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13 hours ago, DJ360 said:

Not something I have direct experience of, but I suspect that this may be yet another case of the Local Council having something dropped on it from above (I.E. Central Govt or poss NHS/NICE) and then getting all the blame for something outside its control.  Exactly the same happening with areas such as highways, general waste disposal, social care and many other things.  All a result of the combination of cuts in funding and Govt. dumping more responsibility onto Local Councils, forcing them to try to do more with less.


The above is pure guesswork and incorrect. It has for many years, been the duty of the local authorities as waste collection authorities to arrange for the collection of household waste including clinical waste. They have now changed a simple drop off service at my local health centre to a system which involves many layers of council, NHS and even GPs. It is not something I consider unusual for a council organisation.


13 hours ago, DJ360 said:

So it appears that the NHS is responsible for your healthcare and your supply of needles and drugs, (There even seems to be a prescription form for getting a Sharps Box), but once again the Local Council is expected to clear up the mess.  I can only see a financial motive for this.


Yes the NHS is responsible for my healthcare. I am required to provide blood samples to manage my condition (not diabetes) I could visit my GP or a hospital but I was told this results in a cost to the NHS of around £90 each time but I would of course be able to leave my sharps there.  So I purchased a machine (£300) and am able to self monitor. An email detailing the results is sent to the Queens Medical Centre and they inform me of any changes I need to make. I retired 15 years ago and still pay a sizable tax bill, I don't care who collects my waste but I do object to wasting my money.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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8 hours ago, loppylugs said:

I know this might sound crazy because heat is heat.  There seems to be  something about the heat from a woodstove that makes it very pleasant to be in.  Can't explain and Maybe I'm just imagining it but that's how I feel.

Yes, Loppy. I agree. Mine is a multi fuel stove but the heat is much longer lasting than central heating, gas fires, etc. This morning is freezing cold, ice everywhere but just tipped a couple of logs and a bit of smokeless fuel onto Clara the Clearview, as she's known, and off we go from last night's slumbering warmth. Moggies love it. We'll soon be told we can't have em any more though. Bad for the environment or some such tripe!

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Blimey, can't even see the traffic out of my front window as the fog is so thick. 

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I'm hoping that a passing motorist gives me a wave soon, so I know that there's still some form of life out there.

Oh well, a big bowl of steaming Readybrek coming up ! 

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Fog??   It's blue skies and sun here at the moment, although it is still a couple of degrees below freezing..

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I can’t see the school across the road. It looks like something from the walking dead out there. Could be a “pj” day. Retirement does have some pluses!

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Everywhere is forecast to get some degree of frost and fog today. So my sympathy goes out to those who have to drive, or to those who are intending flying, and are stuck in departure lounges. 

Lets hope it improves by tomorrow ! :tanning:

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It must be cold as when I let my two dogs out first thing they were back in very quickly (and they are part husky), usually they are out sniffing around for a while. They are both laying on their beds near the radiator! No walk today then I am pleased to say.

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I plucked up courage to take my greyhound out for his walk. He kept nagging me until I put my coat on and then pranced in excitement as I got his lead. Then he couldn't understand that I was stepping tentatively on the slippery pavement instead of walking briskly along. Must admit I turned round and came home as soon as he'd 'been'. He's lying in front of the radiator now.

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Well I've 'been', and I'm back in bed after coffee and porridge. I'll hang on a bit longer before making a decision !  :sleeping:

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'M enjoying our bright weather while it lasts..  we had about 2cm snow overnight on Tuesday and it's still here, although it melted a bit yesterday


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Get that fence panel secured Margie !  Clearing now, as I can see the houses over the back garden.

Better make a move I suppose.

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Just now, FLY2 said:

Get that fence panel secured Margie !  Clearing now, as I can see the houses over the back garden.

Better make a move I suppose.


The fence panel is just leaning against the oil tank - it needs removing really!  Pleased your fog is lifting now

One of our cats has decided it's sunbathing weather - she's sitting on the garden table... can you see her shadow?   Told you it was sunny here!


