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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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We've been surprised by about 2" of snow overnight and it's still coming down.  According to last night's weather forecast, we were outside the snow zone!  Garden looks lovely, though.....



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Nothing in Basford at 6.30, but a good covering, and snowing quite heavily now. Just ventured up to the shed to get the snow shovel just in case it worsens. Hopefully it'll pass by this afternoon.

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Just got up & looked out the window & Bulwell had had a bit of snow !

BTW. Please spare a thought for the birds, they struggle to find food this weather, if you can put, something out for them.

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Yep, just been out hanging more food and a couple of old butter pots with seed in for them, not forgetting a drink of water for them as well



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Just a light sprinkling here in the Trent Valley but thinking back to the days when we had “proper” snow there was never any time that I failed to get into Nottingham even when there were deep drifts. That was in the days before 4*4’s. I think nowadays there would be too much traffic sliding all over the place to get through though. Younger drivers have not had the chance to practice driving in adverse conditions in recent years so deep snow freaks them out. The only difficult journey was on one night in the 60’s when the fog was so thick that trains and buses weren’t running and I couldn’t see to drive. That was a long 14 mile walk in freezing conditions, only stopping at pubs along the way for a warming dram. From Burton Joyce to Lowdham there were no pubs and likewise from Lowdham onwards. My mother complained about my lateness and gave me my dried up dinner from the oven! :mellow: Now there’s a 4*4 on the drive, a hold-all of emergency winter supplies and a shovel in the car and I’m not planning on driving anywhere!

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Just a light dusting out here in loony Lincolnshire, was going to get the trike out for a play but Mrs P put a stop to that, "you're not going out on the trike easpecially with bald tyres" she don't complain about me cleaning the windows even though I've got a BALD head, never mind there's always tomorrow when she's at the gym,picture of the back garden




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Four inches on the flat here in N Staffs. It is drifting though and the main road into Stafford (Weston Bank) is closed.

I save apples for the birds and put a dozen out this morning but some disappeared in the deep snow. Scraped an area of footpath and put more apples down. 15 birds arrived within seconds!

Got some wood and logs out of the shed and built a fire. Sitting room now very cosy. It is days like this that we feel lucky to live in a former 17thC Yeoman's cottage with smallish rooms, open fires and beamed ceilings. A modern house just cannot compete for cosiness :biggrin:

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Know the feeling.....we live in an old farmhouse built in 1886 and has walls 60 cm thick , low ceilings in winter so cosy with pellet stove for heating and water.

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15 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

The East end' as always fascinated me.......been in the 'Bind Beggar''.a time or two....and worked for a short time out of an Office on Cable street''.....famous for some riots in the 30s.........,also did Security at a school in Bethnal Green...........that was a real eye opener...........all the old Geezers'' i knew have sold up for a small fortune......and now live in Sussex or Surrey ,......


Hey Ben, I remember a fascinating if somewhat gruesome series on the telly called, I think, 'Gangsters'.  It told the story of the 'Golden Age' ( :blink: ) of gangs and criminals mostly in the post WW2 period, Mad Frankie Frazer, the Krays, Freddie Foreman, Jack 'The Hat' 'McVitie, The Richardsons.. etc.  I always recall one bloke describing how things got a bit out of hand...


'We 'ad vis bloke wot we'd caught.. an ee woz tied dahn on vis ere bed.. I woz breakin' 'is toes wiv a pair o' pliers, and pullin' his toe nails aht. an' suddenly I fort...  we're goin' wrong 'ere'...'


A masterpiece of understatement if ever there was, I thought. 


They do hold a strange fascination though.  I just looked all this stuff up and discovered that a bloke called 'Owney Madden' originally from Leeds was owner of the legendary Cotton Club in Harlem and made a fortune out of Prohibition etc.  He died in 1965.  I once met Adelaide Hall, who performed with Ellington at the Cotton Club and on his famous record 'Creole Love Call'..  small world.  Also remember some bloke from Nottingham being interviewed on local radio yonks ago.. maybe late 60s.  He said he'd spent some time as a driver for Al Capone!!



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Rog, great pic.  Is there a path just beyond that fence or do you have that view all to yourselves?  Bet it's fab in Summer.


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We are expecting snow this afternoon and tomorrow hope they clear the roads before I go to the hospital. Dont know if Ive mentioned this before but at our other house also in this area we lived in a spot where the two exits were uphill or down hill. Ok when the weather was fine but when it snowed and heavily there were two snow ploughs going in the opposite direction and pushed the snow to one side as they do. BUT most often than not they would block us in ( on both sides we had fields) but they always blocked our side. My husband got really fed up of complaining to the local council and one day came home to find the entrances both blocked once again. SO FEDUP and ~*##^*+ he put his foot down sharply on the accelerator and charged at the pile of snow hoping to get over it......he got stuck over the top then had to walk right down to the house 300 m to get a snow shovel. Remember the italian job with the bus hanging over the edge. 

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Yes Col they do really interest me, just sumat about em,many did bad things,but you after remember they grew up in the war years and had to live on their wits, 

    Bestwood had its own criminals in the 80s and 90s, can't blame the war for what they did,  still see and speak to them that are not locked up,always very respectful to me,

By the way col thought about you this morning as i was sliding down Southglade, lol

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Here in West Mids.

A bit different to my photo two days ago. We have had at least four inches of snow since yesterday. Just look at the depth of snow on top of the flower pots and it's still coming down.





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View all to myself Col, I cut the grass just the other side of the fence,full length of garden about 30 feet and out in the field for about 10 feet,( just to make it look a bit tidy)  about a mile and half beyond the trees you see is the next village Bassingham and on the right nothing till you get to Navenby about 6 miles away and on the left nothing till you get to Coddington 8 miles away, it is nice all year round not just summer



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Was up a lot earlier than normal (for me) and got checked in for a Speed Awareness Course at the Park Inn.  When I arrived at 7.45 I was the only female sitting there waiting to go into the ‘classroom’ making me feel a bit conspicuous, but a few more drifted in before the start time, making a total of 23, with a third of those being women.  

The 4 hour session was fairly interesting and informative.  I was surprised that I didn’t know the legal speed limit on certain types of roads driving certain types of vehicles, but then I’ve only ever driven a car anyway, never even sat in a big truck.  You always get someone who likes the sound of their own voice, a know-all who makes stupid remarks, and there was one there this morning.  A couple of people must have been to a couple of these Courses before because they had all the correct responses! 

Anyway, all done now and I still have a clean licence.

I’m a very proud Mum today because just before I went off for the Safe Driving lecture I got a text message from the top of Mt Kilimanjaro, 19,340 ft.  Our youngest son has been climbing since Sunday and the final leg was overnight, arriving at the summit at sunrise.   He didn’t say much, except that this has been the most difficult thing he’s ever ever done.   We assume he’s well on the way down the mountain now and we’re looking forward to further messages.  He’s going on a mini Safari for a few days then flies back to UK on Wednesday to spend Christmas with us.  

Apart from that, I’m delighted to say that I feel well despite spending last weekend with my eldest son and his family who all had a flu virus!  The flu jab has possibly worked then.  

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Well done to both yourself and your son Lizzie. That's great, and I suppose you both feel on top of the world. Well almost !

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56 minutes ago, philmayfield said:

I enjoy fast driving. How do I sign up for one of these courses? Do they have a Ferrari or a Lamborghini to drive?

Afraid not Phil, but there’s a Ferrari in Graypaul’s showroom on Lenton Lane priced at £1,750,000. Why not go for a test drive.  Bet you won’t be able to get above 30 mph in Nottingham though. 

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