Jake the Peg found guilty

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I expect someone is writing a film score as we speak .!

If I have this right we have numerous right wing politicians including the Home Secretary, socialising at a gay brothel guest house with leaders of the IRA and the BNP and Kim Philby the outed spy .

Not to mention a cross dressing "christian", world famous popstar who had previously visited the Krays, with another singer who ended up in bits in a suitcase !

Lads sent from a boys home "as a treat" to parties at the guest house , where one minister is dressed as a nurse !

Then Jill Dando friend of the famous singer is shot after announcing investigation into it all .

Not much of a script .....no one would believe it !

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I too feel sad for Rolf, as I do for all the other old well known personalities (except Jimmy Savile who we all agree was very odd anyway). It's been a witch hunt, all these victims jumping on the com

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Let's hope he drops his soap in the showers, & some hunky guy whispers in his ear................d'yer know what it is yet?

It's all very frightening. I know that having a partner very much younger than yourself is not illegal providing the said partner is of age, but it seems that many celebrities have much younger partners. Is it the same mindset? Would a mature company boss like to go to a striptease show and see a woman his age stripping? I think not. There were parts of the world where child prostitution was rife and maybe still is. Why didn't our ruling fathers kick off about this. There are plenty of our own countrymen/women who kick off about cruelty to animals in other countries, even child labour. But the silence is deafening about child prostitution in other countries.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone noticed how much the news of Cliff Richards alleged 'Involvements' has been published all over the Vomit Press but hardly ever been mentioned at all on the BBC after they were accused of setting him up. Mind you, let's not forget, just like all those pious Catholic priests that have got away with it, Cliff has 'God' on his side, it clearly helps if you hang out with the right influential mortals as well, rather like Saville and Harris did.

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They may think they have God on their side. The reality may be a little different. All such behavior does is to bring disrepute on those who are trying to live an honest Christian life and have no interest in such perversions.

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Disrepute from whom, 'God'? It's worked so far hasn't it for the so called God adoring, holier than though, 'Christian' brethren, tell that one to the Pope, he's supposed to know all the answers.

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Re. #111. I am not a Catholic so I have no access nor interest in the pope. He does not speak for me. I am not "holier than thou." In fact I'm a hell deserving sinner saved by grace. The disrepute I referred to was not from God, but from a general public that tends to tar everyone with the same brush. Same thing as branding all used car dealers as crooks, because some are. (I'd put in a smiley, I am not trying to be smart or hostile, just trying to clarify. My IPad does not seem to allow me to add a smiley.)

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  • 11 months later...

It's Cliffy baby's weekend wear apparently.

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  • 9 months later...

Yes he is. What really gets me is the fact that the person/s who made those allegations are never identified but an innocent person is.

A lot of damage as been done to Sir Cliff's reputation by those unfounded allegations.

Also the police who tipped off the press about his impending raid on his home, that is scandalous to say the least. Wasn't it South Yorkshire Police who handled that particular enquiry ?

The same police force who led the Hillsborough enquiry too.

Heads ought to roll.

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He's still a stranger character though in my mind.

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