Members 'Nostalgic Age' Photos.

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I put these together for a book 'wot i rote', makes you think when your lifes compressed into 15 photo's!

Me 1968/9 on me bike outside house I was born 28 Brixton Road Radford Nottingham Arms in the background. 

This is me aged about 9 or 10 with my grandma.  Mum used to curl my hair in rags each night as my hair was never naturally curly!   It's only photo I have with my grandma... she was quite old whe

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Eureka LL, Lovely photo,so glad you dug it out for us. NBL, You too, All dressed up for the Ball, great memories. Thank you both for sharing.


Don't we all look so young, and yet when looking at the photographs it is easy to bring back the feelings we had as the photographer took the snap. In our case it was one of the photographers that used to roam around Skeggy, snapping people and thrusting a ticket in your hand to view the pic and decide to buy or not.


We had only known each other for probably a couple of hours meeting the day before, so we were very shy, I do love the memories that the photo brings back of our holiday romance at Skeggy in the summer of 64.

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what have I done wrong ,please help  I have just press the little green heart at the bottom of post #481 and it turned red. Red to me means not liked and that is the last thing I meant. I thought it was rather cute and trusting to go to Skeggy after only knowing each other for a few hours . If I have  done anything wrong and upset you sorry Carni and I will owe you a cream cake ( large).

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No problem trogg, Lol, I probably made it read as if we had actually gone on holiday together after just meeting. (Shock Horror) In reality, I still lived in Nottm and I was single and on holiday with my friends, one of them was SueB48 who is one of our NS members. On that holiday we met a group of Lads from W-ton, and the beginning of my 'Holiday Romance', started the next day, in the romantic setting of The Ship Bar.


Cream Cake gratefully accepted if still on offer    smile2

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Oh dear!

 I have often pressed the heart,I thought it meant   Like

And I thought if the green arrow was pressed it means you gave a good mark

Have I been getting it wrong?

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Press the green arrow to show you like the post.  It will turn red to show that you have 'liked' it.  If you click on the heart it tells you who else liked it

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#485 thanks MargieH it appears I have been doing it right, more by luck than judgement , when the arrow turned red I thought you've done it wrong who have you upset this time.

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481.  We were a bit like you,Carni.  We had been dating for a year, but were not alone in Ireland.  Janet's folks were going to Ireland that year.  She was not happy about our being apart for a couple of weeks or so.  I don't know what she said to them,. ;) but the upshot of it was that I got invited to go as well.  No complaints from me.  Her folks always treated me like the son they didn't have.  Great people!

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I,ve just uploaded some photos to photobucket so will try to put them on here.  It's so long since I did that I'll probably do it wrong but here goes.....  first one is in 1968 with our first-born ( who is 50 this year!)


Didn't work so I'll try on the lap top


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That worked so I'll try another one.  This is was taken at the same time as the scooter photo!  My friend and i were jiving at the amusements in Chapel St Leonards.  Was it denshaw who said he remembered a certain nurse at Harlow Wood [sorry if my memory playing tricks]  I think this is my friend in the photo...


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Margie ,

What terrific pictures!

I posted something about a girlfriend I had had at Harlow Wood but it was not your friend.

I wish it had been.....................


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Three generations. My Mother, me, and My Grandmother. 1966, 97 Minver Cresc. I would be 9 going on 10



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OK, I don't remember this incident but I just happen to think it is a good picture and it will never happen again. Christmas 1956. My fathers eldest sister, Edna Tyler with her daughter Sue (my cousin) and me aged approx 3 months. 25 Melbourne Road. If Aunt Edna were still alive she would now be 97.



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#490 Sorry Loppy no hoss thank goodness, I love em to bits but every time I get on one I tend to fall off. About the only one I ever managed to stay on was 'King' a feisty heavy horse so the army gave me an 8 cylinder Rolls Royce...




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Great photos from y'all.   They bring back some great memories of simpler times, don't they?  Was it old Harold McMillan that said "You've never had it so good?"  Sometimes I think he may have been right.  I wonder if any future generation will have it quite so good as it seemed to be for us in the sixties?  A time of relative peace.  Pretty much full employment with a choice of jobs, and an improving standard of living.

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I think you're right Loppy. I suppose every generation thinks their young days were better than their successors but if someone offered me the Crown Jewels, I wouldn't want to be a child now. Thank you, no!

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Four generations of our family. Sitting, William Joseph Birch (b.1851), right, his son, our granddad William Joseph (b.1879), left, his son Leslie John (b.1904), and in his arms, his son Dennis (b.1931).


The photo was taken in the back yard of 9 Bell Terrace, Cheltenham Street, Old Basford. Cheltenham Street can be seen in the background. The site is now a residential home. The occasion was the wedding of Evelyn Norah, sister of Les, in 1933. In her late life she was a resident in the home.

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Nostalgic age needn't be photos of people of course. From times on holidays my memories of seeing RMS Queen Mary are still as vivid today as they were then. Saw it many times. In the first photo it is in the Ocean Terminal at Southampton in 1966. (Year before it went to the US). I am on this picture as a 9/10 year old.




Here is another picture taken from the beach at Hamble on Southamton Water, probably the day before the picture above. It is actually quite a long way off.




This last picture taken in 1965 from the Ocean Terminal is the event I remember most. On this occasion it sailed and my lasting memory here is of the speed at which this enormous ship over 1000 feet long accelerated astern out of there helped only by a few tugs. The photo shows it out in Southampton Water after it has just done its reversing maneuver out of the Ocean Terminal.



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