Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. Such a shame. Exquisite workmanship. Nothing like that will be built again.
  2. Belated happy birthday, Sue. Hope it's been good!
  3. Both my aunts attended Nether Street. One born 1921, now deceased. One born 1930, still very much alive. Beeston has changed since their day!
  4. Thinking about the residents of Bobbers Mill Road after my visit a couple of weeks ago, I recalled the North family. They had two girls, Katherine who was my sister's age, born around 1950 and Maureen who was younger but older than me, possibly born around 1954. Both dark haired and both would have attended Berridge. Letsavagoo might remember Maureen. Tragedy struck when Maureen was 13 and she died. I believe she'd had rheumatic fever or something similar and it damaged her heart. Everyone was very shocked and I remember wondering if I would die when I turned 13! After
  5. That was on the right hand side of St James Street, walking up from Long Row, just round the corner from the Wimpey Bar. The hairdressing salon always had wigs in the window.
  6. My paternal grandparents lived in Stapleford in the 60s. Sometimes, dad would drive us over to see them on summer evenings and then we'd go to Attenborough Nature Reserve to watch the sun set before going home. I have very happy memories of the place.
  7. I took GCE O level music at Manning. It must have been the smallest group of any O level subject...there were 4 of us! Grade 5 theory Royal Academy of Music examination was a prerequisite. If you hadn't passed that, you couldn't sit the O level course. Playing one instrument to a reasonable standard was also a prerequisite. I already played the piano but was then required to learn a second instrument. I had violin lessons with a visiting strings teacher but I couldn't take to it, much as I love the instrument. The voice was classed as a second instrument and since I sing reasonably
  8. There is a cinema on Broad Street. When I was a child, the building was known as The Rainbow Rooms and was used for dancing competitions. I took part in many of them. I studied ballet with Patricia James whose school of dance was in the lower club room of what was then the Co-operative Arts Theatre. Patricia James died last year, I believe. A friend of mine is a regular visitor to the Broadway cinema. Chulla's daughter studied dancing with Nora Morrison and would also have taken part in those competitions many years ago.
  9. I'm not a member of the Women's Institute. I have an aversion to institutions. As Groucho said, "Marriage is a wonderful institution but who wants to live in an institution?" Don't make jam either.
  10. My personal favourite is 'Once to every man and Nation/Comes the moment to decide' which could be seen as slightly topical at present! The tune is Ebenezer, also known as Ton Y Botel. Ends on a striking tierce de Picardie (a major chord). It was a Manning School favourite but I've rarely heard it sung elsewhere. If you aren't familiar with the tune, Loppy, have a look. The words are also fascinating.
  11. What's wrong with the words? It's a fine poem by William Blake, alluding to the legend that Christ visited England as a child. I love the whole hymn and sing it regularly around the house!
  12. Or joined up writing. Children usually started by writing patterns in a specially lined handwriting book. My writing is atrocious which is why I type everything!
  13. I'm English. Always have been English, always will be English. From today, I will be purchasing nothing European if I can avoid it, despite the difficulties that may cause me. As a protest. Thank heaven for Aussie red wine!
  14. I met my friend, Jane, at around 10.10 on Tuesday morning outside Berridge. We were slightly early, so walked down to Brushfield Street. As we stood there, a woman came walking along and she turned out to be the girl who is sitting on the other side of me on the 1963 photo! She still lives in the area. The odd thing was that she hasn't changed. Just looks older! We're all now 61 instead of 5.
  15. Cherchez la femme! Ben doesn't need to leave the UK to do that!
  16. In her early teens, my mother went to dances at the church hall and on the way home down Churchfield Lane, used to run past the graveyard. This was war time and blackout regulations were in force which would make the old graveyard even more eerie. I believe there was a legend that the churchyard was haunted by a cavalier, or a Royalist, to give the proper term. The place was given a facelift in the early 70s, I think. There are still gravestones but these are embedded flat in the ground or ranged around the boundary walls. My grandmother attended this church and was a member of the
  17. 1963 Plastic windows and murals but little else has changed...except we've all grown up. Front row, 5th from the left is me. 6th from the left is Jane who came along on Tuesday!
  18. Here's an even older wedding photo at St St Peter's. 1945. My father's cousin, Jean Bullough marrying Jack Sadler. The Bulloughs lived on Alfreton Road in one of the Victorian villas which are now mainly flats and bedsits. My great aunt Eva, older sister of the infamous Kate, is on the right. Next to her, my father's younger sister, Hilda. At 89, the only one still alive.
  19. I am indeed, CT. 3rd row back, 4th from the right. For those who weren't able to be there, we have been invited back...because we behaved nicely and thanked everyone for letting us visit. So, there could be another trip!
  20. Reservations about this. Preferred it as it was 50 years ago. I hadn't been back to this area for 31 years and was astounded by the amount of traffic going over Bobbers Mill Bridge!
  21. The Whitemoor as seen on Tuesday. Still recognisable, despite the changes.