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HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

With reference to leaf clearing and after eulogising over battery powered garden tools I tried my Stihl Combi leaf blower attachment when the battery on my Gtec blower ran out. What a difference! It was much noisier but it didn’t half shift the damp leaves and it started first time. I’ll confine the electric tools for the lighter jobs I think. I even washed the cars as the Eastern European car wash in Newark is in lockdown. First time in three years. Going for a lie down now!

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6 hours ago, Brew said:

HSR: Well we'll have to disagree on the date.


You imply it's 'ordinary' for the bible belt, maybe so but it's exraordinary performance to anyone not brought up in some of the extremist so called churches where money and outlandish behaviour are a gateway to heaven...


-ista is a proper word ending... look it up


ista..appears to be something to do with beach towels... :wacko:

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10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

I gave an answer to the way most average Americans seem to think the other day so will not repeat them again.


Indeed Dave  You gave your assessment and I thanked you for it.


10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Neither am I about to dispute the emotive words used above


Does that mean you agree with them?  I don't think they're so emotive when you link them to his own words and actions.


10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

 It does, however, lead me to ask.  Do you have an intimate aquaintance with this man to so describe him, or are you merely repeating the words of the media who have hated him before he was even elected the first time?


It's neither Dave.  My only knowledge of Trump before he stood for the Presidency was some vague awareness of his reputation for ostentation and excess. I don't generally take any interest in the whole 'celebrity gossip' thing. I don't think I'd heard him speak until I heard him campaigning for president.


However, I've been on the planet for almost 72 years.   I've spent half a lifetime assessing people for a living and a whole lifetime assessing them out of interest/necessity.  For what it's worth, I've also  studied psychology at and beyond First Degree level. 


I didn't need the media to tell me how to assess Trump.  I merely had to listen to his utterences and watch his expressions and mannerisms.  I won't deny I took an instant dislike to him, in much the same way I did to Thatcher, and for similar reasons.  Both showed a very egocentric and borderline psychopathic approach.  Both tried very hard to to convey sincerity and both failed spectacularly.


Before I go on.  You may assume that my mixture of hatred and disdain for Trump rests solely on my disagreement with Rebublican politics.  Trust me, it doesn't. I have lived through the 'reigns' of every Republican President since Eisenhower.  Nixon was clearly dishonest.  Reagan was barely competent and I wasn't much impressed by either Bush.  But.. I did not react to any of them with the intense repugnance which Trump engenders in me.  I could argue similarly about Tory PMs here.  Most.. I disagreed with.  Thatcher.. I detested.


10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

I only saw bits of the second debate as I passed quickly by the tv but it seemed to be Mr. Biden who was using insulting language and personal insults towards Trump, who seemed to be handling himself quite well.


Did you see the first debate?  The one in which Trump used his familiar 'motormouth' technique in an attempt to 'shut down' Biden through constant interruption, effectively ruining the debate?  Trump was much more restrained in the second debate, I imagine because he was very strongly advised that his approach to the first was a massive 'own goal'. He also had the threat of having his microphone muted if he did not 'give way' as any proper debater will.


10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Over the last few weeks I have begun to feel genuinely sorry for Mr. Biden who often appears to be in the early stages of dementia.


He's an elderly man.  He has his 'moments'.  Dont we all?  In other situations he might not be my first choice (assuming of course it was my choice..which it isn't,.. ) But the US Presidency is of great relevance to the whole World and as far as I'm concerned, almost anybody on the planet is preferable to Trump. Biden is 99% lucid. Trump is 99% irrational.


10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

 After a while he will be cast aside in favor of his running mate.  God help America.


Yes, it's possible, just like any President.. that he might need to be replaced 'mid term'.  But why would the installation of his running mate put America in God's hands? I'm intrigued.


10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Would you prefer a communist dictatorship?  There will be no criticisin of the leader then.


Really Dave?  Where would this Communist Dictatorship arise from?  You lost me there.  There does seem to be a very strong Republican propaganda thread which has Biden and the Democrats as everything from 'Socialist', to 'Marxist', but I'm sure you know that such stuff is merely designed to tap into the general American hysteria about anything which might smack of Communism.  It has worked so well lately that until now... Trump was very close to creating a Fascist Dictatorship in the US. The reality is that no major political party in the US is even remotely left wing in real terms.


10 hours ago, loppylugs said:

My heart is bleeding for what is happening to my adopted country, and that is not some kind of emotive cliche.