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1 hour ago, EileenH said:

I plucked up courage to take my greyhound out for his walk. He kept nagging me until I put my coat on and then pranced in excitement as I got his lead. Then he couldn't understand that I was stepping tentatively on the slippery pavement instead of walking briskly along. Must admit I turned round and came home as soon as he'd 'been'. He's lying in front of the radiator now.

All greyhounds must be the same regarding "prancing" Maisie does it every time, there is no chance of a walk here the bank is to steep in either direction. We have not seen a soul today and I am not surprised according to the forecast we can expect snow, but they have been wrong before. Take care everyone we ain't as young and nimble as we once we're.

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Brrr, bit cowd in southern Missouri at 14F, still, that's balmy weather compared to places in the northern states. One place in Minnesota is at MINUS 49F which translates into MINUS 45C, cold by even Antarctica winter weather...

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6 hours ago, FLY2 said:

Everywhere is forecast to get some degree of frost and fog today. So my sympathy goes out to those who have to drive, or to those who are intending flying, and are stuck in departure lounges. 

Lets hope it improves by tomorrow ! :tanning:


Well we've certainly had "some degree of frost and fog" today, in fact its never lifted and the trees have been white over all day.  The birds have been mobbing the feeders all day too. A pity its not still the RSPB bird count as I'm sure I've had more in today than the whole of last weekend!! I don't think improvement is on the cards for tomorrow, if the BBC is anything to go by it's going to get worse....not that we have had the snow they promised! :wacko:

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8 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Yes, Loppy. I agree. Mine is a multi fuel stove but the heat is much longer lasting than central heating, gas fires, etc. This morning is freezing cold, ice everywhere but just tipped a couple of logs and a bit of smokeless fuel onto Clara the Clearview, as she's known, and off we go from last night's slumbering warmth. Moggies love it. We'll soon be told we can't have em any more though. Bad for the environment or some such tripe!

Rubbish Jill theres nothing more natural than wood. If it is bad for the environment don't think anyone would have any wine from this area. At the beginning of winter when it starts to get cold. We go outside and all we can smell is wood burning. Not a nasty burnt smell but a sort of sweet smell. Sounds daft I know but its nice. 

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4 hours ago, Ayupmeducks said:

Brrr, bit cowd in southern Missouri at 14F, still, that's balmy weather compared to places in the northern states. One place in Minnesota is at MINUS 49F which translates into MINUS 45C, cold by even Antarctica winter weather...


I heard yesterday. We are just getting rid of the last snowfall, still lots of ice around but tonight we are in for a real downfall ( so they say) . Schools are already closed so think I may have to cancel my physio again. Its amazing when the sun shines as it does most days although its freezing cold the dogs sit on the doorstep sunbathing and we keep the front door open and they come and go when they want. If the door is closed and we go towards it they think they're going out again.

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Ok, apologies folks for being a bit slow/stupid, but not knowing how to start/ask a question i thought perhaps go to a popular post and try my luck. Simple question, why do members want to be anonymous?. When after they reply, we know who they are !!

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If I told you my views on such behaviour Waddo, I'd be on for days. I've been moaning about it for years.

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Yay Yay Hoorah. Happy Days are here again....Oh Boy have I had withdrawal symptoms, haven't known what to do wimisen today. I shut the lid down on my Laptop last night to watch summut on the tele for half an hour. I lifted the lid afterwards and it wouldn't come back on?, and that's how it stayed until a few minutes ago when no 1 son found a site on his Laptop. He typed in Acer and asked for was as follows.

Turn Laptop over.

You will see a tiny hole near the label.

Push in a paperclip about half an inch, until you feel it contact, and gently press..........Wallah. That's it. Job done.

Turn Laptop back over and on it came.

Can't believe it, as simple as that!

Carni is happy again. Missed you all.:)xxx


Sorry, can anyone work a miracle, and reduce this space please??????





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