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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Certainly look like Agaricus Augustus to me Compo.  My only reservation is you say you found them 'out in the fields'. and they are generally known as a woodland mushroom.  I've only found them in one conifer plantation in this locality.  Could they be the similar 'A. Bernardii' which is found in sand dunes and similar ground?


All above said.. it's looking like being a very good year for fungi, going on what I've seen so far.  Found a couple of beautiful Boletus Erythropus last week. ( Now renamed Neoboletus Luridiformis)  Nominally edible after cooking though I'm not sure I'd bother.





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41 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

My only reservation is you say you found them 'out in the fields'.


A figure of speech deej.  They grow on a spot by a mature hedgerow where once was stored several tons of cow dung by the farmer. They grow very large, in small clumps and taste great! I have made a duxelle this morning and will make cream of mushroom soup with it tomorrow. If I don't get back to you in a couple of weeks time - say goodbye for me :crazy: One thing I always do when trying a mushroom for the first time is save at least one for the toxicologist...just in case.

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Well the ‘so called fungus expert’  I knew was in fact a witch. She wore a broad brimmed black hat, a cape and had several black cats. She also had a shelf lined with books on fungi and went on an identification course. She lived in a quaint witches cottage and all the subsequent owners have had marriage break ups. The place is cursed. I always run past! When they were doing a burial in the churchyard the diggers stuck her late husband’s coffin as the grave had not been marked! She moved to Ashbourne and died within weeks. Bon appetite for your mushroom soup! :biggrin:

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Went to QMC today & what gets my goat is having to run the gauntlet of smokers outside the main entrance. I even noted 2 patients clad in dressing gowns hooked up to mobile drip stands.

Sitting in the busy clinic i sat down next to a bloke & he wreaked of stale fag smoke. All seats taken, i got up & stood a few yards away from him.

One of those situations where you wish you had a cold.

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Catfan, this reminds me of my visit to the UK last Christmas when I visited a friend in hospital in Guildford. I had to battle my way though in-patients, several on drips, crowded outside by the entrance (bearing in mind it was December) chuffing away not only at tobacco but there was a distinct odour of cannabis mingled with it. Worst of all was that there were about six extremely heavily pregnant girls wearing little more than hospital gowns and slippers dragging away at rollups. Immediately behind all of them was a large notice saying that smoking was strictly prohibited on all hospital property. The notice had several marks on it where people had stubbed their cigarettes out before returning to the wards to continue their treatment.


Edit: I should have mentioned the rudeness and disregard shown to me when I was trying to get through this rabble. Remember I am normally in a wheelchair.

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I think the same applies to most hospitals. Last year, walking from the car park into Kings Mill, I passed a large poster depicting a little boy crying and the caption, "Please give up smoking daddy. I don't want you to die!"  Gathered around it were several staff members, all female, puffing away! Such is the nature of addiction. If working on wards where people are dying of terminal cancer isn't a deterrent, there's no hope!

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11 hours ago, MelissaJKelly said:

Thanks Catfan. Hope you and Mrs C are well :)

Mrs C is disgustingly fit & healthy Melissa. I just keep tekkin the tablets & gerrin on we it.

Thanks for asking btw !

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I smoke about the same amount so of course there is a financial benefit to stopping. Can I do  it?.... can I hell. Nicotine addiction is as strong as heroin.


Many years ago I stopped and it was relatively easy. A craving for a bout a week, then the craving surged back again at about three months but after that I was cigarette free for five years.


Stupidly I started again safe in the knowledge I could stop whenever I wanted. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Tried the usual methods, didn't work. Went to docs to see if they could help but they stopped the smoking clinic - no money in the budget they say.


Having too much time on my hands and little to do, plus a living with a smoker, plus having zero will power now days means all my attempts last about a day and a half.


I wish they would ban the damned things altogether. 


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My husband promised to stop smoking on our wedding day. Waiting for a connection on a railway station he went to the "loo" on returning he had his hand behind his back . What came from the region of the back of  his head looked suspiciously like smoke. 

Good beginning!

However he did make another promise that when he knew he was going to be a grand dad he would stop. That day came and the remaining cigarettes in the pack got thrown away and hes never smoked since making it 15 yrs.

He never smoked in the house though but he has a habit of when passing me he touches my cheek , when he smoked I couldnt stand the smell. So pleased he did stop. 

Regarding hospital entrances I think they are all the same. Immediately on entering our hospital is the oncology dept and on The above floors are the maternity and nursery wards. Further inside is the chest xray unit and breast cancer clinic. We often see nurses sitting  outside or within the grounds of the hospital smoking .


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I stopped smoking 11 years ago and after about 15 months I had saved enough money to but my recumbent trike £1750, don't know how I managed to stop but I did, I hadn't planned on stopping,just decided that I wouldn't buy any more and that was that,43 years smoking and stopped just like that, pleased I did and don't even think about it, never had any cravings at all but one thing I do remember there was some sort of "stop smoking" campaign on the radio and their catchphrase was "don't give up giving up" always remembered that, as for smoking in hospital doorways, when I was in Lincoln county a few years ago all I could think of was on getting out I wanted to take a deep breath of fresh air, after being stuck in an emergency ward for nearly a week, anyroad on reaching the main entrance I took my first deep breath of fresh air in nearly a week, I was sick because of the stink of cigarette smoke that hung around the doorway, I used to smell like that and knowing that upset me as much as throwing up outside the hospital,my breathing now is really poora dn I am not looking forward to this winter because the stupid woman next door to me has just had a load of logs delivered for her bloody log burner which smokes like hell  and just about kills me,the smoke hangs around the close just like that cigarette smoke at the hospital doorway,

Sorry about the moan,but if you can give up smoking please do, they will kill you in the end



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My smoking days were outlined the other day in the Random Photos 6 thread:


I may have been smoking, yes. I smoked for a few years - supporting local industry, you understand. Gold Leaf usually.

I gave up following a visit to Tunisia and, running out of my duty-free allowance from the flight after a very short time, I had to resort to local brands. these gave me the most dreadful coughs and wheezing that I was unable to continue. That was the end of my smoking days.


I didn't smoke for very long and my bronchial reaction was so severe, it ensured I would never smoke again.


I really don't know how people can smoke nowadays.

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2 hours ago, philmayfield said:

A lot of nurses are obese as well. The practice nurse who used to advise me on living a healthy lifestyle was!

Last year when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, the nurse who gave me my blood test results was only interested in the fact that my cholesterol was elevated...caused by my thyroid problem. "You're going to have to change your lifestyle!" she snapped, without having a clue what my lifestyle actually was.


I was livid and, before I could stop it, my mouth...which usually operates in fifth gear anyway...had retorted, "That's rich. You'd make three of me!"  A real lardbucket she was. The type who hasn't seen her own feet for years.

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19 hours ago, MelissaJKelly said:

 Heatings had to come on!


Heating on!!!!! :shout:


19 hours ago, catfan said:

Went to QMC today & what gets my goat is having to run the gauntlet of smokers outside the main entrance. I even noted 2 patients clad in dressing gowns hooked up to mobile drip stands.


Dirty b4stards f'in stink have you seen them sitting in the bus shed on Derby Road on drips in their jimjams? Tramps.

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