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They can’t that’s the problem, they need a woman to give them individual tasks to complete one by one and then they’re really useful. I have learnt to give my man a task at a time as he always is like a bull at a gate and has to do it immediately.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Up early and got my pressure washer out to clean the Lister ST diesel engine and trolley down, not got an outside top yet but connected it upto my greenhouse water butt, worked a treat so nice clean engine, then cut back some of the Acer tree ready for it to start new shoots in a few weeks, got next doors mower sorted for him,he was trying to get it started with no joy so I stripped the carb down and fitted a new diaphragm and air cleaner, now running a treat, then decided to get my shed telly and DVD player fired up so spent the next hour or so listening to some SKA and Reggae music while putting stuff away in the shed, all in all an enjoyable day



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We went to Waitrose in Newark today. It was interesting to see that the carpark, which had been snarled up for weeks whilst they were installing eight electric charging points was back to normal. All the electric spaces were vacant. I guess local shoppers charge their electric cars at home. What a waste of money! 

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On 2/20/2023 at 4:32 PM, IAN FINN said:

It sounds like the dishwasher has broken down speedy recovery mary.

This is my domain Ian, I brought a dish washer, when I used to work Saturday afternoons and the master and  2 boys used to go to the City Ground watching The Red Men (Glory Days) after i had finished work use to go into my kitchen and the sink would be full of pots. So invested in a dish washer. I would never be with out one.  ps That was till one caught fire in rhe middle of the night? but thats a story for cold nights? Still say would never be with out one.

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6 hours ago, mary1947 said:

This is my domain Ian, I brought a dish washer, when I used to work Saturday afternoons and the master and  2 boys used to go to the City Ground watching The Red Men (Glory Days) after i had finished work use to go into my kitchen and the sink would be full of pots. So invested in a dish washer. I would never be with out one.  ps That was till one caught fire in rhe middle of the night? but thats a story for cold nights? Still say would never be with out one.

Best think ever invented for the kitchen! I know someone else that had one catch fire though consequently I rarely use mine and then go out.

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I was once told my an appliance engineer, never, ever, leave a dishwasher, washing machine or dryer on, when you are in bed or gone out. A lot can go wrong in your absence.

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I understand katejay but at the time we lived at the coast and fuel was only electricity so it was in Economy 7 which was the cheapest.

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What?!  Wait til they start wanting to inspect your nether regions to establish whether you're wearing regulation knickers, dear!  Or commanding you to take off your shoes in order to measure the inside heel height. "They're 1/squillionth of an  inch too high. Report to me tomorrow in suitable shoes!"


UPSET? Should have gone to Manning! Wimps!

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I think knicker inspections were going a bit too far. I remember a few boys being paraded outside the staff room with trousers rolled up to expose luminous socks and the stupid summer rule where you were exempt from wearing a tie but you had to wear your shirt collar over your jacket. Also in the lower forms a cap always had to be worn with school uniform at all times outside of school. 

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The content of this thread seems to have moved in a rather questionable direction.................... school uniform policies past and present. Most of us on here were subjected to some draconian rules about school dress and have anecdotes and perspectives that need to go into the history books.


How's the day?  Very pleasant did a good walk down from north of Threekingham down to Sempringham. There was an Abbey there before the Reformation all long gone .  But  here a piece of Welsh history as this was where Gwenllian was a prisoner at the Gilbertine Priory of St Mary, at Sempringham, for all her life from 18 months until the age of 55. Gwenllian was the only child of Llywelyn ab Gruffuddd, also known as Llywelyn the Last, Prince of Wales. Her mother was Eleanor de Montfort, who was the daughter of Eleanor of England, sister of Henry III, and Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. Shortly after her birth, Edward I concluded his conquest of Wales she was seen as potential embarrassment if in womanhood she were to produce an heir to the Welsh crown. Edward 1 had her and several other of her relatives "tidied away". The machinations of the royal families never fail to amaze.

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Once again the night sky displays its spectacular sights. Venus and Jupiter chasing the setting sun into the evening twilight below the horizon, followed by the perfect crescent moon. For me it really is something to wonder at, it being another very clear night. It was a night  sky like this 40 years ago my brother borrowed a refracting telescope, probly a 5" object lens. We set up in our dark backyard and focused on Jupiter and there in all its glory we saw the faint clouds on the planet but more important to us at the time we saw the 4 largest moons of Jupiter; Europa, Gannymede, Io and Callisto, dots of light arranged 2 each side of the planet. (Discovered, Galileo Galilei 1610.) The telescope had an equatorial Mount so by slowly turning 1 knob we could track the planet across the evening sky. I'll never forget that.

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Very poetic W.W., just looked out of our window and can see the crescent moon high above us, but wouldn't know where to look for Jupiter etc. Mind you, you're further north than us so you're a wee bit nearer.   B.

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What a great picture Cliff Ton !


A grey morning here but the wild birds showing a greater interest in making a dawn chorus.

Bird Flu has meant keeping hens penned up rather than free ranging BUT Horror of Horrors from Cambodia is the following news................

According to the Ministry of Health, the child developed flu-like symptoms on February 16, including a cough and sore throat. As these became more severe she was sent to the National Pediatric Hospital in Phnom Penh, where she later died. 

On Friday, authorities announced that her 49-year-old father – one of 12 close contacts tested – had also been infected.


Let's hope it does not have the consequences of the Corona Virus that jumped species!!


Today I shall be mostly fitting a rewound magneto to a 1925 Sunbeam Model 4 Motorcycle a great deal of excitement in getting the timing accurately set and possibly getting the beast started.   Less excitement from my knees as this will mean a fair bit of time spent asking them to bear my not inconsiderable weight.


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I’m well equipped for stargazing. I’ve got an astronomical telescope on a tripod and no light pollution where I live. It’s just when I’ve had dinner and a couple of glasses of wine it’s  “shall I sit in an armchair and watch television or should I sit outside in the freezing cold and look at the stars?” The first option has always won so far!

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Who can afford a bloody chair !! I'm still looking for those moons, venus's and Jupiter's. Been stood outside all day and can't see nowt.

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