How's your day?

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Just finished my housework for the day. I loathe housework, never seems any point as it is there again the next day as if it had never been done. If I ever win the lottery after getting a house by the sea with a wood (with an oak tree), pond (with a weeping willow, newts and sticklebacks),  field, more dogs, a donkey, goat etc the next thing on the list is a cleaner. Sure I can find more important and interesting things to do than housework.
Anyway sorry I digress, decided to have a coffee and (dunkable) nice biscuits. Had a play on a game on my phone. Normally the adverts are annoying, but this time there were some very interesting ones.

The first was a light pen which you can draw pictures with on a special board. Quite intriguing. The second was a screen you unfolded to put in front of your phone so if you watching things on your phone (I don’t it’s a phone) it magnifies the picture onto the screen. Quite a nifty idea really I suppose. 
The third was a paint roller which you put paint in and then use. Doesn’t drip apparently and judging by the advert you can do a wall very very quickly and the paint doesn’t look streaky. Also has some gadgets (I love gadgets) for doing corners and up to the ceiling without getting paint on it. I am very tempted by this, could save having to get a decorator in and the cost. As with most houses when you move into them the colour scheme isn’t what I would have, my kitchen is blood red and black! Will google it and see what I can find out about it. Only thing is I would have to go up a ladder, not my favourite thing to do, or perhaps I could erect scaffolding?

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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17 hours ago, Brew said:

Well we all wish you well mate and hope you make it in December.

Does that include me too Brew?

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Just had a fascinating hour with an old 'Photo Album,,,,showing my 1st cousin twice removed (thanks again Brew) photos of old relations who she didnt ever see,,,,even her Great and Great Great Granddads,,,sat on a Motorbike in Skegness in 1948,,,then lots of Pictures of her Great Aunts including my Mother,who she also never met,,,i enjoyed showing her and explaining who everyone was.


                        It was only by chance that she met my Granddaughter whilst working for Airline company's,,,they got talking and realised they were related,,,.       Also i did'nt realise iv'e still got many relatives on Bestwood estate.

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Had a great day today,,,went into Bulwell with the wife for breakfast,,,where we were joined by a lady ive known for years who i'll be doing some work for very soon...........Also joined by my cousin (same age as me but looks 20 years younger) and her friend who ive known since teenage years.

                             So there i was in me element surrounded by 4 lovely ladies,,,

Must have felt inspired actually did a DIY job on returning home,,,...''''Hung a big Mirror''''........honest!!!     lol

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Questions Ben:

Was it the right way up

Was it the right way round 

Did it work

Was the previous owner Dorian Grey...     :P

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Took the boys to Wollaton (is that the right spelling?)Park today. Really busy loads of dogs and owners, there was a muddy dog run for Battersea Dogs Home. Lots of obstacles for the dogs/owners to jump over and large paddling pools of water to run through. No my two didn’t do it, they can get muddy enough in a normal run, my floors end up crunchy like a beach anyway. Lots of very happy, mucky,  waggy tailed dogs doing course with equally muddy owners.

My two had a whale of a time, lots of fussing from other dog owners and loads of new doggy friends to meet and greet. They were very good even with the smaller dogs, they can sometimes “mob” smaller dogs and be a bit overpowering for them, but were well behaved today. Had a tea at the cafe and they found it very interesting with all the people and dogs doing the same. 
Got home, two very tired and happy dogs, chicken for tea tonight for them to round off a good day. I now have two boys fast asleep (with gentle snoring from both). Life doesn’t get any better:biggrin:

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7 - 10 am just out of bed in my normal lively way , looked up at my flat screen Telly  with sound bar. Now always had a Sony TV so when our's went to the TV  house in the sky, master said lets have one of those  new flat  TVs  Great had it a while now but I think my hearing is  going, doe's any member have same problem? 

Do you think that the people who make the Flat  TV's  are in with the hearing aid companies?

Answer's on a post card please.

ps When we had our Sony we also had Blue tooth added to it Don't know why  

we now have a Panasonic  but the sound is no better, must say don't watch TV much now

next question Is it an age thing?

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Mary I've had several TV sets, the last three were all 'flat panel' and to my ears the sound was OK. Maybe yours has a problem.  The object of Bluetooth is pairing other devices, i.e. phones so you see phone pics etc. You can also stream to the TV.

