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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Thanks for all ways to try and get better sound.

Second thought is there any one selling one of those big TV with valve's in. You did not have to wash your ears out to hear them.

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Bit of Parking rage at City Hospital this morning,,,always difficult parking,,one just has to be patient,,.i'm usually quite placid unless pushed,,but i was tested today.

            Went round the block a few times looking for a space,,finally spotted one and drove in.  Couldn't believe what happened next,,,bloke suddenly appears and stands across the space with arms outstretched.  What you doing ?..says i,, ''my mrs will be here in a minute and shes parking here'''says he,,

No shes not mate i'm parking there,,,anyway he refuses to move,,and i did the same,,,his Mrs turns up in a big Red 4x4,,,great big woman with red hair that matched her car,,,,,leaps from car F....... and blinding at me,,,this goes on for about 15 minutes and both were very threatening toward me,,,i was obviously struggling to answer quickly due to my impediment,,,but stood my ground without loosing my cool,,they both got in the car and parked behind as i pulled into the space,,saying ''when you come back your car will have been trashed'' they then confronted me at the ticket machine,,more threats,,i just smiled and said ''have a nice day'''...........years ago i would have reacted differently,,,but felt pleased with mesen for not reacting,,,


                    Needed a strong coffee after and went straight in the Cafe.......where a couple told me ''well done for standing my ground''  which was nice,,

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Thanks Lizzie,,, no the car was ok,,,it was only Donna's old banger,,........the woman actually told me  '''My husband is ill,,and needs to get to his appointment !!''''             I said,, ''''no shit,,,what do you think i'm here for,,me health'''   lol

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Parking at the QMC is terrible. I guess it's better to take the tram. I remember many years ago, one Sunday afternoon, after I'd escaped from a light aircraft prang alive, I went to the QMC to get a few stitches put in. I parked outside the main door of casualty only to be told 'you can't park there'. I told the guy what had happened and his attitude changed immediately, becoming very polite, leading me to the desk, where when I told them my tale of woe, I was immediately put on a trolley and wheeled off for treatment, passing all those who were waiting! I always tell people when going to casualty to say they've been in an aircraft crash. It opens many doors!

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I was at City Hospital yesterday and had no problem parking, I was in an ambulance. I had been having slight dizzy spells for a few days, woke up and felt rough but had to go for a blood test. Having a shower and kept banging into shower walls and couldn't stand properly ,struggled to get dressed, wife called son who phoned doctor, who told him dial 999 and called ambulance. When they arrived I couldn't stand felt sick and my words wouldn't come out right. Into Stroke Unit where I spent all Day for tests and scans, good news not a stroke. It appears my brain and ears are sending strange messages to each other causing a type of severe vertigo. At home  with a months supply of more tablets still feel rough but best of all no housework or ironing.

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Sorry to hear that Trogg and thank goodness you hadn’t had a stroke.  Take it easy now,get right before the next meet-up and keep taking the tablets.  A pile of ironing won’t harm you though ;)

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No news yet from Nonna but I'm sure it wont be long before contact is made Beekay. We are all waiting to hear.


Benj, I have just read your post and I admire your bravery, but I have to admit your situation scared me. These days there is no respect and as we are among the older generation now, we can easily come off worse if a scuffle occurs. Hope your appointment went well Miduck.


As we speak I'm in a situation mesen. the house on the next street has a garden backing on to ours. A few weeks ago they must have acquired a dog to keep  as a guard, definitely not a puppy. It barks on and off all through the night and most of the day. How it doesn't bother the owners, I don't know. I know it bothers our other neighbours because it has been discussed. Hubbs and I are the oldest residents around by at least 20yrs , not in the best of health so daren't  go round to the house. incase they get  nasty. It has been mentioned that they are people not to mess with, once threatened one of our other neighbours with a shovel. So consequently, I have had to come and relax in my front of house room. Not so relaxed listening to the thoughtless peoples dog . I am having a bark rage moment.:(

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24 minutes ago, Beekay said:

Anybody heard how Nonna is doing? Or is it early days yet.

I’ve been in touch with Nonna, her operation went well and she hopes to be back home in a few days. She asked me to say “Hello” to everyone.  

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Thanks Lizzie. Good News.



Trogg, So sorry to read about your scarey event. Thankfully you are OK, sorry I nearly missed your post.  I am so slow typing that yours popped up while I was tapping away. Take it easy Miduck, We are all rootin' for you. :) 



PS,  The  ironing is easy if you do it my way. It's called 'Folding'


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Sorry to hear about your bad neighbours carni,,over the years and living all over ive had the odd bad un,,but being fit and young always sorted it,,

Different when you get older,,do you want me to send my boys down? 

Hope you get it sorted mi duck,,

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That's very kind of you Benj, I thought about taping the dog barking and playing it back when I know the owners are asleep, but apart from that giving all the neighbours a double whammy of barking.........................I'm a scardey cat! We will just have to wait it out!

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1 hour ago, LizzieM said:

I’ve been in touch with Nonna, her operation went well and she hopes to be back home in a few days. She asked me to say “Hello” to everyone.  

Cheers Lizzie, thanks for your reply. B.

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We've been out all day so only just caught up with all the posts...


Very well done, Ben, for keeping your cool in the car park...

Trogg, I hope your vertigo or whatever it is will soon settle down... must have been a scary experience for you and your family..

Carni, sorry  about your yappy dog problem - ear plugs?    Poor dog, too, he can't be happy... he must be bored and/or lonely..

Lizzie, thanks for the good news about nonna



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1 hour ago, denshaw said:

Carni, get in touch with your local Environmental health officer at the council about the dog.


I did that a few years ago for a similar situation and got a positive result from the council people.

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3 hours ago, trogg said:

At home  with a months supply of more tablets still feel rough but best of all no housework or ironing.


You mean I've got to take this lot out of the boot again!? Ah well I suppose I can wait a bit longer... get well soon trogg

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My day was enhanced yesterday, by seeing Thomas Cook's Travel Agents shop in Poole open and back in business yesterday. Albeit with a Hays Travel A board outside, but who cares. At least the staff are ok.

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Denshaw and CliffTon, Thank you, on a day when I can't stand it anymore, I will definitely contact them. I must say, the only reason  I haven't done it already is because I am afraid of repercussions. We have heard bad reports about the person and I'm too old to take any agro.


I just want to add that in no way do I blame the dog, it is the owners at fault. Margie, like you I do feel very sorry for the animal, we are pet lovers and had dogs ourselves in years gone by. If I do report them, it will probably help the dog as well. 

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