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I had identical knee problems which worsened to finally being accepted for surgery over 2 years ago. I  managed, after undergoing the usual assault course of NHS injections, consultations, pre-physiotherapy examinations and X-rays, to being finally accepted for knee replacement surgery via a private (NHS financed) hospital.

All went well for me though some others I met were not so fortunate and suffered post operative knee problems.

Following surgery there's a six week 1 hour course of physiotherapy plus maintaining knee care at home, hygiene, and knee exercises and wearing of surgical socks. 

I would estimate it takes about six months for the knee to becoming to feel a normal, 'your knee' again. However, my right knee is in the same pre-operative condition and I am undecided whether I would venture to have another replacement operation.

I very much doubt with the current waiting list for surgical procedures that I would be given the opportunity. 


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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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First time out on me bike..since about last August and since my health problem............only went about 1/2 mile..but i;m completly shattered...which just goes to show how unfit i'd got......

                    Also made me determined to get out for a ride everyday and get fit again........

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You can do it Ben.  You have the right attitude and that is more than half the battle!   (And keep dancing in the house as well .... but don’t trip over the cats!)

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How about "Knees up Mother Brown"   come on all member's join in.

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Knees up muvver Brahn

Knees up muvver Brahn

Under the table you must go

Eee eye. Eee eye. Eee eye oh!

If I catch you bending

I,ll chop yer legs right off

Knees up knees up

Never get the breeze up

Knees up muvver Brahn.



An' a din't Google it.

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Am bopping to a bit of northern soul.... Keep on Keeping on

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I think our version was slightly less bloody Loppy, If I catch you bending, I'll turn you upside down.

A bit better than having yer legs chopped off!

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1 hour ago, loppylugs said:

Knees up muvver Brahn.

Oh Oh What a rotten song

What a rotten song 

What a rotten song

Oh Oh What a rotten song

What a rotten singer  tooo ooo ooo.

Don't be a offended LL. Not your wonderful singing. This was the end of the song, as sung by all of us inebriated customers as we tried to dance to Knees up Mother Brown at the end of the night.:rolleyes:

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Enjoying an Indian summer here weather readings a bit strange though. Top temp expected today is 27deg, relative humidity 1% and dew point minus 38 deg, don't really understand these strange figures but looks like a really nice day.

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Thunderstorm woke me at 3 a.m.  Had to get up because Jake gets all upset at thunder.  Got back to bed at 4 but my nights sleep was broken.  Feel like a wet rag this after noon.  None forecast for tonight anyway.  Joys of dog ownership!

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13 hours ago, Alpha said:



I had identical knee problems which worsened to finally being accepted for surgery over 2 years ago. I  managed, after undergoing the usual assault course of NHS injections, consultations, pre-physiotherapy examinations and X-rays, to being finally accepted for knee replacement surgery via a private (NHS financed) hospital.


I was first told I needed a new knee probably 10-15 years ago. It's the one where I had a torn cartilage removed 40+ years ago. I've related here before.. the surgeon was not keen, because .. in his exact words.  "Your heart's f***** and you've just had a stroke."  He gave me a Cortisone injection which helped for about 20 minutes.

I have since been told that if I can find a surgeon and aneasthetist willing to have a go.. I could get it done.  I have several neighbours who have had one or both knees done. Although some recovered quicker than others.. all seem to have benefitted.

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I had hospital appointment today for results of  scan following kidney op 2 years ago, all OK, but  there is a problem with my stomach. I could have told them that I have had gastritis for over 2 years ,the nurse insisted she will report it to the consultant. They will not use a knife on me again, I am still waiting for a new shoulder ( 2 years) and I have doubts about having that done. The best thing is that I wake up of a morning and the sun is still shining , well between the showers.

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Trogg, pleased the hospital visit wasn’t too bad today.  Are you on medication for the gastritis?  0meprazole or similar?

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Trogg, is that owt like Lansoprazole? Been on that for ages. I think it's to settle some of the other stuff I'm on.

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Hope it works for you Trogg  I went to the GP one year ago as I had lost sence of taste  (no not due to Virus) but read on parkinson,s site it's a side effect of meds. any way my taste came back but only for a while so went to GP again he gave me something like your on to settle my tum, out of 10 it scores about 6 so i can taste a little., best thing was though he told me to leave al my meds off. I am only on 22 tabs a day What would you do?

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Just another  thing went to QMC the other day GP requested it as he thought that I had rheumatoid arthritis. Consultant examined my hands and told me it was not R/A but some thing called carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrist's, so waiting now to see another consultant.


But Hay-- Ho keep walking up each morning , just waiting for the sun to show up.

Message to Beeky had a excisise bike but sold it before virus  legs  going like a hamster on his wheel  but I did'nt seem to get anywhere.

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Eh Noddy, 'er indoors had Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. She had it operated on many years ago, at Victoria hospital, East Grinstead. Had her wrist in plaster for about 6 weeks. Awkward for a while but she got used to it.

PS. Not gerrin' anywhere on yer bike, was cos yer wornt going fast enough.!!

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Thanks "Big Ears" and a Happy New Year to you both!!!  

ps Ask her in-door's  please is it very hard to do housework other things with your plaster on?  Thanks for above info.


PPS  Big Ears 

It was not that I wanted to go fast on my bike but I did not want to wear the tyres out.

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Regarding the various XXXXXXazole meds.  They are called Proton Pump Inhibitors.  Here's a web page about them.


I've had most of them over the years, and before they appeared I was on Tagamet and endless 'chalky' type antacids.


So.. after years on Omeprazole, Pantoprazole, Lansoprazole etc..  I ended up on Esomeprazole.  My Doc at the time told me that his wife suffered with 'acid' and that she had found that basically.. a change is as good as a rest with PPI's.  That's when he switched me to Esomeprazole.

I told him I was trying to 'get off' them.. as I thought I had enough with Aspirin, Beta Blockers, A2 Inhibitors and Statins for the old 'Ticker'.  He suggested I try 'playing'. the PPIs and only using them if I needed them.. alongside Gaviscon.. which is basically just an antacid.  To be clear.. PPIs reduce acid production.  Antacids neutralize acid already produced and in your stomach.

I now only take Esomeprazole occasionally.. mostly if I've been silly with the fry ups.


All that said.... the use of PPIs can be essential if you are on certain drugs (Such as Diclofenac) which can cause stomach you must consult your Doc before coming off them.  But if you get the OK.. here is a page of strategies for doing so.



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Brew and DJ I read the links you gave , thanks, I found them very informative and I might alter my system soon, but at the present time I am coping and reluctant to change anything. Mary I am at present on 14 different tablets a day and sick to death of relying on them when I try to reduce or stop taking them I suffer a lot. Eventually when I am in a better frame of mind I will slowly try again. I believe that taking all these tablets eventually makes the problem worse and I think if I can stop all or most of the tabs my body will learn to cope.

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