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Play it again Benj opps sorry wrong flim

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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This morning I planted small rows of Radish and Beetroot.  There's only me who likes I won't need many.  Just a repeat sowing every few weeks. Next up... Tuscan Black Kale.. aka 'Cavolo Nero.'


Then this afternoon, I waxed my car.  I'd already jet washed then hand washed it yesterday,for the first time in about 18 months, but as I was using up an old bottle of 'Mer' polish wot I found in the garage.. I found myself thinking how long it is since I last waxed a car.  Basically, it is so long that I'd forgotten how hard it is when you are an old git and only marginally enthusiastic.  I also found out how much I missed by not using a 'detailing' brush yesterday..


Naturally.. the minute I finished.. it started peeing down...


Tomorrow.. the wheels need a major cleanup and I need to do the whole 'back to black' routine on certain plastic bits.  And of course the inside is filthy... and the engine compartment... well..:ohmy:


But, I will finish giving it a good clean and then no doubt ignore it for another couple of years.


Ooops!..nearly forgot..  Need to change oil and filter..

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Waxing lyrical will continue.. waxing cars is done, for the forseeable... :laugh:

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Some one told me about this no wash wax/polish.. 

No way i said Yes said my friend Try it and see    Well as we live in a complex and have not got any chance of useing a hose pipe,

(have always used the car wash with the boys doing all the work)   (last time though not happy with them)  Well I said to my friend my new car's colour is black it won't do any damage will it? No said friend.  So sent for some of this for want of a better word, stuff 

So when it came still not sure how do you wash a car with out water?  and not scatch it?   

Well you have 2 magic cloths one to put the stuff on with then one to take it off (don't get them mixed up)  IT WAS AMAZING IT DID WORK!!!!!     and it looked liked it had just come out of the showroom.   Still don't belive it.


And  the name of the stuff (you'r not going to belive this)  


""GREASE LIGHTNING!""  yes thats its name.

story not yet finished.

This magic stuff cost me £39 99 for 2 bottles and cloths.

Spoke to another friend the other day it seems he has being using it for quite a while (Never told me)  but they sell it at Halfords and it's a lot cheaper than what i paid.

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In a fit of madness I bought an attachment for the pressure washer that spays the car with thick foam. It works well and is quite impressive, especially when I didn't bother too much about getting the mixture right. 

Unfortunately we live on a big hill and since having the kerb drop downs extended it all drains down the drive and  along the pavement, not into the road.

Next door has a drive that slopes away from the pavement towards his house, he was not impressed when he came out and was ankle deep in foam... ah well back to the car wash.

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Feeling a bit down and under the weather with my hay fever this morning so decided to have Alexa play some 60’s music to cheer me up. First three songs were

Unchained Melody .. Righteous Brothers

Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Any more ... Walker Brothers

and then Never Walk Alone Gerry & The Pacemakers. 
Seems like Alexa feels like me this morning!

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Just seen the first Christmas advert on TV for kids toys. It urges you to lay by for Christmas now.

For those who do not know what lay by is the stores put the product away for you and you pay it off a little at a time before Christmas. I seem to remember something similar in the UK but can't recall what it was called. Not Hire purchase.

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Park Hampers have been doing that for years. The adverts usually start on December 26th, to start saving for the following Christmas.

One club collapsed a couple of years ago and the punters lost all their money paid in.

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Ted Sparrow ran this enterprise, according to my father, for the members of his wife's family. They all contributed an agreed amount each week for however long the set period was, after which they were paid out, presumably plus interest.


My father, who was still at school but had numerous Saturday and before/after school jobs, decided to join the club, no doubt coerced by Ted, and contributed his share each week from his earnings. He said that when payout time came round, Ted told him there was nothing to come as his mother had spent his contributions on new trousers/shoes for dad.  My father and his father didn't get along. Ted was jealous of dad because he was my grandmother's favourite child. Dad had sensitive information on Ted who was always pleading poverty but in actuality was pretty well off due to a trust fund, the proceeds of which he guarded jealously.


I assume Ted paid out my grandmother's relatives because she would have seen to it that his life was nasty, brutish and short if he had attempted to do otherwise!


Happy families!

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I remember a form of saving club at Raywarp on Alfred St North. Memory not brill so excuse me if I get a bit muddled.Say there were twenty of us in the group, we paid in the same amount each week, and all names put in a box at the start and names were, to be picked out to see when we got our share. Every one received the amount we put in , just all in one go , depending on which number week we drew our name. I imagine there would have been a collection for the organiser.

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Diddlum clubs were quite common at one time, usually a work place enterprise and mostly a way to save for Christmas. There were other objectives, I was once a member of a 'drivers fine' club. 2/6d a week  covered any speeding fines and for someone who once had nine points on his licence it was a worthwhile investment...  :wacko:

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Got me new Michael Caine's today.......driving the wife mad with my Impressions of him......mind you she is laughing.....

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Our office at Raleigh had a Diddlum club for Christmas. Also had a Fuddle club to save for things like a party or a trip.

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Fuddle Club  the only time I have heard the word fuddle is when the wife was extremely angry and confused over some thing and did not know what to do, she would say she was in a mucking fuddle.

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