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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Lizzie, the evacuation was a precaution and covers quite a large area as the fire can't make it's mind up which way to go.

They've been in that area since 2016 (minus 1 year in New Zealand) so are used to seeing the fires in the distance, but never so close.
As I put earlier, they've been at the stage of packed and in cars and the truck before, but never had to leave.


I think katyjay is over to the west more, but I assume firemen / women come from all over for these types of fire.

My Son and co. live where the yellow X is in the area I've circled blue.
Top half of the blue area is the evac zone.

Interesting that Google maps have put the location of the Fire on







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This is what it looks like at ground level on one of the few days in a year when it rains, from their patio.
No trees as such but plenty of these bushes.
They have a mandatory 20ft (I believe) fire break around buildings
They may have widened that with the greater threat of fire in recent years.
Since this picture there's another house been built on the adjacent plot that now hides the 2 cacti, but will also have removed quite a lot of the bushes.


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We were driving through Daybrook this lunchtime when a nutter on an electric bike,  wearing a balaclava, came zig-zagging round moving cars, then did the same around cars travelling in the opposite direction, then onto the pavement and shot up a footpath that runs between the retail park and BP garage.  At the same time we could hear a police car with siren blaring heading towards us, obviously following the youth,  with the cyclist looking behind him all the time.  The police had no chance of catching him and I don’t think they even realised he’d disappeared up the alleyway but they carried on and turned up Ribblesdale Road. .  This is the second time this week that I’ve been aghast at the nerve these toe-rags illustrate.  On Sunday lunchtime I was about to walk across  a pelican crossing in Carrington with my young granddaughter.  We had the ‘Green Man’ but fast approaching, with no intention of stopping, were around 20 off-road bikes, no number plates, no helmets, most in balaclavas and doing wheelies down Mansfield Road.  These lads are so lairy and seem to get away with their dangerous riding, be it on public roads or local parks.  I’m not out driving that often but today was the 4th time in the past year  I’ve witnessed it.  The police have a battle on their hands for sure.  

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I would give you a like Lizzie but there is nothing to like about this crap its the same here and its always the innocent that finish up getting hurt if my dad knew i was doing this sort of thing i would get a thick ear and on more bikes ever.

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1 hour ago, LizzieM said:

We were driving through Daybrook this lunchtime when a nutter on an electric bike,  


Oh dear Lizzie, I bet you’re one of those awful people without empathy or sympathy for the trials and tribulations these precious little ones are going through.  Clearly you have no understanding of the amount of effort they have to put in before they gain their ASBO badge of honour.

We cannot know the shame and embarrassment they go through before their peers if they have not been observed taunting the police or scaring people, it’s truly awful. The sheer strain of failing to cause an accident for extra kudos and a step up in the street cred hierarchy must be dreadful. Imagine the effect on their mental health if they cannot post their exploits on TikTok; it doesn’t bear thinking about…      :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, LizzieM said:

We were driving through Daybrook this lunchtime when a nutter on an electric bike,  wearing a balaclava, came zig-zagging round moving cars, then did the same around cars travelling in the opposite direction, then onto the pavement and shot up a footpath 


I've seen several of them in recent months. Those bikes can go as fast as - or faster than - cars, and I've seen them doing that - without any lights - on main roads on dark evenings. I look forward to one being seriously injured.

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2 hours ago, IAN FINN said:

We have been to Pheonix a few times to get away from our winters travelled many on the good old highway 17 lots of desert and cacti one year we drove up to the Grand Canyon for three days great adventures.

I drove up 17 this week. Quite a few small fires had occured recently by the look of it. But one did my heart in. A huge area that was full of saguaros and they had all burned. Each one enormous so you know they were over 100 years old. 

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2 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:


I've seen several of them in recent months. Those bikes can go as fast as - or faster than - cars, and I've seen them doing that - without any lights - on main roads on dark evenings. I look forward to one being seriously injured.

When I watched them hairing towards town on Sunday I wondered if the Police were even aware of the danger they were causing. They take no notice of red lights.   I’d love to be in charge of one of those ‘stinger’ things, burst all their tyres and see them in a massive pile-up, like the poor lads in big cycle road races.  

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13 hours ago, philmayfield said:

Tractor nearly finished.

Nice job Phil,

Our local pony club had one in a faded grey, perhaps the same model, but without the schmick tyres yours has. It was used to tow a trailer with all the poles and wings for the show jumping events until some ferals got into the club's shed and torched it.

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They're still in the hotel, the alternate was in the local school gym.

The fire doesn't appear to have got to the houses, although the area is blockaded by the Police so none of the property owners have been allowed back yet, apart from maybe some of the many horse stable owners who couldn't move their horses.

Fire service are dosing hotspots due to the threat of wind change.
By the looks of it they were using some pretty big pieces of equipment and had resources from other states to assist.
Image cut from an AZCENTRAL video, probably from the 28th.


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