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Everything posted by Brew

  1. #15 My forefathers probably fought for equality - so long as there was little chance of achieving it. I remember an instance as a child listening to my grandparents arguing when grandma said " huh, you always think you know more than me", to which granddad replied "of course I know more than you, I'm a man"! Of course that was then, in this more enlightened day and age I give my better half full autonomy to decide when to do the laundry, sweep the drive, go shopping, clean the house..............
  2. I wonder if anyone has ever checked the crushed ice in the fish market?
  3. "In real terms" Usually used by politicians to cover the BS that comes next.
  4. From the HP site for your laptop: Connecting speakers: You can attach wired speakers to your computer by connecting them to USB ports (or the audio-out jack) on your computer or on a docking station. To connect wireless speakers to your computer, follow the device manufacturer's instructions.
  5. And still serving 'proper' snap! Nothing la di da and the price is very reasonable too.
  6. I remember a gripe in the press some years ago that the most germ laden things you could handle was money. Think of how many hands your change has gone through before you get it.
  7. A Chinese Dilophosaurus? (Type of dinosaur)
  8. I think this advice falls into the same category as the bar peanuts warning. 'Don't eat peanuts or nibbles from the little dish on the bar because some people haven't washed their hands after going to the toilet'
  9. They were quite right JS.... cars do not grow on trees...
  10. All this presupposes that we KNOW for sure they are all rogues. Maybe some are, maybe some are not. I tend to take everyone on trust and try to avoid stereotyping - until I know different.
  11. I had a locksmith out to one of my rentals recently to open that type of lock. Took him literally ten seconds, I was astonished at how easy it is. I was quite surprised at the size of the bill too.
  12. It might not be their fault. they may have a 'smartphone' like mine - supposedly smart, except it's not. For something purporting to be one of the technological wonders of the age it's actually as dumb as a stump. Mine regularly forgets to come out with me and if it does remember takes delight in dialing random people in my contact list just because it can.
  13. Col, It's true all cables will 'charge' up even when they are de-energised, they don't have to be 'miles' long. Conductors are discharged using a big resistor (sometimes called a 'dump stick') to remove any capacitive charge and then earthed. So serious is the risk that 'Permit to work' rules apply with very specific conditions documented and signed by all parties working on the system.
  14. The MINIMUM distances for safe working clearance: low-voltage line – 1 m; – 11 kV and 33 kV lines – 3 m; – 132 kV line – 6 m; – 275 kV and 400 kV lines – 7 m; These figures are for clean, open air, down a mine with a dusty atmosphere lord alone knows how far it could 'jump'. If you like scary see the YouTube videos of linesmen approaching the big towers by helicopter..... and then climbing down onto live lines at thousands of volts. For images of ionisation :, some o
  15. There were two Compo, Venus and Alida
  16. Mary, blind, partially sighted and deaf people know when to cross on 'silent' crossings by feeling under the button box. There is a small projection that spins when it's safe to go. Try the one on Heanor market to see what I mean.
  17. We had a Van der Graff at school that had a handle you turned to rather than an electric motor, though it looked nothing Compos and had a metal sphere rather than a glass barrel. The John Wesley version was not called a VdG but the principle is exactly the same with the exception the 'belt' was static and the glass barrel revolved. I worked on the polythene machines at a Heanor factory many years ago installing earthing cables to try and prevent static build up. The energy generated could be significant and although the current was quite low anything above 30mA could, in certain ci
  18. You're quite right Compo on both accounts. It is a Van der Graf and it was used for ECT. The design appears to have changed little since John Wesley (yes the Methodist) invented it in 1747. Scroll down to about half way to see what I mean here:
  19. Brew


    I've not heard of this being done but reading the 'fake' message lizzie had made me wonder why they bother. The only thing I can think of is house breaking. There is software that can spew these out by the hundreds in a matter of minutes and with some phone plans offering unlimited free texts there is no cost to them. The percentage of people who reply will be miniscule but that could still mean a considerable number of 'hits'. When you do reply they will know the number is 'live'. Using freely available tracker programs they simply chose a location and will know where you live and when
  20. They have discovered that the more reaction it engenders the more memorable it is - and that's really the whole point.
  21. Crikey, I thought it was a pic of the late Princess Margeret...
  22. I can remember it well. We went on a caravan holiday on the bank holiday and shortly after the heatwave broke. Oh boy did it break. When we arrived several camping sites were flooded by torrential rain, broken down cars (especially minis) littered the main road into Yarmouth and for the next seven days we were like drowned rats - after sweltering all summer we were decidedly unimpressed.
  23. Wow! We were still sending convicts to Van Diemans Land in 1932! Well blow me down sport I didn't know that.
  24. I can admire it from an aesthetic point of view but what possible reason could anyone have for owning something like that?