Dave, you might be surprised to read that my heart is also bleeding.  I have for most of my adult life had great misgivings about much of what America has done in the name of Democracy, but at the same time I have seen America as the only country which could stand up to China and Russia, neither of which are Democratic.  As far as I am concerned, Trump has divided America, encouraged anti-democratic forces and cosied up to Dictators the World over to the extent that the likes of Putin, the Chinese and North Korean leaders ..whatever they are called.. now see him as their 'useful idiot.'  Or they did until today.


The whole far right/neo-con etc.. conspiracy.. driven not only by Trump and Johnson here.. but also by unelected nasties such as Bannon, Farage, Cummings and Co. has been dealt a massive blow today.  Long may it continue.


Now.  Those emotive words:


'self-promoting':  Can you really deny this?  His whole life has been a  'show'.

'egotistical'  Surely you can't deny that he promotes his every action as 'the best ever'.'It's going to be beautiful' 'I am 'I am the least racist person here'. (So he's still racist.. but just a bit less than everydody else...) ' You know, I'm, like, a smart person.'

 'illogical, racist.  Already covered above.

'divisive,'  He consistently refuses to condemn far right idiots such as 'The Proud Boys', but attacks the likes of BLM, who have a genuine grievance.

 His assertion that 'the election is fraudulent, but he won'.. is clearly illogical.

'anti-democratic' :  He specifically asked his own supporters to vote in person. Biden, suggested his supporters used the entirely legal postal ballot system. After the fact, Trump has tried to discredit postal ballots in a desperate attempt to keep his job.

I really can't be bothered seeking out specific examples for the rest:


'confused, inconsistent, contradictory, beligerent, naive, childish, spoilt, entitled, petulant'


If they aren't obvious to folk.. there's little I can do, except maybe invoke his recorded attitude to Women, and people in general.. ' I could stand in the middle Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters.' 'When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.


Finally.  Trump insisted Covid was a 'Hoax'.  Yet he claims to have caught and 'beat' it.

Trump claimed that 'everybody', will get the drugs and treatment that he got.  Evidence?

Trump denies climate change.

Trump denies Covid science and has deliberately undermined attempts by established Federal and State agencies to deal with the virus.  This is all documented.


I do not retract a single thing I said about Trump. He is a hateful, unstable, opportunist crook, who will be lucky to stay out of gaol after he is prised out of the White House.


I only hope that this episode is an abberation..and that the US can, as I have previously posted.. heal itself and move on.


Dave, I'm sorry if that offends you or anyone else.  That is not my intention, but the World is better without him as President.

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10 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

I think one should have at the very least some kind of consultant qualification in psychiatry before one starts making diagnoses of mental illness and lunacy, to use a very outmoded term.  To my limited knowledge, no one on this site possesses such.   Even if they did, surely it would have been necessary to have met the patient?


Watch him

Listen to him

Relate what you see to reality and the office of POTUS.


He is barking.

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P.S.  This result changes the whole political dynamic between the US and the UK. Johnson and his cronies will have much less influence with the US now, but OTOH, they will likely get a more 'straight' deal from Biden than crooked Trump.

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PPS. I have just listened to Biden's acceptance address.  Very impressive.


He spoke about Unity.


There could not be a greater contrast than that with the negativity and hatefulness of Trump.


OK.. all politicians promise the World, but in this case, I'll take it.

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Thanks for your response, above, Col.  I think you made yourself clear.  After the events of yesterday I think further debate debate would be self defeating.  I hope we can be magnanimous in his defeat.  He had a four year run, he was defeated.

That is not the end of America.  Only time will tell the outcome..  I have a deep sense of foreboding.  I would still have had it even if Trump had won.  We are, as the old Chinese curse says living in interesting times.

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In a way I see this election result as a beginning rather than an end for Trump. He obviously has dynastic ambition for his children and having tens of millions of followers he could find the funding for significant media outlets through which to campaign and brainwash. He thinks that his daughter could be the first lady president and his sons are said to be planning massif investment in hotels/property in Trump/Republican territories.

How traditional and 'thinking' Republicans will respond to his presence and actions in future will be interesting. They will still need his audience of millions that he may still control, or will it be divide and conquer or will a new party emerge? He is not going to go away without doing a lot of damage.


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Yesterday, they were saying on the radio, that Trump's  likely to go and live abroad......

Anybody recall a documentary, years ago about a Golf Course in Scotland.

Views blocked, natural water supply terminated. bullying ..

Resulted in a chap becoming Scotsman of the year for his resistance... 

Think Alex Salmon got a major bung in the process..

Hope Trump's not coming to the UK....

Hang about.! He's already here..10 fold... 


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Just one quick point.  As I understand it, Trump is deeply in debt.

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And of course if he is as open to litigation as is also much vaunted.. is he in a position to 'do a runner'?

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