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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Just an extra on the likes and dislikes of Dyson. My daughter has an upright corded Dyson which I borrowed some years ago and it's so heavy. It felt as though it had got a mind of its own, just like supermarket trollies that don't go where you wanted them to go.

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Interesting to see a majority of positive opinions about Dyson.


It seems to prove the theory that people who post opinions on websites only do so when they have something to complain about. Those who are happy and have nothing to complain about don't bother telling anyone.

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We have a dyson and find it very efficient.  It's the second one we've had.  The only negative is that it is heavy

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Can only report our own findings.  A Dyson DC-04 purchased years ago.  The on/off switch failed in weeks though it was replaced f.o.c. The whole machine was heavy and cumbersome, and Mrs Col also complained about the amount of heat it threw out, which to me is a sign of inefficiency.  The 'pull out' extension was also poorly designed in that it was easy to split the hose against the sharp edge of the tube.  We avoided that but a neighbour went through new hoses like smarties.

Over time the whole 'cyclone' assembly slowly clogged up with solidified dust and needed stripping right down, washing out, drying etc. But most tellingly.. bits literally started breaking.  Assorted clips, removable covers etc. just fell to bits.


The Vax we are about to replace has been great value for money. Good suction, very light weight etc. Filters are not great though and relacements.... when I could find them.. seem to have clogged much quicker than the originals. I think that the Vax machines need to be treated very much as disposable.  If you get more than 2 years out of them , treat it as a bonus. I'm sure we've had at least 6 years out of ours so no complaints.


The G-Tech machines look good but I've heard (unconfirmed) reports that build quality isn't good.


I think, as Nonna points out above... a lot depends on your circumstances. Some people have uncluttered open plan rooms which can be whizzed through easily, even more so if you have solid flooring as opposed to carpets.

Sadly, that's not us.  I have a constant battle to try to keep floors free from piles of records and books etc. I'd like more reecord storage but Mrs Col has it al full of books. Mrs Col likes clutter.. or at least doesn't seem to notice it.  I hate it but have to live with it because all of our cupboards etc., are rammed full with stuff which will most likely never get used, but I'm not allowed to 'skip' it.

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For a few years now we have used an Orek upright (as used in posh hotels, or so the advert says). When we bought it, you got a free portable cleaner complete with carrying strap. The advert on tv showed the portable lifting a bowling ball. I can vouch that this works, the suction is phenomenal. 

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We’ve got a Sebo as our main wired machine. It’s supposed to be one of the best. My wife said it wasn’t picking up very well last week. No wonder - absolutely every pipe and every orifice was blocked solid! It’s perfect now after a bit of attention. We also have a Bosch battery powered which is excellent and much lighter than the tank-like Sebo. We also have a hand-held G Tec battery operated which is handy for the stairs. We had a Dyson once but didn’t like it. We had the service engineer round twice during the warranty period. All Dyson stuff seems grossly overpriced. No wonder James Dyson is a bigger landowner than the Queen!


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Dyson seems OK here but they are a bit like Apple products - way overpriced for what they are.

A voice who must never be ignored has just said "them wot use it most should get to choose". 


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Back on the subject of repeats for a minute. Just seen a trailer on Aunty Beeb for yet another set of bloody repeats under the title, " Iconic Eastenders" episodes. Also Eastenders remembered, by some nondescript one dialect 'actors'.

Right ! Back to Dysons, before I throw up!

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Wouldn't want to encourage 'Chucking Up' BK.


Mrs Col finally ordered a Shark 'Powered Lift Away' summat or other.  Same as both daughters have. Out of stock everywhere except on Shark's own site for a few quid more.. but we were happy to order. It gets very good write ups everywhere. Delivery today ..1st July..


This means I can carry on with decorating............. whoopee....:(


P.S.  I finally decided to run the old Vax to its end.  I took the thing outside, removed the dust can and motor filter then switched on.. It sounded horrible and both sparks and flames appeared.  Eventually, it stopped without actually bursting into flames..but I was puzzled how it took so long to die.. or blow a fuse... It didn't trip the house electrics.

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On 6/29/2020 at 9:29 AM, Beekay said:

Thanks for reminding me HSR. Heard an advert on BBC 1 telling me about tennis on BBC 2 at 1.30pm with another guise of " Wimbledon Re-wind" ! I love tennis but for crying out loud another name for repeats !!!

