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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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The way things are going in this country, Brew  I might need a bunker for more than hurricanes.   :Shock:


Well I watched the midday news.  It looks like south Ga took a beating but they didn't say a lot about it.  They mostly focused on Panama City and Atlanta.  PC looks like a war zone.  Said to be the strongest hurricane in fifty years.  Atlanta had a lot of downed trees and power lines.  Actually  I was surprsed our power stayed on.  It usually goes off at the first hint of wind or rain.  Thankfully there are next to no reports of death or injury.  it is now sunny and hot again.


Edited for spelling.

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It's going to be a dirty day for me today. On Wednesday I had the unenviable task of clearing a blocked sewage drain from the house to the septic tank. The blockage was 22yds from the house but the backlog was up to and including the manhole by the house. The cause, I have since discovered, is that the roof rainwater is draining into the septic tank and a big deluge of rainwater during storms is stirring up the sediments in the tank and sewage is backing up into the pipework. Once in the pipes, the sewage drains, leaving the sediments in the pipes. Eventually, the pipes block completely and then water and sewage  backs up.  My task now is to dig a new soakaway for roof water, which is going to bee a bit on the muddy side given recent heavy rainfall.  Wish me luck!

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Update on  hurricane Michael.

According to our paper this morning.  The devastation down on the Gulf coast is terrible.  Photos confirm that.  There are many folks missing, probably dead.  The authorities didn't seem to know it would be so bad. They indicated that it would weaken to tropical storm once it hit land.  Instead, it stayed at hurricane strength.  Cinder block and even concrete structures flattened.  Many stayed who should have left.  Probably because they didn't think it would be too bad.  There will probably be a lot of finger pointing over this.  Not that it will make much difference.


Not much on Georgia.  Mainly widspread power outages.   Sounds like they will be off for days.  We have been spared a very bad situation.

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Even before it hit Georgia, BBC news was saying that many who had been strongly advised to leave the target areas were disregarding the warnings and there were also concerns that many recently built structures wouldn't withstand the force. Looks like this was correct. You've been very lucky, Loppy.  


We think we're so powerful, don't we? Freaks of nature like this remind us that we're not.

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Looking at the autumn colours beginning to show on the trees, I've just wondered what month I am in now if a lifetime was compared to one year!!  

I suppose if one was generous/optimistic and said a lifetime was 96 years, then each month would be equivalent to 8 years.  If that is the case then I'm  halfway Into October already.   Where are you?


of course, it's a different story if a lifetime is considered to be 84, which means each month is equivalent to 7 years..... in which case it's towards the end of November for me...


Why am I doing this.... (I know I love maths but this is a bit depressing!)

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Jill.   In fainess to the folks that stayed.  I think the powers that be tended to underestimate how powerful it would be.  A lot of folks feared to leave, probably because they were afraid of looting.  Looting is happening now according to the paper.


If it were me I would take the things that were  valuable or irreplaceable to me that I could carry and I would get out.  They had several  days warning.  If somebody pinched my stereo they can have it.  They might die trying to keep it and so might I if Istayed.  Material goods can be replaced our lives can't.


Maybe I should change my login name to LLL  Luckyloppylugs.  :biggrin:

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I'm probably talking about something I have no real knowledge of never having witnesses a hurricane. It strikes me a lot of the devastation is due to the fact a lot American homes are little more than big sheds! Looking at the pictures of the damage there's not a brick in sight. The only 'properly' built building I have seen has some roof damage but that's it, quite serious but hardly in the same league as those houses that were totally flattened.

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We’ve just had a few days in Spain, staying with friends in Sotogrande.  Had a busy time eating and drinking and yesterday we went to Ardales to do the Caminito del Rey walk.  It’s been on our bucket list for a long time and had to book the tickets back in June as it’s such a popular attraction.  The weather wasn’t great and in fact the place was closed on Tuesday due to the weather so we were lucky yesterday that it was only light rain for most of the time we were walking.  Not a good place to be if one suffers from vertigo but to be honest I thought it was pretty tame, I’ve done much scarier things :biggrin:

The flight home today was more worrying really.  We managed to land at EMA on the THIRD attempt. First time aborted due to an emergency on the runway, second attempt aborted about 10 seconds before touching down due to high cross winds and we finally bumped down after circling for about half an hour.  

Could do with a holiday now!!

Here are a few pics of our stroll yesterday.



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Beautiful Lizzie a bit like Cinque Terra here.Maybe not quite so high though. Glad you enjoyed it, looked like you'd caught a bit of the last of the sun.

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You have a point re the building structures, Brew.  Most are 2 by 4 frame.  Drywall inside 5 /8 plywood outside covered by plastic or metal siding.  Our house is frame consruction but does have a layer of bricks rather than plastic.

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Not a good start to the day. Went to see mum this morning. She's beginning to or rather getting worse for not realising where she is. This morning she told me I looked like death warmed up. ( nothing new in that as she's never given me a compliment) Anyway she started asking me about the bank of grass opposite her bed. ( she has a view of someones garden) and if there was a tea chest, because there was a man who came to feed the fox ( remember her pal Freddie who came to be fed in her garden). Then this man went around the schools telling children about slugs and snails and to look in their garden for them. One little boy took 32 slugs to show him !

She was convinced that where she is was still in Scotland. I told her she was in Italy and she said she knew but this ( her bed and room ) was number 3. Its so sad to see her, shes cheeky with the staff but doesnt understand what they say to her and they dont understand her.

Every day theres something new at the moment her skin has a reaction of something, she has bedsores that started healing with cream I got on internet( I hasten to add it was on the nurses recommendation but here was VERY expensive. I bought 4 for the price of one here) now they are saying its not working so another spray has been introduced  that only lasts 2 days. Apparently yesterday she pulled her catheter out and was soaked from head to foot so she managed to strip herself off. I feel so helpless and sad. I dread what to expect on my next visit.

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13 hours ago, BilboroughShirley said:

I have been busy with work and not looking at Nottstalgia for quite a few days. The new layout and colour scheme of the site is great. Big thanks to the person(s) who set this up. Love it!


Strangely, no-one really knows what happened or how it happened. Look back a couple of pages in this thread and you'll see the subject was discussed, with different people seeing different results...and you can change what you're seeing.


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