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Finally managed to get in to see a doctor about my knee problems after completing an online form over 4 weeks ago. He did a very thorough examination and is requesting an MRI which he says will take a couple of months to come through with a date. Onwards and upwards

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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On 4/10/2024 at 3:37 PM, Beekay said:

 Does anybody know the best way to remove the sticky residue left on tins, when removing labels?


Petrol lighter fuel?

Also saw this but no idea whether it "does what it says on the tin"

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i've actually been perspiring this afternoon, ( don't know the temp ).

it's now 18.10 and I'm just off to run a quiz night. Who needs crap telly any road.

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye .:loser: 

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At last an interesting post about how someone's day is going thanks for restoring my faith in this site Barrie



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Well I'm back home and we've had a crackin' night over at our little community centre, with a turnout of 30 people, which at £2 entry netted 60 quid, half to the winners and half to our social fund. Better still though, the winners gave back their winnings to the social fund, so the residents benefit all round. I did a mixture of verbal questions, visual idententification and  musical intros.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and because they bring their own refreshments and nibbles, nobody wentv without. Got back home at 22.45, knackered and just wanting a cup of tea. It's a lovely feeling when you flop down in the chair and  say to yourself..." Had a great day today".

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It is a good thing to contribute to your home community , it sounded a great bash Beekay.

Where I live nowt happens and folk hardly acknowledge one another, maybe its only me they don't acknowledge.......Who knows and who cares. Not me!

Looks nice out so getting the wooden outside furniture out to see if it will continue to hold old bones and mugs of tea. I think the table will need sanding and coating in stuff.

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Tell you what Siddha, I don't want you to feel left out. Next time I do a quiz night, I let you know. Consider it an open invitation to join us. I might even send you some of the questions for you to answer, while you are sitting on your garden seat with a cup of tea/coffee.

I feel sad when one posts on here or locally, yet does'nt get any response. It makes you wonder if it's worth bothering. ( I love to get interaction or indulge in friendly banter on here with fellow N.S.s.

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Went to Worksop this morning for the market and a walk about, big disappointment, about eight market stalls there mainly clothes with one fruit stall and one plant stall and a couple of dvd/cd's sellers, the "shopping centre" is almost devoid of shops now with most of them closed down, the car parks were practically empty, even the pound shop had closed, just got to feel sorry for the good people of Worksop they have been badly let down by their council, when we first went there the market ran full length of the main street in two or three rows now just about empty, the Queens pub the main one in the town centre is now a Vietnamese restaurant/takeaway, I know it's my own fault for going there but I didn't think it could have got any worse than my last visit last year but it has, anyroad that was my morning, this afternoon I'm in the shed working on my latest model bus rebranding, a Trent Leyland Atlantean into a NCT one of 1980's vintage

Hope you all have a great day



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Thats sad about Worksop Rog...........used to enjoy the place many Moons ago........they had quite a large Savemore supermarket which i helped set up mid to late was on the main street near a river if i remember correctly)

....lovely lass from 'Wombwell'  (sp ) worked there ...her being my main memory of the place.....:rolleyes:

           I had breakfast in Bulwell this morning......Bulwell market not what it was but reasonably busy......oddly apart from the staff in all the retail places didnt see any old friends.....seems by the look of half the people shopping today...many immigrants now dwell there least it keeps the place busy.......and to be honest they seem a decent lot......even saw a sign for planning permission for a ''Mosque''......Bulwell always keeps up with the trends.............Been looking for a long while for a new casual Jacket...but in most of the posher shops thought they were too expensive for what they are........but today on the Market found just what i wanted and only £ i'll be poncing about in that for a while...

             Have a nice day......

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3 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

Been looking for a long while for a new casual Jacket...but in most of the posher shops thought they were too expensive for what they are........but today on the Market found just what i wanted and only £ i'll be poncing about in that for a while...


Time for a selfie, Ben........

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HUH      anybody would think i was Vain Kev..!!!............where's that

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5 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

lot......even saw a sign for planning permission for a ''Mosque''.

The proposed site appears to be land on Occupation Road, off Cinderhill Road. Former colliery land, possibly?  The locals are considerably less than keen but, apparently, have been advised they have no chance of stopping it.

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On 10/27/2023 at 12:47 AM, Stuart.C said:

Maine was at least the 500th Mass shooting this year, Mass shooting usually being defined as more than 3 deaths (may have been upped to 4 now).


Yesterday in the Westfield shopping centre at Bondi Junction, Sydney, a man armed with a knife killed six people, and injured many others including stabbing a nine month old baby. The baby's mother is among those killed.

A female police officer shot the assailant dead when he raised the knife at her. My sincere condolences go out to all those impacted by this atrocity. The police say the assailant, 40 years old Joe Cauchi was known to police in Queensland and was believed to have had mental issues. I do hope the police officer Inspector Amy Scott does not face any repercussions or enquiries after this incident. I am a firm believer in take out the threat as soon as possible, no negotiation, just eliminate the ba$tards.

I sit here wondering what our world is coming too when we cannot go shopping on a Saturday without facing this sort of violence. No small wonder, with countries and their leaders threatening and taking violent action against other nations. Yes I am talking about Russia, China, North Korea, Israel, Iran, Hamas and other Middle Eastern groups, Donald Trump and no doubt many others.

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12 minutes ago, Oztalgian said:

No small wonder, with countries and their leaders threatening and taking violent action against other nations. Yes I am talking about China, North Korea, Israel, Iran, Hamas and other Middle Eastern groups, Donald Trump and no doubt many others.


Some think it's political and a rise of the hard right, yet there is no firm evidence to support it. Those on the left can male an equal claim  that the far left is responsible, again with no overwhelming evidence to substantiate it. 


this was turning into a long discourse, a dissertation if you like on the ills and evils in society so most is deleted......

Arthur C Clake was right, H G Wells was right...I just hope Neville Shute was wrong...

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17 hours ago, Beekay said:

Consider it an open invitation to join us. I might even send you some of the questions for you to answer, while you are sitting on your garden seat with a cup of tea/coffee.

OK Beekay !  Doubt I would do the journey easily to your part of the world BUT send the questions and I will do my best. No good at sports!


In the end I did have to sand down the table the bleddy seats are wooden and need serious fettling if they are going to bear my weight and that of SWIMBO!! Keep me busy today but I like a challenge, need some 6M stud to clamp the legs. Off to the garage.....

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I don't know whether there would be a muezzin calling the faithful to prayer five times a day but if I were a resident of the nearby care home, I don't think I'd be too pleased about that.

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Barrie your post reminded me in our village at Christmas and new year . We have bingo in the church hall .   Worn out cards with dried chickpeas as counters .It’s hilarious we have a bottle of local wine on the tables between 4 people and loads of unshelled peanuts. The prizes are as follows. Joints of meat, sausages, bottles of wine, chops, salami of various types and winter fruit and veg. One year we had nearly all the prizes and folks around thought we were cheating so upon request we changed cards and still won. We did divide the winnings up as no way could we have used everything. 

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Nonna, we also have a weekly bingo night every Tuesday. We pay £3.50 each. We play 6 full house games to win a fiver with th exception of the snowball which has to be won within a certain amount of numbers. This is a rolling amount if not won, then the prize goes up the following week adding an extra number. The other 6 games consist of...Any line, First 5, 1.2.3,  3.2.3, 321, the winner of these games gets a choice on the goodies trolley. I always choose, a tin of taters or soup, something savoury rather than sweet ( I'm diabetic ). We used to draw tiles out of a bag but we've invested in a Random numbers machine for £200.00, making it a bit more professional.  Ciao.

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