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Mary, just a thought but these wafer thin flat screens simply don't  have room for a decent speaker. Don't  know where mine are on our tv as the picture goes to within 1cm of the edge. I just run a line from the  headphone socket down to a lttle hi-fi system underneath. Result, problem solved and better sound. B.

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It's a known issue that the speakers in flat TVs can be pretty poor.  Most if not all of them also 'fire' out of the back and are meant to reflect off the bachk wall.  Some very new TV's do actually fire sound through the screen.  Don't ask me how.


Basically, you can connect almost any sort of sound system to the TV via the assorted 'outputs', on the back.  Some devices can also connect via wi-fi or blutooth if the TV ( and owner) is suitably 'smart'.


As Beekay correctly points out, even a small 'hi fi' system connected to the TV can help.  Might also be worth exploring the use of small speakers designed for PC use.


There seems to be an assumption that most will use the assorted connections on the back of the telly to connect to some sort of external sound system.  the 'AV' (audio visual) fraternity go for the full hit, with big AV amplifiers which can connect to 5.1, or even 7.1.  This means 5 speakers. .. two for the rear channel, two for the front, one for the front centre to 'lock' dialogue so it makes sense.  The '.1' refers to another channel for a 'subwoofer', to handle all those deep booms, bangs and rumbles so beloved of 'action' film makers these days.  The theory behind having a single 'subwoofer', is that deep bass does not appear 'directional' to human ears so there's no need for a stereo pair.


A sort of half way house is represented by 'sound bars'.  These can sound better than the internal speakers in a flat telly.  I use a 'sound base'.  Same idea as a soundbar, but it's a flat box which sits under the TV.  Does the same job.  I've found that the cheap one I use can be OK for when viewing DVDs and assorted action type movies.. but for general TV viewing it makes things worse.


My ideal would be to put my TV between the speakers of my hi fi system and connect up to that.  Doing that gets the TV sound fed through a £3k amplifier and speakers which would be around £2k or more if they were still available. I've tried it and it sounded briliant.. No need for subwoofers or multiple 'surround' speakers.  Sadly, this was domestically unnacceptable to 'The Boss', so was only a temporary pleasure.

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Today I will mostly be fitting a new radiator fan to Mrs Col's ageing shed of a Punto. 

This was ordered from Eurocarparts on 19th Sept.  Originally promised in 2-3 working days..which became 5-7, days then 'whenever we can get it.'  Finally advised on 7th Oct that they had got one which would be with me 'in 2-3 working days'.  After 4 days I got an email from DHL promising delivery next day. (Friday 11th)  It didn't arrive.  Didn't arrive Saturday either.

Check up on DHL tracking site showed they'd picked it up from Birmingham on Tues. 8th and sent it to East Midlands.  From there it went to Liverpool.. back to East Midlands and back to Liverpool again.. arriving in Liverpool 6:30 am on Sat 12th.. where it sat until finally delivered by DHL this morning.


Dontcha jes luv privatisation?

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La la la la la.  .... what's a subwoofer?  No, don't answer that - it was purely a hypothetical question!   Perhaps I can ask Ben - He's sure to know


i just put the subtitles on when the actors are mumbling...

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20 minutes ago, MargieH said:

what's a subwoofer?


Don't encourage him Margie, life's far to short. 


I'll type this slow so you can hear me, press that button there, no not that one, the one on your remote control, the one in your hand :crazy:



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One of the first things a true audiophile learns, is that volume.. like size.. isn't everything. :rolleyes:


Clarity is clarity.  Garbage is garbage.  Turning garbage up just gives you louder garbage. :P

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First time I connected to 5-1 surround sound, I watched " Pearl Harbour". Spent the whole time dodging bullets flying round the room !

Er indoors said it had to go.

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Likewise Beekay, I then set it up in the other room so I could use it , trouble was youngest grandson used that TV for his games when he came to visit. Severe upset he came out upset because all the "things " were making noises behind him and frightening  him. The system went. I now have sound bars on both TVs they do give a better sound than just the TV speakers.

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Was never a fan of surround myself.  Doesn't seem right hearing 3D sounds linked to a 2D image.  That said, I do think that adding a decent stereo sound set up pays dividends.

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The 'poshest' hi-fi I ever had was quadrophnic. Like VHS and Betamax for video, there were two systems and my setup did both. Apart from a couple of experimental transmissions there was never any content to listen to and I quickly became bored with sitting in the one square feet of carpet (to get the proper effect), to listen to the demo, (Sound of a carousel)

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