good, and I'm glad to see it return, but it comes with a sign of the times.


It's on Britbox, which is a subscription channel so you have to pay to watch it. In the old days, it was on ITV which came free.

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The trouble is that some snowflakes are just looking to be offended and will find offence in almost anything.  The Royals, by their behaviour, just put themselves up for ridicule but fortunately imprisonment in the Tower is no longer a punishment.

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5 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

it was on ITV which came free.

Apart from the fact that you have to have a BBC! Tv licence for!! Even though i thought that itv was free because of the advertising, i just hope that the Beeb go to subscription, and leave everyone else alone.

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From my memory a tv license was required even if you never watched the Beeb.  It was a TV license even though the bulk of the money went to the Beeb.  Same with a wireless license, even if you only ever listened to Luxemburg.

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