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13 minutes ago, Brew said:



My days of crawling round pulling cable are long gone,  Loppy         long gone


Same here, Brew.  The thought of time in an attic when its 95 outside would do me in.  I'm definitely not going in crawl spaces in Georgia.  You could meet a snake.  My wire pulling days are over.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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18 minutes ago, loppylugs said:

I know what you mean, Col.  I didn't like them when I first got here.  They can get surprisingly warm when you plug in a heavy load like a kettle or heater.  In general use though they seem quite durable and I only had to replace very few in 25 years in the trade in Canada.

I liked the British 13 amp sockets.  They always seemed well built.  Main strike against them for me was that they are not fool proof and the 13 amp fuse  tended to be left in for light loads like table lamps, radios etc.  Thus defeating the object.  All electrical items here tend to come with the plug already moulded on.  You can buy beefier ones from the hardware store if you really want to.


Fair point Dave,

I do try to put in appropriate fuses rather than just having the Brown 13A in all plugs.


For my Hi-Fi stuff, I use good quality MK sockets and MK or Crabtree plugs. I also keep the pins very clean.  I have no idea if this makes any real improvement.. but it does no harm.

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There is a question in the PAT (Portable Appliance Test) exam about the size of fuses to fit to plugs. The answer is either 5 or 13 amp depending on the size of the cable.  Fuses protect cables not appliances as I was forever telling apprentices.


There seems to be variations on NEMA plugs, and  similar differences with  the European SHUKO, at least we have one size fits all.

There was a move some years ago to unify the design for Europe, but it had to be a design that was totally original  - never got of the ground.

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I live only a few kilometres from Nice and I can tell you that it most certainly won't boast 300 days of sunshine this year. I've lived here for over 30 years and this is, by far, the worst weather I've ever known. NonnaB (who lives not too far away) is having even worse weather than here.


I live quite high in the mountains so it's unlikely I will get seriously flooded (heaven help the coastal conurbations if I do!) but I can tell you that there is an awful lot of water flowing in the rivers.

Where I live (I posted this a few weeks ago):


The only low level place I've lived is the flat I had next door to the Grosvenor on Mansfield Road. I was there at the time of the 'big storm' in about 1972 see



Otherwise my home has been quite elevated and, at present, I live a good way up a mountain gorge (on the first picture of the link, my villa is just visible towards the top, right. ) Note: the link is to a French bikers blog and it's in French but don't let that put you off. It offers a good illustration of life in le BsL.


The weather is not too bad today. Certainly warmer than it has been over the last week but not a lot of sun showing through.

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12" to 18" of snow forecast this week in parts of the mid west, that's a lot of snow from one snow storm!!

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Thankfully it won't be us, too far south for snow that heavy, but there will be many people it affects, think of all the truckers trying to earn a crust and trying to get home for our Thanksgiving holiday to see their families, stuck at a truck stop for a few days.


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Dave, that takes me back to when I rewired the house we bought in Australia, stripped to my shorts in the roof space running cables out, 100 plus outside, tin roof too!!

Mind, I worked at Boulby for nearly five years, when I worked in a district the coolest spot was 90F and that was our snap cabin, try 110 plus in the faces!! Mind the only cables I pulled down there were heavy trailing cables that few the machines.

I planned my days on this house when I built it, ran all the cables out prior to gyprocking the ceilings.

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1 hour ago, Beekay said:

Some beautiful pictures of your gaff Jonab. Looks a picturesque  area and oooh, all those lovely oranges.


Those oranges in the basket on the chair with the note "Servez vous" (Help yourself) are placed deliberately for unsuspecting tourists that come to the orange festival held each Eastertide. The oranges are bigarades - bitter oranges (similar to Seville oranges) and are completely inedible as a fresh fruit. The oranges are used in the perfumery industry (leBsL is very close to Grasse), for making the local orange wine, preserves (like marmalade) and the peel (which you see hanging up in one of the pictures) is dried and used for making orange liqueurs like Triple Sec, Grand Marnier and Cointreau and numerous others.

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I thought at first, they were making marmalade. Glad you warned me about the serve yourself oranges, saves me coming over and nicking some.  smile2

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Sunny...sort of today. It's keeps peeping out to have a look and then hides behind the nearest cloud. Yes we eventually had water coming through the house but it wasn't too bad, it mopped up easily but it's made us realize that at the back of the house more work has to be done. Years ago we had a courtyard at the back of the hose and we had an extra room built along with a couple of store rooms. It was ok for a few years until we had "the rainy season" . We didn't know until a neighbour told us that the builder that did the work didn't put in drainage as the land slopes down towards the house. We called him back and the answer was " you didn't tell me to" Whose the builder here? Anyway the wall was knocked down and it's been ok but this seems now to be coming through from either next doors cantina or upwards through the tiles. The house is about 150- 200 yrs old so probably hasn't got today's standard of foundations. But it's still standing.

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Busy week..starting today.


Both daughters are moving house..  so I'm on Curtain Rail duty.. along with sundry other tasks,. We also have  No.1 daughter's cat while she moves.


