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Just sitting reading messages when my daughter , who is sitting outside, called me to come and look. On passing the window looking outside I saw what I thought was a blackbird. As I got outside it flew away, but it wasn't a blackbird it was a swift. They had grouped and were flying everywhere, swooping down to almost touching us. It's the first time this year that we've seen them. In the summer they congregate on the telephone wires under the eves of the house and the noise they make is unbelievable. They also swoop at us when we are in the pool, they are thirsty and take every opportunity to grab a sip in flight. Actually we don't see many other birds considering we live in the country. Maybe they've been scared by all the tractors around during the year ( none at all now) The 

pigeons have all gone there are only odd blackbirds and sparrows around. Shame as I love to see them and feed them as I did in Nottingham.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Bl**dy Blackbirds, they spend most of their time in my garden throwing the pine park mulch around. It is amazing how far the little bu**ers can throw pieces of bark. It is a full time job putting it back on the garden.

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Just like that pesky, misnamed species, homo sapiens, Oz.  It's amazing how far they can throw their unwanted litter because the idle s*ds can't be bothered to take it home or find a bin!  Far too many of em!

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4 hours ago, denshaw said:

What about the meet up on Skype, Zoom etc?



Not sure how that would work with a dozen or more participants. Then again what do I know? I've not videoed, facetimed, skyped, zoomed or anything else before. I might manage with two bean tins and a long string though...

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3 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

Bl**dy Blackbirds, they spend most of their time in my garden throwing the pine park mulch around. It is amazing how far the little bu**ers can throw pieces of bark. It is a full time job putting it back on the garden.

We have the same problem  with the Squirrels.  They chuck it all over the front path.

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3 hours ago, Brew said:



Not sure how that would work with a dozen or more participants. Then again what do I know? I've not videoed, facetimed, skyped, zoomed or anything else before. I might manage with two bean tins and a long string though...


Den and Brew.   I can say with some authority that using Zoom for a SOCIAL gathering of more than about 6 people would not work!    We have about 20 people to our Sunday morning church service (or 'gathering' might be a better description) on Zoom and it works fairly well because not everyone is talking at once.   For example, whilst the Pastor is giving his message, we are all put on mute to cut down on background noise from our homes + a couple of babies and toddlers who are also present and enjoying seeing themselves on screen and wanting to chat!  When  some  other people give the Bible readings they are unmuted (obviously) 

It has to be carefully controlled by the person who has called the meeting  - at the end of theservice, everyone is unmuted so we can chat with each other, but it ends up being quite a cacophony and, in my opinion, doesn't work too well.

For  a formal meeting of not too many people, Zoom is good, I think

We use the 'gallery' view on Zoom so everyone appears on the screen at once (in little  'boxes') but ours spills over onto 2 pages so there's some swiping between the two.

In a large NS meetup, it  usually subdivides into several smaller conversational groups so that wouldn't work.

The  convener  of a meeting has to state a time and give out an ID number and password to the people who are invited.   Obviously each person has to download Zoom on to their device!

 If anyone on here wants to try it out and convene a meeting for a VERY FEW  people,  I'll join in but I don't want to control it!  Best to invite via pm?

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1 hour ago, MargieH said:

 If anyone on here wants to try it out and convene a meeting for a VERY FEW  people,  I'll join in but I don't want to control it!  Best to invite via pm?


I'm afraid it can't be me nor can I participate. I don't have a tablet and the laptops are quite old and do not have cameras...

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Never heard of Leon Musk but might explain why i have always disliked that smell? :(


I would never claim to be as dexterous as a squirrel, but would be nice to think they would place markers on Bamboo sticks to avoid taking an eye out! 

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Jumped out of bed this morning in my usual lively way  (you wish) 

Sat thinking about our city. 

I want it to go back how it used to be and had the name Queen of the Midlands. 


Shops !!!!! just a few i can recall


Griffin & Spaldin's


Woolworths, BHS, Marks n Sparks,

Jessops, Warin n Giliiow, Hopewells, Farmer's 

Boots n Co-op with there large wooden roatating doors 

Trent Bridge on a Sunday Afternoon couples listning to the trannie Luxumburg radio Caroline, going on the rowing boats or a ride on the larger one up the river,

Markets Central and Sneinton 

and last the Square itself looked at an old photo the other day and we had the flower beds on, the square to-day  to me is just bland, it you wish to see real fountains then go to Antibes in France.

I can see now were the name slab square came from now. 

one more thing how many of the younster's have sat on the lions to have a photo taken? like we use to. 

but you can't turn the clock back, shame really. They don't know what there missing.


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I bet you'd still do it, if you got the chance, lil sis. But now you're a wee bit older, you could spin faster ! Heady days eh?

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Trust you, Ben!!


I would, Beekay, only I went off those doors a bit, aged 11 to 17, due to the Coop school uniform department being directly behind them! A place I didn't want to visit during those years!

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This 'Lockdown'  is a funny thing,,, Wife as always Hated Ironing my shirts,,,,mind you i do,,but she is better at it,,,and being a shirt person i let her do the business..........With not going out,,ive only been wearing casual shirts about the house,,with a matching ''Neckerchief'' obviously.

                                         Anyway today the wife as excelled herself,,,due to her boredom she has Ironed 32 shirts for me and hung them in a matching fashion in one of my Wardrobes,,,she says tomorrow she'll do my casual there you go ''Lockdowns''' not too bad.

                       Just need to get out and wear a few...............:crazy:

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