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There's a near neighbour of mine who has a veritable convoy of couriers turning up. I take in about two parcels a week for her and some are enormous.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Still battling on with giving up smoking. Just had to fill my vape thingy, takes ages to do as the bottles are very rigid and have to be squeezed to get the liquid out. I have trouble with gripping with my thumb, it can get quite uncomfortable. Thinking about it perhaps it is a cunning plan by ciggie manufacturers to make you just have a ciggie as it is easier than filling the flipping thing! 

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5 hours ago, nonnaB said:

Surprise suprise, we have snow.

Weather quite nice here. Been in Cannes most of the morning - warm enough not to need a coat. It's a bit cooler back home in the mountains but still quite reasonable, only slightly cloudy.

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2 hours ago, Stavertongirl said:

Still battling on with giving up smoking. Just had to fill my vape thingy, takes ages to do as the bottles are very rigid and have to be squeezed to get the liquid out. I have trouble with gripping with my thumb, it can get quite uncomfortable. Thinking about it perhaps it is a cunning plan by ciggie manufacturers to make you just have a ciggie as it is easier than filling the flipping thing! 

The secret is, to make up your mind to stop. It's no good thinking about it, just do it. I was a 60a day man but decided to stop, that was it. Never looked back. Still describe myself as a smoker who doesn't touch tobacco. Happy Christmas Cherub. Beekay

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Have to agree I was a good smoker 30/40 a day habit, only the best Embassy & Regal, could be more I did work at the fag factory, help yourselves, last fag valentines day 2011, I now feel embarrassed & foolish that I smoked, I have mates that still smoke that I try & avoid, Mrs Red sometimes gets a lift home with a smoker only 10 min trip, I can smell her soon as she walks in the door, she f'in stinks. If she took up smoking I would have to end 35 years, I van share at work, I refuse to work with a smoker or vaper, now vapes I find those even worse, I don't want to breath or smell your butterscotch/popcorn/blueberry vape, google popcorn lung, because that's what you will soon have.    

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Jonab its always a shade or two warmer along that coast right down to us, but when you get back home its brrrrr. Snow didnt last long in fact today its been 2-3 c. Its lovely to have a run out along there. Even the fruit and veg are happier in that climate. Early primizie.

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Good report from the Doc yesterday.  I won't go into a lot of detail,  except to say all test results were good.  Blood pressure is responding to meds.  Thankfully no side effects thus far.  weakened limbs should regain strength in time.  Home physiotherapy, play the organ lots.  Next follow up apptmt. February.


In the meantime I can , whine, complain, snarl, as much as I want.  it won't make a difference worth a hill of beans, just raise me blood pressure and I've had enough of that of late.

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Thanks, Nonna.  Only slightly more risk of another episode when you've had one, but the doc thinks control the BP and its not so likely.  Also I'm more aware of it now so would react quicker than I did.  Funny how these things always seem to happen on a weekend too.

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So pleased your blood pressure is staying down, Loppy...... and, as you say, you would recognise any further problems much more quickly now - though hopefully there won't be any more!

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Strokes seem a bit tricky,  Margie.  You really don't want to call emergency because your foot went to sleep, but it sounds like delay could be fatal.  As you noted a week or so ago it would seem there are two kinds of stroke.  One caused by a blockage (the majority)  the other by a bleed (my kind)  methods of treatment quite different, but the quicker treated the better.

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Very pleased to read you are going in the right direction LL. I for one know It can be difficult to recognise you are having a stroke if you aren't showing the expected symptoms. The adverts that come on the television and on billboards showing the signs of stroke  actually make me very angry. They show certain symptoms to look for, but not every one gets them, so it can leave you doubting and wasting valuable time. My stroke consultant  told me that every ones stroke is different to another. As you say the quicker the treatment the better. Don't hang about, if something doesn't feel right, get down the hospital pronto. Keep well LL:)

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That' is like the issues with men and women and heart attacks.  My late wife died of one.  Neither of us recognized how serious it was.  There were some symptoms but she'd been in a car accident three days earlier and we just thought it was whiplash and muscle aches.  There was none of the terrible chest pain that is often a big symptom in men.  Didn't learn this until after.  If I'd known I'd have called the ambulance pronto.  I asked her if she wanted me to drive her to the hospital, but she said, no she'd be ok go and see the Doc during the coming week.   It was a Saturday night.  So I guess we owe it to ourselves to do a bit more reading on these things.  When one hits it's probably too late.

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RE: Both above posts.  I had two episodes which were diagnosed as strokes.  Neither involved drooping face, or slurred speech.  Also, the heart attack I had didn't involve any 'crushing pain in the chest'.  It was very painful, but it was more like a 'stitch' just below my ribs on left side.  It hurt every time my heart beat.  And I mean hurt.  Worst pain I've ever had.  It came on over a period of several hours. but I also recall feeling a bit 'off' the night before.


So, can only echo what Carni says.  If it doesn't feel right.  Seek help.

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21 hours ago, loppylugs said:

I'd love to go there, Col.  I will not though, because religion on this site is much like politics.  It can be heated and hurt feelings result.  The only thing I will say is that the purpose of the Ten Commandments is explained in the New Testament book of Galatians.  Thats as far as I''m going  if you want more you'll have to pm me. :),


Wasn't looking for a fight Loppy.  Just me being a bit mischievous.. And it wasn't me who introduced the Ten Commandments to the thread.  But mostly what I ( in my usual slightly obscure way, ) was getting at.. is the issue of interpretation.  Margie touched on it also in reference to the 3rd Commandment.


As I understand it, the Christian Ten Commandments originate in the Jewish 'Torah' as the commandments given to Moses.


They are later reflected in the Islamic Quran and Islam acknowledges Moses as the prophet/patriarch.


A bit of reading though soon reveals pretty strong variations in the interpretation of the meaning of each Commandment.


Sikhism also has a similar set of tenets.


Thing is, each will tell you that their God is the only true God.


I'll leave it there.

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I'll go as far as to say that if our respective societies really lived by them they would be more livable.  Just imagine society with no burglary,  shoplifting.  We'd all save money.  No murder, No lying, folks were as good as their word, Kids respecting their parents.


Thus one of their primary purposes becomes to show us that even the best folks can't live up to them.  We've all broken at least one or more at some point in our lives.  So the book of Galatians which I mentioned describes them as "A schoolmaster to bring us to Christ."  The Galatians were trying to live and hope for heaven by trying to keep them.  The Apostle Paul said, You"ll never make it.  


 I guess that's far enough.  Not trying to preach just repeating what the book says.



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Although not appearing to be specifically stated in the forum guidelines, it is oft mentioned that politics is not to be discussed in these pages. It is my opinion that religion (all religions) should, likewise, be proscribed.

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I suppose that religion and politics are part of life's rich tapestry and, as such, tend to spill over on to other topics as was the case the other day, when the subject of whether stealing was right came up..



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They are indeed Margie and I would like to be able to have an open discussion on this site. I think it would be best to have a separate section rather than in the open forum. It’s bad enough having word gamers and ‘song association’ clogging up the site, in addition to our prolific poster of nonsense. All of these are on my ignore list so I don’t read them but I still have to wade through them.

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9 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

They are indeed Margie and I would like to be able to have an open discussion on this site. I think it would be best to have a separate section rather than in the open forum.

Yes, I would too .... but only if all kiddies agree to play nicely....

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Well, maybe that's a self-fulfilling prophesy. I disagree, there have been lots of prolonged discussions in the past, on both topics, which have been maintained in an orderly fashion with respect for opposing views. It only takes a few who insist they are right and then get shirty and obnoxious when they can't impose their view so get threads locked.

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