How's your day?

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Another lie in just to complete the catch up. 


Beautiful morning here in the Grand Duchy and it may even get warm enough for a trial run of the nice new sun lounger my neighbours bought me for my 70th.  They have me sussed!!  :tanning:


Just a couple of bits of 'snagging' to do in my newly re-furbished loo, then I can get outside.  Might give the grass its second cut of the year.. 

Next DIY will be to repaint dining room and lounge. after the pipework changes I made before Christmas and the re-plastering it involved.  But then again it's a big job before I go to Cancun.. so I might be forced to leave it till after....

Decisions..decisions..  I can do a decent job of painting, but I can't work as fast as a 'pro'.


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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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36 minutes ago, Stavertongirl said:

 Came back a different way across motorway bridge and finally ended up by Strelley Church where I was relieved to sit on the bench. I always thought there was a female pirate’s grave in the churchyard, can remember it from when I was a child and we used to roam all over, however I had a look and it isn’t, it has a skull and crossbones on which is why I thought she was a pirate but apparently they were put on a lot of old gravestones, pity really much more romantic to think she was a pirate.



Similar thing here.  There's a coffin shaped headstone comemorating George and Kitty Smith in the local churchyard which has a  winged skull surrounded by a snake eating its tail.   Local legend has it that it's the grave of someone killed by an Adder bite up on Billinge Hill..  Trouble is.. with the locals. half of their stories aren't true, and you can't believe the other half... :laugh:


I'm more inclined to think that the winged skull represents death, but the snake eating its tail represents eternal life.. as explained here:


To me, the most affecting of all the stones in Billinge churchyard is a full sized one from the early 19thC. I can't remember the name or date, but it commemorates an infant, who seems to be the only occupant of the grave.  The inscription is at the bottom of the stone and the space above, presumably meant for other family members, remains blank.  Of course there could be many other explanations for this and the child's parents may well lie with her and for some reason the stone wasn't further inscribed.. but it still seems an awfully lonely  plot for the little mite.

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'Oh What a beautiful morning. Oh what a beautiful day' (One for the NS choir there me thinks). Well the bug that has been going around here in West Mids has finally got me!!!! I have been really mardy for the last few days, can't stand being floppy and sneezy on the sofa for another sunny day so off out in a mo for a few hours. 

We used to be members of the National Trust for a few years and after a while we found our visits starting to dwindle as other hobbies took over. We bought a caravan at Sunny Skeggy which took a lot of expense over thirteen years, so the NT had to go. Caravan days gone now, so considering joining the NT again. We lost our long service discount, as discovered when we tried to rejoin a couple of years ago. If I have read the add correctly, it will cost us £114 for the year. Just added the pennies up and if I restrict the Elephants feet and the Caramel Yumm Yumms for a while, I think we can afford it. :biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Stavertongirl said:

it has a skull and crossbones on which is why I thought she was a pirate

The skull and crossbones on a head stone is to remind the onlooker of their own mortality



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Just come back from the V. E. T after taking one of my moggies for her annual immunization. There were two very young beagle puppies waiting to see the nurse for their first lot of vaccinations. They were gorgeous but caused more noise and mayhem than a cartload of monkeys! Made me think about Loppy! The place was in uproar.


Also met a lady with a gorgeous tabby male cat. It is one of four who come into her garden and this morning it was limping so she borrowed a cat carrier and brought him in. He's unneutered and allowed to roam around getting into fights.  Irresponsible owners, if he even has any. The lady plans to adopt him.  There are some kind people about, thank goodness.

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Talking of 'Unneutered'' cats......a few years ago we had one visit us most days........lovely speciman of a Cat....huge great thing,,he called  regular and we named him 'Ralph'........he never bothered our other Cats,,but was obviously a 'Fighter' often covered in scratches and bites,,,,he made himself at home in our Garden and often came in when really cold,,,he seemed so happy with his wild life couldn't bring ourselves to have him 'DONE'........

                           If i was him,,don't think i'd have wanted it either  lol'............he was getting on a bit and after 2 or 3 years just vanished,,,like to think he fell in love and settled down......:rolleyes:

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We have neighbours who are avid cat lovers. To be admired as so many aren't. They have 3-4 in the house and we never see them unless they come out on their balcony in summer. Then we have strays in their courtyard, Sometimes there are 19 of them and they go down to 7-+ every so often. The problem is that they are always producing litters. Ok they give the kittens away but the adults remain.For quite a few years we have been complaing about the amount of cats. The neighbours feed them well so naturally they stay. The problem is that they come over to us to eliminate and sleep on anything that isn't prickly. I left a towelling dressing gown over a clothes horse one night it was quite dry to bring in and then I forgot about until the next morning. They have ruined a cover that covered the outside table and chairs. I had to throw them away, between muddy pawprints ,urine and excremant they didn't need washing they went  straight into the bin. Complaints land on deaf ears. They even got ontop of the pool cover and eliminated, they must have had good balance as the cover moves with the water. Its also in a place where we can't clean it up. We called the local authorities but nothing was ever done . We managed to get in touch with a volontary group and they have taken them away few by few to castrate and spey them. We have had to pay for a few of them and at 40€ per cat didn't think it right that we should have to pay seeing the cats don't live here but we paid for the sake of not falling out with neighbours.

