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Everything posted by jonab

  1. The pea souper pic reminds me of one I took of the square under similar conditions but on Kodachrome (transparency film). I thought it was beautifully evocative and wanted a print enlargement made. In those days, prints from reversal film had to be processed by Kodak themselves so, the transparency was duly sent to Kodak for the print to be made. A week passed by before I found out that Kodak was refusing to make a print as the quality of the transparency was of "Insufficiently high quality to allow their name to be associated with it." Bladdy cheek!
  2. Don't know if it's the same melody/tune but I recall a jazz interpretation of Love Letters being played in the '60's by Nottingham band Johnny Johnstone's All Stars. Their version was originally French and someone had translated the French title "Billet-Doux" as Two Tickets, rather than what it really meant.
  3. We were quite lucky, I suppose. We had a plumbed-in bath and an indoor lavvie. Different to my two grannies: paternal granny lived on Occupation Rd, Hucknall - no electricity so entirely powered by gas and an outside lavvie at the bottom of the garden with a bogey-hole next door to that wherein was kept the tin bath and various items of rubbish. She did have a gas cooker but this was only rarely used, she much preferred the coal-fired range. Maternal granny lived at Rempstone - no lavvie at all but she did have a converted pigsty down the garden with a wooden board over a hole in the grou
  4. Love the term "pre-madonna" in plantfit's post (above)
  5. I had to check who Owen Wilson is/was - he is completely unknown to me. IMDB tells me he is a "Self-proclaimed troublemaker" i.e a prat.
  6. What seems to be ignored (conveniently) in this McCann saga is the FACT that the parents and their friends left the children alone and unsupervised while they went out on a "jolly". Weren't/aren't there laws covering this? Don't they accept any responsibility? From the little that gets on the news media down here (but I know how big it is in the UK), there seems to be plenty of self-pity but no acceptance of responsibility.
  7. The last cooker I bought had its clock left un-set by the fitter. I tried once to set it. Gave that up and now use the radio controlled clock on the wall to tell me the time.
  8. I had a suit made by Bob Patchett. I was given a suit length of mohair suit* fabric (I was in the textile trade at the time) and I took it to Patchett to be made up. Tiny little shop and I remember there were two working there - one with only one arm. I don't know how but he did all the measuring. That suit was the best one I have ever had and it served me well for a very long time. *Not the hairy, fluffy knitted stuff that most people associate with mohair.
  9. I don't want to push in here but, in consideration of Chulla's post in the "What Are You Listening To Now" thread ( I linked it earlier), do you think it might be suitable to have the closing bars of Parsifal played at his funeral? Also, I don't want to make this seem creepy or anything like that either but, as that post from Chulla was so recent, do you think he knew of his impending demise?
  10. You mean you really attempt to use the clock on your cooker as a reliable timepiece?
  11. Butler's Hill station was long gone before I was around although there was a very active railway system in the area feeding the LMS and the LNER stations at Hucknall and beyond. Also, the lines connected with the Bottom Pit and thus very active in transporting coal. trogg, I wish you hadn't made me aware of that old maps site. It's absolutely fascinating and I will be occupied for hours/days/weeks looking at it!!!
  12. I don't know who this McIntyre is but I can imagine what he is - and that is something I would dislike intensely. My point in sending this is to remark that, from what I've read, the sum achieved in this Sports Relief shindig (thirty-one million squid) is about the weekly wage of a football player, well, football team then. Why do they have to bore the pants off the British population with their exhibitionism and self-aggrandisement? Just let them dip into their own over-stuffed bank accounts and save the British from terminal ennui. I have a similar view on that other
  13. I would be very interested in seeing the Butler's Hill map if you are able to post it. Regarding the Linby stations, I think any passenger aspect of these was incidental to their main purpose of transporting coal from the very active colliery there.
  15. Yes, I do recognise it. It is the Central Station at the corner of Farley's Lane and Watnall Road. The picture was taken from Farley's Lane. Central, it was not! It was right on the edge of the town. It was one of three Hucknall stations. The LMS at the end of Station Rd/Papplewick Lane/Wigwam Lane confluence. Derelict for many years but now, I understand from Google maps, serves as the East Midlands Railway Station and as the Hucknall tram stop. I lived quite close by and must have used the train from there hundreds and hundreds of times as my means of tran
  16. I remember that "formidable" woman at the Albert Hotel and later the Strathdon as being called Veronica, rather than Vera. She was, indeed, formidable and there was NEVER any trouble in any bar run by her. I saw her stop a fight once by picking two blokes up, cracking their heads together and literally chucking them on to the pavement outside. I remember her name in particular as a group of jazz fans went on a chara trip to Powys Castle in Welshpool (organised and driven by Johnny Johnston - any memories anyone?) and in the botanical gardens there I saw a plastic plant label for a
  17. Totally off topic but, whilst on the subject of red onions ^^^^, I remember going to a gig at the TBI in the '60's featuring the Aussie jazz band named "The Red Onions". This was long before the vegetable version of the red coloured onion was the least bit familiar in the UK. The thing that made this night out memorable was the air in the pub was saturated with the stench of cannabis. This wasn't so much from the audience (there weren't many of us) but from the band who, I later learned, were incapable of playing a note without having become totally stoned before, and whilst, on st
  18. jonab

    Katie Boyle

    Yes: Caterina Irene Elena Maria Imperiali de Principi di Francavilla
  19. Committee: The unable asked by the unwilling to do the unnecessary.
  20. I really appreciate the before and after shots. Invariably the before views are infinitely better than the afters.
  21. - - or worse the sunshade stickers with the names of the occupants emblazoned on them like "Idiot" and "Prat"
  22. - - and any repairs or the ones you tried to make yourself never worked properly.
  23. jonab

    Ken Dodd

    My apologies - wrong comedian here. I should have stated Charlie Chester. They were very similar in style (and innuendo).
  24. My Samsung washing machine plays an electronic rendering of Schubert's Trout Quintet after assaulting my ears for two (or more) hours whilst it does its intended job. I thought that I might try and stop this intensely irritating "refinement" but the electronics inside the machine (when you actually Manage to get inside) look more complex than a desktop computer (which I am familiar with, having built a number of them in my time).
  25. University Radio Stores was (from the left) the white single fronted shop with the posters in the window. Was that a chip shop the other side of the entry?