How's your day?

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2 hours ago, catfan said:


Clampers are the lowest form of human life.

In the mid 1980s we were asked by Metropolitan Police to cost a wheel-clamping operation.  We were subsequently awarded the contract, bought 12 new Transit vans, 2 tow-away trucks and set on many extra employees.  Every clamping van had to have a policeman in it.  It was a lucrative contract but obviously stressful as it was something that nobody liked to happen, there was a lot of aggravation from clamp haters.  Our guys couldn’t make a decision on which cars to clamp, that was the police’s decision.   

I remember one amusing incident. A car was parked in an obstructive place and a clamp was fixed on it.  After several hours the de-clamping fee had not been paid so the tow-away truck was summoned.  When it arrived the clamp was removed just as a little old lady toddled along the road, got in the car and drove off, completely unaware that she had just avoided a very expensive afternoon. 

No, our employees were not leeches, they were doing an honest job and earning a good wage.  

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Exactly Lizzie. Everyone should be wary, and read any relevant notices. Without such rules and regulations, there'll be utter chaos. 

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1 hour ago, FLY2 said:

Exactly Lizzie. Everyone should be wary, and read any relevant notices. Without such rules and regulations, there'll be utter chaos. 

I have to agree there FLY, but we've all heard of poorly visible notices high up on walls with tiny printing which are designed to be missed.

The old time traffic wardens were the best, treat em with respect & they would turn a blind eye on occasions. This all went out of the window when local councils took over parking enforcement.

The said clamping companies were just out to rob motorists blind while the councils turned a blind eye, motorists always being a soft touch.

Before anyone makes a comment. I have only had one parking ticket in my life, unloading a wagon on Upper Parliament Street on a Saturday morning 45 years ago, no worries my firm paid the fine (£6) !


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9 minutes ago, radfordred said:

Bugger ..... Getting booted out room in next 10 minutes don't fly until 22:20 land 00:50 (2 hours in front) back to work at 06:30 

You haven’t been affected by the Medicane yet then?  Safe flight home RR, just don’t bother going to bed tonight! 

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Before I start a new topic I try and read through all the old ones relevant to my new topic, if I can't find one or one thats close I will then start the new topic, (if you follow me),don't take long to do a search for words relating to your new topic, (if you know what I mean)



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  I chose to use "Hows your day" as opposed to "Hows your day going"  because thats the one I always use I think, anyroad, cooked dinner for me and Mrs P, clean plates all round so it must have been good, all pots washed and put away and all worktops wiped down, then I got out my baking stuff and everything mixed and now in the oven, this will be tomorrows Lemon Drizzle cake for the Macmillan day down at the Hammond hall Bassingham, I think I'm the only bloke who has baked something for the day,hope the cake sells, the one I made was enough for twelve servings and I think the ladies are charging fifty pence a slice so six quid in the box plus all the seventy pences I will spend on coffee while I,m there. Hope it's a good morning,it's certainly for a good cause, after that I'll get dinner ready tomorrow for when Mrs P gets back from the new gym she has joined,then get some tools ready for when I go down the road to try and get the vintage engine working for someone in the village, it's all go intit

Have a great day everyone, cake comes out the oven in twenty minutes time


Wasn't sure if I could edit this or if I'd run out of time


Drizzle cake just been glazes with the real lemon juice and icing sugar, got to wait till I get to the Hammond hall tomorrow then I can buy a piece



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'Cor Blimey Guv' My tummy is so full. We were quite happily cycling away down the lanes around Jinglebells when my eyes spotted a 2p piece in the gutter, off my saddle did I leap and into my pocket it went.


We realised that we had stopped outside of the 'Cherry Tree' public house, advertising 'Sunday Carvery'! Well you have to try the wares when on holiday....don't you? Fabulous lunch I have to say, £6.75 or £5.75, husband paid for two large ones, not knowing the dimensions. Big mistake, there was as much on the plate as I would have served up between four. We will know to go small next time. Back in the caravan now, having dessert....Mince pies with custard (Freebies from the management yesterday, when I returned my contaminated pies)


Only four days left here in Skegvegas, having a wonderful much needed break. Had so many things done to me lately  checking out a problem that I  have developed, and we have to return from hols a day early for a fast track scan on Thursday afternoon. Had a great time tho, weather been brillo, it forecast 22c but made it to 24c. Lots of sunshine over the last few days, really lifts the spirits. Just love Skeggy.