Now everything is peaceful they don't jump over the wall or dirty everywhere. The dogs look but don't bark at them any more. What I can't understand is why have so many strays that you don't fuss or cuddle like you would with a dog.I admire them for what they are doing but they have a 6 month old daughter and when she starts to crawl indoors and play outside I hope they see sense in trying to find good homes for them. There are so many diseases cats bring in if they're not taken care of. We have cows in the fields and sometimes goats grazing so not really a healthy place for children. At least our dogs get their paws washed when they come in but can you imagine all those cats.

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Pretty good day today, started off quite cold at -2c but it soon warmed up and I was on the trike by 9.00 just local lanes,called in at the Hammond hall Bassinghham, coffee morning every Monday, nice cup of coffee at 70p a cup,I always leave a quid,support the local charities, set off again about 11.45 and headed for home but saw the local farmer, William, so had to have a natter (gossip) tells me there's been a couple of pigeons roosting in the open barn so I'll be down there first thing in the morning to persuade them move on,will be taking my trusty BSA R10 with me just in case they need a nudge, anyroad, got home and had a bacon roll  followed by another coffee then set to work in the shed,got one or two jobs finished before the shed started to get the smell of next doors bloody chimney smoke again,she had the chimney swept last Saturday and it seems worse than ever now, anti social old sod, well thats about it for now so about to check the air pressure in the gun resevoir ready for the morning then settle down for the evening with my book Rourkes Drift by Michael Glover.

Hope you've all had a great day




PS, a picture of todays chimney smoke


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To those who showed interest and care.

As this thread is still " How's your day?", I just thought I might mention that my poor old brother, who passed away in January is still in Queens med as it cannot be concluded what the cause of death was. I'm still waiting to hear when and where the funeral will be. As a result don't know  when or if I'll be coming up to Nottingham. No-one allowed to go and see him. Sorry to throw a dampner on the thread. Please excuse me. Beekay.

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So sorry to hear that BK. It seems a bit too long to have to wait for the cause of death and of course the funeral. Here funerals are held within maximum of 3 days, usually 2 days. Unless of course if there are doubts about cause of death. Hope you hear soon at least he can be put to rest.

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Reds 1, Sheep 0. That'll do me.

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I’m at the seaside, had a lovely long walk on the beach with Jack (the dog) today, enjoying the amazing weather.  There were even kids paddling in the sea, bit too cold to do that yet, in my opinion.   Anyway, back to the football ...... what’s that Forest player doing wearing a Batman mask? 

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I think he had a facial injury, maybe to his nose ?

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8 hours ago, loppylugs said:

I bet the tv's a bit fuzzy through all that smoke.  :Shock:

Perhaps they like watching dirty films!

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Have you ever had one of those days?

I woke this morning full of pain but after a while it passed and I was fit to do anything.....wrong.My husband dropped one of our ipads ( the most used one which was a pressie from my daughter for my 70 th. ) Its well and truly cracked with splinters of. glass dripping off.  Not to worry I thought I have a spare screen protector and it still works. Started to transfer everything to the other ipad and its only transferred music, books and other things I'm not fussed about. But transferring back to other ipad it tells me to turn off "find my ipad" . Did it but it still comes up and I can't go forward. Switched off in frustration so thought I would go back to it after I made some scones....wait for it Carni. Got the recipe on video which I saved. Measured everything and it was like a batter dough. Checked video again in case I'd made a mistake. I hadnt so added more flour which really isn't a good idea. It was never going to make into a dough so down the sink it went.

So sorry Carni , hope you didn't go out early to catch the bus :(. I'm going to make a coffee and go back to my transferring hoping this time it will transfer all the apps too.

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Hate to be pessimistic, Nonna, but it may not necessarily transfer the apps.  You may have to reinstall them from the app store.  If you can save the data you've done well.  One of  my biggest beefs with the Ipad is the difficulty of transferring data beween laptop and Ipad.  Have to do it via Itunes I thonk.

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