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Well Miducks, I survived my 'Procedure' yesterday, we didn't get home from hospital until nearly 7pm so was shattered. I needed my pillow. All went well, but being 'A mardy little bu99er' I went straight to bed. Glad it's over for now.  I've been eating for England today,  no food for  29hrs, just  water. Worse than prison, at least they get bread with the water in there!:biggrin: 

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Yesterday was my first day on a boat this season. went up to Carsington - lovely place. We caught some splendid 'over wintered' fish. Rainbow trout, Blue trout and Brown trout. For the uninitiated the 'over wintered' fish are those that were stocked last summer and have 'gone wild'. They are much more powerful than the new stock fish having become fit and lean and having fully developed fins and tails. Half a fish for our dinner today and the other half towards fish pie for tomorrow :biggrin:

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Went to Swanage today to see the Flying Scotsman, that is making a week's visit to The Swanage Steam Railway.

Its not in revenue earning mode until Friday, but although looking a bit grubby, it's still a beautiful piece of machinery.

The sun was out, and lots of people enjoying themselves. A great day.

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Went to Penkridge Market yesterday - Carni will know it. It sunny for a change and the place was packed. Bought some seed potatoes = 2kg Pentland Rockets and 2kg Charlottes excellent quality and £6.95 the lot. Also a very large container of mushrooms for £2. Some people I speak to seem to think that this open market is a bit low class but I love it. There is everything there, gaffa tape, matresses, tools of all descriptions, plants, veg to dream for, genuine fake watches, home made pies, mini auction etc. AND there is a market cafe... I like market cafe's.

Right - out to the garden to prepare the veg plots. 

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Off to the docs for a routine followup.  Me white coat hypertension goes up and he gets tense about it.  Don't misunderstand.  He's a good doc but he's probably scared I'll have another stroke.  I always take the numbers for the last fourteen days.  They have been reasonable and stable.  I think it must be because me mam used to threaten me the doctor would take me tonsils out.  Made me edgy around doctors.

Sort of like, Jake is edgy around vets since they pinched his equipment.

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3 hours ago, PeverilPeril said:

genuine fake watches


I know the market well PP. My second child was born at Penkridge, we lived there with relations for a few months in 1969 before moving closer to Wolverhampton.


Your description of 'Genuine fake watches' made me laugh. On the market was a stall selling jewellery, watches etc, at a time when gold gate bracelets were the rage. I purchased two different style gate bracelets, and when I asked if they were gold, the  seller looked at me and with a wink of the eye assured me they were real 'German Gold'. I still have them and not a bit of tarnish to be seen. Wink Wink.


Every year we buy all our bedding plants from Penkridge market, some great bargains to be had. We passed through Penkridge on our way to Stafford this morning. I always have to look up at the bedroom window of the room my daughter was born in as we pass. Aah. memories.

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4 hours ago, PeverilPeril said:

Some people I speak to seem to think that this open market is a bit low class

I don't know why markets are view thus. Sneinton market was I supposed 'low end' but I absolutely loved it. Don't remember any genuine fake watches but I do remember pots, clothes, shoes, household goods galore and everything in between.....................  Some traders didn't even have a stall, they just laid things down on the ground.......                     


I'm not even askin £5 pahnds.......

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We go to a different market every week, yesterday was Worksop, we also get to Retford,Newark, Loughborough,Doncaster,Barnsley and more, great atmosphere and some bargains to be had




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2 hours ago, carni said:

I always have to look up at the bedroom window of the room my daughter was born in as we pass. Aah. memories.

Would that also be the same room as the conception took place? Only wondering,with the remark, Aah memories. Nudge nudge, wink wink.

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Blimey Carni, for someone who doesn't fly, you get about a bit. Conceived in Gedling, born in Penkridge. You just need a passport and the 'world is your lobster' as dell boy would say.

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Denshaw your post re your wife was late making your breakfast made me laugh and reminded me of years ago a 19 year old was always late for work. His best excuse ever was that it wasn't his fault it was his mothers, she cooked him two boiled eggs for his breakfast instead of his usual one, so it took him longer to eat his breakfast.

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I went to buy some railway sleepers for the garden yesterday but changed my mind when I saw the price - £30 each! Then, looking at them reminded me about the weight. I used a lot of them in France 10 years ago and could handle them easy enough by lifting each end to load the trailer and truck. Not going to try that now. So I'm off to the fencing company to look for something lighter and cheaper.

Looking through my cider stocks yesterday and found 2 1/2 gallons of Perry I made two seasons ago. It has definitely improved. Two pints sent me on a trip in the evening and I slept well and had some fantastic dreams. More experiments this evening. 

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Well my day has started in the usual way. Two mugs of tea in bed (Yep, I did say two). Spoilt rotten this Gel. Downstairs now, I cup of coffee, three games of  Sudoku with hubbs. Huh. He won all three this morning. Toast and honey to follow and now the best bit. 


Sitting in my usual chair by the Patio window eyeing our bird feeders. All the usual visitors, plus a newly gained Magpie. The feeder has numerous trays and seedy things hanging on it, one being a tray full of seeds etc plus some stale bread pieces. Directly above it there is a tray of water. The Magpie has just picked up a dry piece of bread and hopped up on to the water tray and dunked the bread a few times and ate it. How clever is that, instinct, must be. I was so impressed, I put a bit of cake out as reward. Gotta watch the Pigeons, greedy little devils, they don't stop till it's all gone.


We are taking daughter out for a ride now, off to Rugely and then probably lunch out somewhere, will check the birds when I get back. Great this retirement, I've got over my hospital visit on Monday and feel a bit more light hearted now, so off for some fun.:biggrin:

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