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8 minutes ago, nonnaB said:


Every day theres something new at the moment her skin has a reaction of something, she has bedsores that started healing with cream I got on internet( I hasten to add it was on the nurses recommendation but here was VERY expensive. I bought 4 for the price of one here) now they are saying its not working so another spray has been introduced  that only lasts 2 days. Apparently yesterday she pulled her catheter out and was soaked from head to foot so she managed to strip herself off. I feel so helpless and sad. I dread what to expect on my next visit.


So sorry to hear about your mum, nonna.  Is she able to sit out of bed or walk (with a frame?) or is she permanently  in bed?

A barrier cream can help in the PREVENTION of bed sores caused by urine on the skin, but really, the best thing is to have a change of position every couple of hours, so the ' pressure' will be in different places on the body.  Massaging the areas subject to pressure can also help.  Does she have an inflatable mattress thingy on top of the bed which can inflate in different sections so the pressure is not always in the same place?  I can't remember the modern name for them - in my day it was called a 'ripple bed'

Are the nurses attentive to her needs - and not just when you are there?   

I hope things will improve for her and you xx

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I can empathise with what you and your mum are going through, nonna. Nine years ago,my mum was in a similar predicament. Ripple mattresses are very effective for avoidance of pressure sores, as Margie says. However, no matter how much help and equipment is available, the loss of dignity and independence is heartbreaking.

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3 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


Strangely, no-one really knows what happened or how it happened. Look back a couple of pages in this thread and you'll see the subject was discussed, with different people seeing different results...and you can change what you're seeing.


When I first logged on, both yesterday on my return from holiday and also just now, I get white and blue but as soon as I click on a thread it reverts back to brown.  Don’t care what colour Nottstalgia is so long as there’s plenty to interest me. 

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Thanks Margie. Mum is bedridden through her own fault.When she came out of hospital she went into a rehab home and was there a month ( a month in hospital too) The physiotherapists started her walking again but she never wanted to do the exercises. The consultant told me before she came home that she would never walk again if she hadnt got the will to do so.

She started with the bedsores in hosptal last september which were being treated but she kept coming up with these big blisters so it got a vicious circle. The nurses turned her every 1/2 hr but she would always lean over to one side so she'd eventually end up on her back again so the nurses began putting a pillow behind her to stop her sliding back. Before she came home we bought a hos pital type bed, a large walker one that you rest your arms on , a wheelchair and everything else that she had and used in hospital. We found a carer that was able to lift her out of bed but mum grumbled at being disturbed and eventually refused to walk.

The district nurse came every week sometimes twice a week and was treating her BS which were coming and going. Barrier cream was used but nurse was worried that it would cause an infection as they weren't getting air around them so back on her sides again with nothing on them until time to sleep.

The bed in the care home is anti bedsores so is the correct thing for her. The nurses and orderlies are in and out all day. Our Dr does his rounds every morning there before surgery and the least thing is attended to immediately. The cream I got was called DIPROBASE  the nurse had been looking for it at the chemist because she said it was the best type of cream for her. But it wasn't available here , she looked at Boots but they don't send here. I found it on which was cheaper than I found it on Now they are saying that she needs another sort of spray to help it along.

So thats the situation, upsetting and worrying.

Thanks again Margie

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It is right what the nurses say about the barrier cream not helping when there is an actual open bedsore..... it is only helpful in the prevention of them.    It must be very upsetting for you, nonna - you seem to have had quite a lot of trials in the last few months with other things not going well, too.   It sounds as though you could do with a rest or a holiday, but you have the dogs and other commitments I'm sure, as well as your mum.... life must feel very unfair sometimes.   I hope it helps a bit to 'get things off your chest' on here xx

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56 minutes ago, LizzieM said:

When I first logged on, I get white and blue but as soon as I click on a thread it reverts back to brown.  


That's another new variation. If you discover how to get it back to the old version, let us know.



