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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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This is what ive been doing in the last few days.




And hurt my hands in the process.




I must have made about 70.

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@radfordred You can’t imply that the wearing of masks is useless.... it’s the thoughtless people who  pretend there’s no problem and won’t follow ANY guidelines that are to blame for the increasing infection rate! 

What kind of maggot did you use to make me bite btw?   

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On taking Kai out this morning I was glad I found my hat yesterday, frost on the ground and a nip in the air but a good day for walking. 
There were loads of squirrels dashing around (Panic burying of acorns before lockdown I wonder) but not many people about (well it was only half seven) just fat Harry (Labrador) and his owner. Fat Harry is a bit of a character, he willl suddenly sit down and his owner has to wait until he is ready to walk again or pull him along on his rear end.

Anyway I digress. Kai was busy snuffling around in the fallen leaves behind me when a fox suddenly peered around a tree in front of me, don’t know who was more surprised me or him. Luckily Kai hadn’t seen him so I was able to get him on the lead just before the head appeared again. I made a Kai sit and stood still and the fox then ambled quite nonchalantly (spelling?) across the path in front of us. I am presuming it was a male as he was quite large and had a magnificent tail (is it called a brush not sure). I must say it made my day they are such beautiful creatures although I know some probably wouldn’t agree.

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I'd agree, SG. Love foxes. One comes into my garden but you have to be about very early.


Fat Harry sounds lovely.  A friend of mine lost her Labrador recently, aged 14 and a half which I think is quite a good age for the breed. She was a retired guide dog. Their working lives are quite short and this one had a very good retirement home, being much loved.

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Sounds like Fat Harry is carrying too much weight which makes his poor old legs ache.  I see too many overweight dogs whose owners are killing them with kindness.  

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7 minutes ago, LizzieM said:

Sounds like Fat Harry is carrying too much weight which makes his poor old legs ache.  I see too many overweight dogs whose owners are killing them with kindness.  


The only time I fall out with my SiL is when  I see her dog. It's a collie, beautiful dog, lovely temperement but she is killing it with kindess. Her last dog died massivlety over weight and this one, at 2 years old is already twice what the vet says it should be. Never goes for walks and not allowed to play on the grounds "she don't like it", stupid woman...

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Received permission this morning to get the Yew tree felled. Big sigh of relief from me and neighbours. No objections offered during the scrutiny period. It will be a sad day to see her go though. Some pieces will be saved and made into garden artefacts; thus her presence will still be here. Searching for two suitable trees to replace her....bit shady, near houses?

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Guys and Girls,  I dont know what category I should put this rant into so someone correct me if necessary.

Ok, so I know we have to have some constraints such as a lockdown to try and contain this nasty virus. Like 000's of others I lost my job in the first lockdown and have been living a very simple almost in lockdown existence since then- hardly any spare funds so hardly going to a (still open) pub, not buying any clothes ( as no longer needed) etc etc  and basically doing not much at all but staying in, and now I see on the Nottm news pages and news 000's of peeps waiting to shop at places such as Primark the day before another lockdown legally starts. OK its allowed but does anyone need more clothes right now?? - could they not have started to start their lockdown soon as it became mentioned as urgently req'd. and helped the situation.  Books to read, games to play, foods- anything to get us thro the next 30 days Yes, but CLOTHES -  FOR (everyone's) GOD SAKE, think about it. 

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Yes Fat Harry is a rather portly fellow I must admit (like owner like dog).
I must admit my husband and I had a German Shepherd that tended to get that way but he was greedy. We had 2 cats and his mum as well. He could walk past the cat bowls and empty them without breaking stride, he was terrible. He was always careful around his mum though, she took no nonsense from him, and even though he was bigger than her she could still back him into a corner when he pushed her too far. She was definitely the boss, although our tomcat Sam thought he was (but he thought he was a German Shepherd anyway so he was a bit confused.)


In answer to RoseQueen. Sorry to hear about you job loss, it can’t be easy for you. It seems like people think the shops will never open again, the same goes those who have been pictured having the “last nite” out etc. Just don’t have any patience with them. 

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Back is now much better. Almost all pain gone and I have exercises issued by the Physio folks.


Yesterday, I moved my small Cold Frame back to its winter position against the back wall of the house.  Also raised it up on three courses of bricks to allow taller tender plants to overwinter in it.  Somewhere.. if I can ever find them.. I have loads of little 'Tea Lights'. One of those burniing overight can just keep the frame a touch warmer if it's frosty.

Disposed of all the Runner Beans and Tomato plants. I still have a few pounds of Toms ripening.  They are still delish!


I planted up a large container with 70 new Tulip bulbs.. all layered.


Today the plan is to mix the spent Tomato compost with a bag of leaf mould and some old 'gritty' compost.  I'll use that to pot up last years surviving Tulip bulbs and see what happens. If they don't perform they'll get binned in the spring. Some Anemone De Caen and fancy Daffs will get new compost with grit added.  I wanted more Anemones but nobody seems to have any.


I'm going to try starting a few Sweet Peas off in the cold frame.  'Two chances' as they say.


Lastly, ..most of the leaves have now fallen, so rake them up, bag them up and in a year or so they'll be leafmould.


Tidy the flower borders up and leave well alone until the Spring.


Move on to indoor DIY stuff.

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14 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

 I have loads of little 'Tea Lights'. One of those burniing overight can just keep the frame a touch warmer if it's frosty.


Col....One of the old boys down the allotment swears by chopped straw mixed with horse manure! He throws some greenery on top, and swears it keeps the cold frame glass frost free for weeks on end. Now....where's that rag and bone man?

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If you want summat to do Col, the M1 from Chesterfield to Northampton needs sweeping. :wacko: You can allus leave the bin bags in the central reservation. Mind yer back !!

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@oldphil Thanks, but it's a very small coldframe.  I've just had another idea. A neighbour gave me a couple of very neat little Lead-Acid Batteries. 12v and sized about 5"w x 4"h x 2" d. I think they're about 8Ah each.  Should run a low wattage 12v car lamp (filament type) for a few hours and have a bit of a warming effect.

As I remember about 95% of the energy used by filament lamps is converted to heat


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What you need to do Col. is put the lamp into a sweet or biscuit tin, that you have painted matt black inside. This makes a good low watt heater. Did it in a shed I had, using a 40 watt lamp.

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I was looking at one in the USA. A 12V vehicle lamp in a biscuit tin, used to stop a water container for chickens from freezing. But they were using a 150 Ah battery trickle charged by solar power.


Just checked my little batteries. They are 4.5 Ah. A 45 w 12v headlamp bulb is pulling 3.75 amps, if I measured it right. Only a couple of hours in the two batteries.


A 21w might give 5-6 hours.


Thing is it doesn't need much heat.  Most of the point of a cold frame AIUI, is to use the residual heat in the ground..which is added to via sunlight in daytime.  I don't really want to get into making a 'hotbed' from manure.  A bit more faff than it's worth for a few plants.


I have no outside power sockets, but maybe that's the answer.

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