Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. I also had the same problem with not being able to see the photo without logging in. I think it's because Google Drive isn't designed to be used as an image hosting/sharing service in the same way as Photobucket/Imgur/Postimage. It's more of a place to store photos within a Google account.
  2. He's generated a lot of publicity about the book whether it was intentional or not, and people are talking about it and buying it, so maybe he's not that dumb. On the basis that there's no such thing as bad publicity, he's on to a winner. Presumably he needs the money. This has appeared in various places on the internet; it's a bookshop window display in Swindon with two books side-by-side.
  3. When I was of school age, I used to think that teachers (and anyone else as well) who wore glasses could see everything behind them via reflections in the glasses.
  4. Welcome to Nottstalgia RadfordProud, that's a great story. There was a thread here about Peter Bowles when he died last year. If you haven't found it, here's a link...........
  5. My father used to do that. He kept things on that basis; especially receipts and packaging from all manner of items. He'd still have the receipt and box for something long after he no longer had the item itself.
  6. According to the report on BBC website, Forest had massively changed their line-up from previous games. Maybe Cooper was trying out some of the many players he'd been landed/lumbered with, to see if they were any good. Now he knows.
  7. I think the one you're referring to on Landmere Lane/Ruddington Lane has been flattened to allow for the tram line;
  8. This is from Picture the Past, who cover Derbyshire, and Furness Vale is a village in the Peak District. I suppose all night soil men looked - and smelled - similar.
  9. I remember that song and quite like it, but I could never have told you who sang or wrote it. I certainly don't remember the name Gale Garnett, although several other artists covered it as well.
  10. And quite recently.
  11. It's interesting to see how Tom Karen was credited with the design, even if it that wasn't actually the case. I wonder where the story originated, given that it was mentioned in all the obituaries I saw. And I wonder how many of his other 'designs' should be perhaps also credited to other people.
  12. There were low-bridge buses on the Clifton route, which was jointly operated by NCT, South Notts, and West Bridgford UDC. It was due to a railway bridge on Wilford Lane - disused after the late 60s.
  13. Tom Karen, the man who designed the Chopper passed away recently. He was also responsible for the 3-wheeler Bond Bug (we all make mistakes), and Reliant Scimitar GTE, which still looks good.
  14. I never had the pleasure of going in a place like that. Is there a modern day equivalent ?
  15. And on low-bridge buses you'd see the sign 'Please lower your head before leaving your seat" if you were sitting on the side with the low gangway.
  16. He may not be a great actor (in my opinion); his main function in life seems to be to provide the world with memorable quotes.
  17. Still never seen it, partly because that kind of film doesn't appeal to me at all. Also because it features Michael Caine, and I've never understood why he's so highly regarded. Whenever I've seen him in any film, he seems to be rather wooden and dull as an actor.
  18. I was going to investigate what that was about but never got round to it. Now Lizzie has mentioned it, I'll have a look at it all. Anyone wanting to find out about ITV X -
  19. Now you mentioned it, I missed the buildings across the road. This shows the 6 huts.
  20. I don't think this has been posted before (the clarity is a bit dodgy), but it shows several features which Ben mentioned. Gainsford Crescent curves in at the bottom. Several schools are shown but not named. There are two disused military campsites - one on the left and one on the right - and a 'Gunsite' in the top right corner.
  21. No problem with 'long' posts if they're interesting ! And if you remember owt else, let us know.
  22. ......and Skegness Clock Tower in the background.
  23. Not a great photo - a bit pixellated - but it hasn't appeared before. Manning from Gregory Boulevard.
  24. I like the photos, but I was confused at the very beginning of the video where the caption says 2002
  25. Yes, the Chemist shop of Mr Bird Snr is just creeping in on the left.