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Margie its true we both could do with a rest. My husband should have retired by now but helping your own offspring things don't quite work out well. My husbands assistant chef , a 22 yr old girl and brilliant chef has decided she wants to live with her boyfriend. Nothing wrong in that and I'm happy she's in love but she has left to live quite a long way from the restaurant. My husband now besides his own work is now in the difficult and frustrating situation of training 2 new assistant chefs or rather apprentice chefs. So he has less time at home, is very very tired and sleeps when he gets home so I don't see much of him. We keep contact by telephone calls. There is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel though. Christmas day the restaurant is closed and after New Year they close for about 2 weeks so we're hoping to go away then.

 I'm used to this sort of life after 48 yrs.  Things have changed a bit because in Nottingham we would close whenever we liked to go away.

He won't walk away from his devotion to his work no matter how tired he is. 

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Well.. half way through October and I've just had about 6 solid hours in 'kit off mode' in the garden...  Mostly just catching rays, but also a bit of laundry dryng and pottering in the borders...  as you do..  More of this please!!  The longer the Summer.. the shorter the Winter.. :)


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Well I’ve just been told off about the way I’m cutting the grass!  Not the quality of the cutting but the way I sit on the tractor. Apparently I loll in a relaxed manner when I should be sitting upright. I wasn’t aware of this and will attempt to readjust my posture for future occasions. Can’t do anything right me! :biggrin:


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1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

a bit of laundry dryng and pottering in the borders


I thought I’d have a final go today at getting laundry dry outside. No chance, the Mapperley Park trees stop any sunshine reaching the garden at this time of year.   Tons of Council tree leaves cleared off the lawn, still masses more to blow into the garden, this is a tiresome time of year round here......... today was the final garden bin collection of the year, next one in April !!




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Oddly, I'm just rustling up Chicken Tikka Masala, although considering it's made with Sharwood's sauce out of a jar, it's probably no more authentic than Tarka Masala... and definitely no 'otter... :laugh:

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A very good morning to you  Commo !

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Morning Men and Women and of course all those that consider themselves gender neutral,


Lovely dawn here and the day looks as if it holds promise.

I intend to get the shopping done soon (Morrisons for some good fish)

Then, a day in the garage sorting out a reluctant gearbox linkage and reorganising lathe tools.

Then to a local for some amber nectar...……………………...


Enjoy the day!

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Goood morrnning .!bored2!Not bored but tired and in pain. I've had a lot of problems with my back lately, its an ongoing thing and will never be cured but lately its been troublesome. My husband called the Dr, not our own but another one who is very thorough and we've been friends with this one forever. He knows my problem but he hasn't seen me for ages. He examined me after he'd gone through all the preliminary questions. The outcome, as I knew it will never improve but can be controlled. However I am booked in quickly to have

a Resonanza Magnetica ( I had one last year) and a later appointment in Antalgica clinic. Our own Dr when we asked for Antalgica assistance he said to wait and see if the tablets they initially use, helped. ( they made me feel sick) 

Piergianni this Dr doesnt listen when you say my back hurts he will go all round the houses to get to the exact root. Its worth paying for the visit when a dr is like this and whever its neccessary to call him he's there. He's funny too, after he'd examined me he had to pass a wall that had quite a few photographs. There was one with my husbands family when they were younger and although he knew them all he wanted it confirmed that was who he thought it was. Photos of my dad and brother he thought we were alike. Hes more like a close friend than a Dr and thats what he is a close friend.

Because I have to  RM ( do you call it MRI) next week , I have to have my yearly Tac( TC scan) in Dec and don't know if the two can be done. My neice works in Radiology so shes looking into it for me as I didnt think at the time to ask Dr.

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A nice sunny day here. Going to get a haircut later (remove my wild locks and look more conventional - more fitting to my age and position in the community*, I suppose).


I had it pointed out to me yesterday that my Epipen - which I keep for my allergy to wasp/hornet stings - has date expired and that there is a world shortage of the devices. looks like I will have to revert to keeping a syringe and a bottle of adrenaline handy like I used to.


*not that I have a 'position' in the community apart from being 'Jonglais' (John the Englishman).

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Sorry to hear about your pain, nonna. I don't have back problems, my difficulties are mainly in my joints - knees, ankle, hips and now my elbows plus the musculature associated with them.


I do find hydrotherapy a big help, is it not working for you? An hour or so in the pool can do wonders, most times.

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