 Young 'un ..moved into her first house with her partner yesterday. A couple of miles closer to us at around 18 miles. We went around today and I was happy to stand back while her boyfriend showed hitherto hidden skill in fitting a curtain rail.  Obviously I had to provide tools and copious advice.. but his Dad is a builder back in St Vincent, so he's clearly picked up a few skills. His Army training did him no harm either and he's a very quiet.. calm lad.. in sharp contrast to No.2 Daughter.. 

Daughter had a bit of a meltdown as she left her previous accomodation... a fabulous Art Deco 1930s house which she loved.. and shared with three or four others who she got on with very well.  New place is a new build rental in a rather less 'posh' area.. but seems OK. 

It's a concern just how precarious many young people's lives are these days.  No.1 daughter is a very talented designer with 10 years experience in fashion.. but her jobs are rarely very secure and she has redundancy over her head again so is prepping for interviews at same time as moving.  Her boyfriend earns good money.. but works long and anti social hours for it. again with little job security.  Still.. both have supportive families, good education etc..  Many are far, far worse off.. and on reflection.. we had it pretty rough and uncertain through the 70s,80s and 90s. but we hung in there..


Oldest and Son in Law are moving to a bigger.. better place in a new development.. with the Grandkids obviously...

He does something to do with Credit Card Fraud...  I mean... not so much doing it.. as stopping it..  :)

She is  a HR Manager, but she's seriously visually impaired so has to use public transport for work.  I have to keep telling her to use her white stick.. because she's reluctant to do so.

Grandkids will go to school from their old house on Friday.. but will go home to their new house.  I'm picking them up from school.  I may bring them to our house overnight to give their Mum and Dad a break, before delivering them to their new home on Saturday.  That'll be interesting.  Will they be more excited by a sleepover at ours.. or their first sleep in their new house?  Oh! how simple were the joys of youth... 


I sometimes think I'd like to have another go at life.. starting all over again...  But then I think.. really?  Could you put up with all that again?


Leave it to the youngsters.. if there's anything left to leave...


I'm not half as morose as it sounds... :laugh:  Just a bit reflective.

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1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

I sometimes think I'd like to have another go at life.. starting all over again...  But then I think.. really?  Could you put up with all that again?


I think everyone reaches a certain stage in life when that becomes a secret fantasy. Could I put up with it again? not bloody likely! I'd do it totally different...

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But would you?. really?  Given the same choices.. but without the hindsight?

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3 hours ago, DJ360 said:

we had it pretty rough and uncertain through the 70s,80s and 90s.

Whilst I wasn't in the UK from 75 onwards I still class my generation (baby boomers) as the lucky generation. When I left school in the sixties we had no difficulties getting employment and many chopped and changed jobs for a few pence an hour more. There were no major conflicts that really affected us in the UK and Australia had just finished in the Vietnam war when we arrived.

I really feel for those just setting out in life after school today, minimal job security, zero hours contracts, the expectations of extended, often unpaid hours. The way technology is changing the way we live and work and of course the cost of housing, and don't get me started on anti-social media and what it s doing to our society.

If I had my time over again I would want it to start from when I was born and could relive the sixties and certainly not starting from today.


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Still a few quid to made off politics betting...but it's getting very difficult nowadays...unless your 

guaranteed to be stuffed, you are surrounded by Hyprocrisy.


I would never bet on football. but,

Why do they offer the long sheets on football...

I have never figured the logic behind these long sheet coupons...

for interest with my son I invested 12 pounds for fun..knocked back at the counter...the differential 87 and a  half pence on a double or more importantly would they have denied me the bet if the said 87p had been in their favour?

If the bet had been totally successful it would have cost them roughly 76 pounds...



Unlike any other high St shop, where the price quoted is the price you pay, price tags visible to the publc

why are they, the bookies the exception?


To answer my own forces..a bookmaker at a local provincial dog track has more spine than these billionaires..


it's purely down to...we have got you through the door..

You have filled in your slip in good faith..


Will you walk away? when we deflate the odds, 

After making your winning selections?


You choose.....



Too be's a free coffee at my local.. wouldn't go over the road and to the magic sign ...they will sting you for a latte anall! 




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I'm with Oz on this one. Those born in the years after WW2 have been extremely fortunate on the whole. Certainly far more fortunate than our parents' and grandparents' generations.  I would not want to be a child today.


That said, I would not want to live my life over again either, although I would not do anything differently. If I did, I would not be the person I am and I have no desire to be anyone else!


I am well aware I have much to be thankful for and still, everyday, make a mental list of those things I am fortunate to enjoy. My mother brought me up to do that and did it herself, daily. She reasoned that focusing on the good things in our lives was mentally far more beneficial than dwelling on what we don't have. It's a philosophy I definitely subscribe to.

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HSR never having been in a bookies I have no idea what that's all about !


As for having a 'do over' you couldn't pay me in gold to go through my childhood and teenage years again...

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Bad day yesterday going to the Birmingham Uni hospital. Rotten journey with road works and traffic but arrived just on time. Drove into the multi story main car park. Gridlock and no spaces! It tok 55 minutes, locked in and shuffling around before I was lucky enough to park - a young nurse collected her car just in front of me. Fortunately I am known to the staff and I was seen. £4.60 parking for 15 min with the audiologist! Why could the parking company not put a FULL sign outside? Maybe because revenue is increased with 10 cars on each level looking for places. They were probably making an extra £100/hour more than capacity for that period. 

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