I/we tend to watch programmes like Smithsonian, Quest, Abandoned Engineering, CCXTV to name a few. 

I realise that a lot are old films but at least they are interesting. There's been some good steam railways on and I reckon Bill Nighey s " Greatest train journeys in the World" have some stunning scenery, I take my hat off to the cameraman. Some good stuff on " Talking Pictures". Can't help but notice that BBC s breakfast tv and Victoria Derbyshire all repeat themselves about every half hour. I've no idea, the last time I watched ITV. 

Victor Meldrew, move over.


I like tennis.. but the only sport's I could watch repeats of are Snooker, Football, & Dart's.. profiler? :tony:


Got 14 episodes of Walking through history with Tony Robinson still to watch, TV will be in the garden for extra authenticity..

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My TV will be in the bloody dustbin before long ! ,Best Of, Another Chance, Best Bits, Iconic, dress it up how you like, it's still posh names for Repeats. There's enough channels on the box, so why can't the powers that be put such as football on a dedicated channel. I full appreciate that because of CV, we must be running short of programs but look at Pointless for example, we've noticed that they don't always run consecutive. It seems they screen a series and then start again. You can watch a program on Saturday night and it will be on again Tuesday. We can't all afford Sky or BT, but they just show loads of repeats..." Another Chance" etc. Putting me soapbox away now.

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Try the radio for a change. Radio 4 and 4ex have some excellent programmes. True for regular listeners there some repeats but if you've not heard them before...   Classic FM is also well worth a visit.  Radio 3 is a little esoteric for me but they do occasionally have something I like. Radio 1/2  and such like are just audible wallpaper and full of mindless drivel but hey ho horses for courses.

The advantage with radio of course is you're free to move around rather than being stuck in a chair growing fat -  and you use your brain more.

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Brew, I do listen quite a lot to 4x and Classic FM, (the ads are a bit annoying though). I downloaded BBC sounds. They have some classic comedy panel shows and old serials, aka Paul Temple etc. Wired my little DAB radio through audio leads to my stereo to hear the sound better.

I listen to more radio than I do watching television. NB. Some good stories on 4x too. Cheers.

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What a day it was 25 years ago. My son was getting married to the girl he loved, it was such a wonderful day, his brother was best man and his two friends were ushers. The best man was very nervious if you look at all the photos from 8-00am in the morning till well after the reception he has a pint glass in his hand, sometims full some time half full. The couple married at St James Church Linby and afterwards we were at the Savoy Mansfield Rd then for evening it was Leenmills School Hucknall. Next Day it was Open house on Long Hill Rise Hucknall which was where we lived at the time. So if any of the members who knew the couple please congratulate them. Paul Dawn (scaff) and Nina Robinson now Dawn. oh and the ushers were Tony Timmins and Danny Cocker.

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Well I have  done it again, sitting talking with the wife, my son and grandson the subject was how well I was looked after and the wife said that I wouldnt know what  to do without her. I replied my mind is working overtime thinking about it, but I would need her to buy me some castor oil to wipe the smile off my face with what I was thinking. That was a big mistake my son and grandson laughed at my joke, it was a joke honestly, the wife didnt see the joke. So advice is now needed on how to teach me to keep my big mouth shut.

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Time to nip out and buy a bunch of flowers.  Must be common practice as one time the checkout gal said,  "What've yer done?"  I occasionally buy a bunch even when I haven't done anything.  It's like a few positive points in the bank for when I do.  ;)

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The danger of course is buying flowers when you're innocent, you will then be unable to convince her you haven't been up to no good and won't own up...

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As you all know.. I've never been one for complaining but.....  :rolleyes:


As soon as I got out of bed this morning I was barely able to walk. Something causing pain in my left leg. No idea what, or whether I've injured it, but I don't recall doing so.  Wondered about more serious stuff for a bit but it is only painful when I stand or walk so, probs just a sprain or summat. 

Whatever, I still had to go out and cover my Runner Beans with fleece for the third time as the wind increases. Rained on and off all day.


Managed a bit more decorating until a migraine set in. I tend to just get the 'aura', a slight headache and a washed out feeling so nothing like as bad as many folk.  Still.. enough for me to call it a day.


See how tomorrow goes.  :)


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Are you taller now? :rolleyes:


I note you specialise in generalisations.  Personally, I no longer have faith in cynicism. We men of principle need to stay true...

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Shhh! I'm still maintaining that going to town shopping is not safe....  so far she believes me...

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