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Everything posted by LizzieM

  1. He's a well known character from the 60's / 70's. Tall and completely bald, which in those days was unusual. I first knew him at the Dungeon and then would see him at other city clubs, minding the doors. I remember Stu as a really nice lad.
  2. Didn't the 'infamous' Stu Morris run this pub at one time?
  3. Did your son marry a Russian girl Chrissie? What a wonderful venue!
  4. Not National Express Mick but possibly on the Airport bus from centre of Nottm.
  5. I remember one day having to walk from town back home to Arnold in thick fog/smog with Mum and Dad. Must have been around 1959. My brother would only have been 4 and I was about 9 or 10. We must have caught a bus into town and then they had stopped running. It was a long way for little legs to walk and pretty scary too. But on the subject of smokeless fuel - I can never remember having anything other than coal on the fire. By about 1962 my Mum had gone out to work and I was the first one home in the evening and I lit the fire.
  6. Happy Birthday Sussexred,have a lovely day!
  7. A while back I was taking a look in a little used (low down) cupboard in my Dad's kitchen. Right at the back was a grim sight ......... a great pile of blue, hairy mould. On further investigation I found that a 10 year old can of sliced peaches had exploded sometime in the past. The top had blown off but the rest of the tin was intact.
  8. I did hear that he is a cousin of Herr Collins, if this is correct it's a case of keeping it in the family ????
  9. Thanks folks (friends and fellow Nottstalgians). Had a lovely birthday and spent the evening at Sat Bains Restaurant under Clifton Bridge. Not quite the 'all you can eat for £5 curry place in town' and nothing to compare with the 'best fish n chip place' in the area but a restaurant to celebrate special occasions, and when one is 64 it has to be something special!!! Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64? I got the answer this evening, haha! I really appreciate all your good wishes, thank you so very much xx
  10. Well I'm not embarrassed to tell you that we drink Instant Tea in our house! PG Tips Pure Tea Granules to be precise. I've no idea why I first bought a jar more than 10 years ago but ever since that first taste it is all we drink (when we're at home) We much prefer the taste and there's no messy tea bags to get rid of. I do have PG Tips tea bags in the house in case visitors turn their noses up at the thought of drinking instant tea.
  11. And he only retired from broadcasting about 6 weeks ago, despite suffering from Liver Cancer and Parkinson's. I loved him when I was a teenager he was such a professional. RIP David Jacobs
  12. Went past there today Pixie, it's called Daybrook Fish Bar, surprisingly! Never been in there but might try sometime as it's being recommended by you and Pooh. We normally go to Captain Cod on (I think) Perry Road and always been good.
  13. Depends if you're ready for a World Cruise Stan
  14. A World Cruise is cheaper than a Care Home and he'd be getting pocket money as well ......
  15. I have no idea where we took the tops and fag wrappers!! I don't even recall what happened to the vouchers that my parents collected from the cigarette packets ........ the more you collected the better pressie you got, haha! And that's made me think about Green Shield Stamps ......... I threw away half a dozen full books the other week whilst clearing my Dad's house out.
  16. Thanks for that info Beefsteak. I do remember now you've reminded me
  17. Carni, # 1554. Talking about the foil tops on milk bottle and in cigarette packets ........ Wasn't there a time when all this silver foil was collected for some reason, maybe an early attempt at recycling?? Am I imagining that or can anyone else remember doing it?
  18. The Pianoman. # 1 and several other posts. Have spoken to my aunt who was born at 15 Queens Grove in 1929 and she has no recollection of the Harvey family ...... not surprising really. She said that the first family living at No. 21 that she remembers were the Ridgleys who had 8 children (and she remembers all their names still). They moved there from Waterway Street.
  19. Commo, you are absolutely right, sorry ..... I just rang my aunt and she confirmed that there was no escalator in Toby's. My long term memory is not that great so does that mean I DO NOT have Alzheimer's (yet)?
  20. I remember Tobys on Friar Lane had one but don't know how early, although I only went in there with my Mum so it would have been early 60's or before.
  21. A brilliant interviewer, RIP Sir David Frost
  22. Brilliant ....... Thanks Alan, and Ann for passing these memories on. She really was quite a character. When my Grandad died in 1954 my Granny decided to move to Wollaton to live with her spinster sister Connie. Most of the time they got on well but they used to bicker and Connie did boss Granny around quite a bit !! I have a few photos of her, mostly with a fag in her mouth. Anyway she lived to the ripe old age of 87 when she finally succumbed to lung cancer in 1987.
  23. Thanks! Hope he has nice memories of her as she was quite a character.
  24. Will you ask Alan if he remembers by Great-Aunt, Connie Alvey please Ann?
  25. I believe that same building on Stamford Street was The Dungeon in the 60's.