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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. I've had shingles. A seasonal complaint. 'Shingle Bells, Shingle Bells'-------------! I was given tablets by a doctor and they worked. My own doctor found what I had been given and said, "I wouldn't have given you those. Too expensive"! Ah! The NHS!
  2. Does anyone recall a Christmas where TV advertizing has featured so many tables groaning with food sandwiched with so many charity appeals for the poor and starving? What a sad, illogical world!
  3. I agree with them but it seems to suit some people to a 'Tee'.
  4. Glad to say I'm fairly free of any distemper at the moment, due to clean living and a moral and healthy lifestyle. I've always regretted it!
  5. Names can be embarrassing. I know one man who had the name Edward Bastard. In the end he changed his name to Arthur.
  6. A ConCATenation of likes! What a purrformance!
  7. Couldn't do better than, ' Danger! Nottstalgian On Board!'
  8. A robin is one of the favourites to be the national bird of Britain but I think I'm right in saying it appears on the coat of arms of Glasgow. Perhaps it's a Salmon in disguise?
  9. Well done! Count back down again and you win the responsibility to run Nott stalgia when you hit zero!
  10. 'Big Fleas have little fleas Upon their backs to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, And so on, ad infinitum'.
  11. Discounting Mr Inman, What terrific labels. I used to love the stuff.
  12. In the 50s at this time of year I had a game of football for Wm Crane school in the morning; a game for Aspley Boys in the afternoon and out dancing at night. I wish I had half - a quarter of the energy now.
  13. A poet said, 'A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot!' I agree, as long as it's somebody else's.
  14. It's an endurance test for both parties and consists of mutual tolerance much of the time. Anyone who says they've been married for the terms you mention and say they've never had a good row are liars.
  15. So it should be re-installed. The last Time I was in the centre, a year or three back, there was quite a crowd waiting to see it in action. Any work of art such as the clock is worth hanging on to.
  16. I try not to think - too depressing. I can recommend learning a poem, the longer the better, and reciting it to yourself. I do this to get back to sleep and I'm sure of the first half of the piece but usually asleep by the second. I must re-read it.
  17. I remember that one. I wonder if you remember Dougie Wakefield or Pete Bucknall who used it as their local?
  18. It's always the wife who's told she deserves a medal. 50 years next August.
  19. Some time ago the robin was voted as our national bird. (As in Britain). If anyone is interested a further search is being held to possibly replace the robin. The e-mail address, should you wish to have a vote, is: It's interesting to wonder if the same bird would be chosen to represent England as it would be to represent Britain.
  20. Childrens' Hour broadcast an excellent Sci Fi serial; a couple in fact. 'The Lost Planet' and 'Return To The Lost Planet', the lost planet being named Hesikos. Both titles are books by Angus MacVicar. I have second hand copies of both and they're still a good read.
  21. I've got a feeling that there was a shop on the Sherborne Rd end of Broxtowe Lane named 'Fowler's'. Newsagent + sweets I think. As kids we thought the pond had something to do with the shop but perhaps my memory is playing tricks.
  22. There has been pevious discussion about Fowler's Pond somewhere in the annals but I don't remember where. The pond itself disappeared years ago like many other things enjoyed by we kids in the 50s.
  23. A dreadful tradgedy! RIP. Makes you think though. I know 99% of us were not exposed to such cricketing dangers, but how many of us wore helmets, and if it started at the level of 99% of us, when?
  24. When I was on a course at RAF Newton, there was a Bloodhound on a small grassed island near the guardroom. At one time or other, some wag set fire to the grass beneath the ram jets, giving the impression it had 'gone off' in the night. Caused the RAF police some concern. I think it was the air displays at Newton in the 50s that first gave me an interest in aircraft. Meteors were the new thing; Spitfires around in abundance; Sunderland flying boats and in the later years the Hunter, Supermarine Attacker and other new jets came to the fore. Truly a golden age of aviation! There was a Vulcan in o