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On ‎9‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 3:38 PM, LizzieM said:

 The tax man made a tidy sum too I hasten to add. 

I know what you mean Lizzie, 28% capital gains I've just paid...

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The coffee morning at the Hammond hall Bassingham went well with good attendance from the locals, I took the lemon drizzle cake that I made yesterday and it was sold within five minutes of me getting there (I went on the trike) there was a cake stall, bric a brac,the usual raffle and loads of WI produce in small jars, jams chutney's marmalades etc, lots of toddlers playing with the toys at one end of the hall with their childminders, ladies to one side of the hall gossiping and us men the other side being  men, I think there was a fair bit of money raised for Macmillan so it was all worth it,

Tomorrow I'm looking at the old engine for someone other end of village (well about 200 yards away from home,small village), no coffee morning next week as the hall is having some new air conditioning fitted,I have just volunteered to deliver the free village news magazine,called the Witham Staple, it covers all the villages in the area and it comes out once a month,(might bring a copy with me on Wednesday, looking forward to the meetup ,not sure what Nottingham related item to bring though,could be my old Notts cricket season ticket or a copy of Bygones featuring Bulwell,I'll have a think

Enjoy your day all



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Just back from a Cardiology Appt.  As I expected the Cardiologist has basically discharged me back into the care of my GP, with a general instruction to 'keep taking the tablets'.   This of course is mostly a good thing.. though it's a pity there wasn't any point in by-passing the blocked artery I have.  Otherwise a pretty boring day.  Just taking it slow.

Tomorrow I must crack on with the DIY.


My little girl is somewhere over Baffin Bay between Greenland and Canada on her way to LA for a work trip.  She was moaning for England when she boarded her flight as it's 'only' an A330 operated by Thomas Cook.  She regards anything less than an A380 as not much better than a pre WW2 biplane, so I pointed out to her that the first Atlantic crossing was done in a biplane with an open cockpit, by Alcock and Brown in Vickers Vimy.   But then I do agree that if your bosses want to subject you to 10 hours + on a plane you'd think they'd at least pay for something marginally better than budget holiday standard.

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I’ve just been watching the American president spouting his “wisdom” on TV concerning the new American – Mexican – Canadian trade agreement. I now realise why my Canadian licensees were so keen to renegotiate my business terms with them.


I am paid my royalties in US dollars and there is, or will be, debate on just how this new ‘deal’ of Trump will play out by way of a Canadian company using US currency to pay for their goods and services.


The new rules are expected to come into operation at the end of November so, considering how slowly financial rearrangements often take place, it was thought wise to get the ball rolling ASAP and buy me out.


I am more than happy with the new arrangement and I’m expecting their Canadian lawyer and my IP attorney to be here tomorrow to finalise the legal parts.


So, another busy few days!

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do you prefer dad, daddy or papa?

Not being a parent none of the above applies.

Anyway, off to the airport soon to collect the first of my visitors.  They can stay at my place rather than scooting off to Monte Carlo multiple times a day, as per last week. Should only be here a day or so, I hope. I don't fancy paying lawyers fees and hotel bills for any longer than that, even though it's only my lawyer that I'm paying for.

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4 hours ago, jonab said:

Not being a parent none of the above applies.

I’m sure Brew will change that, if you let him.  But be very careful, he’s one of those kids who will never want to leave home.  

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Back from working on this old stationary engine down the road, turned the magneto through 180 degrees so it fires in the right place, put a spot of petrol down the spark plug hole,replaced plug,swung the starting handle and  it fired up,, very pleased with that because it tells me the magneto is in the right place and compression is good, when I first went to look at it there was no compression at all, I thought either a valve was stuck in the open position so I put some fuel and oil in the spark plug hole and left it until the owner was back from holiday, it worked and the valve freed off,there are a few spares that I need to give it a full run, sight glass seal has perished, copper or fibre washes around the banjo connector need replacing and a small soldering repair to the spark plug lead/connector, once the owner gets these parts he's going to give me a shout and I'll carry on with it, until then there's trike riding to be done, more leaves to be picked up off the back garden and of course more spokes to make for the penny farthing cycle

Have a good day everyone



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