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So unpacked the stand. Very impressed, nice and sturdy with good heavy glass base, tether to attach tv to wall worried me a bit. Checked everything was there, got my screwdrivers ready. Instructions are pictures but looked straightforward. But (isn’t there always a but) when I started putting pieces together realised I would need 4 arms to put it together. As I only have 2 arms surprisingly I packed everything back into box, at least everything fitted back in. Will get it done tomorrow when I will have help. Had chocolate instead. Such is life!

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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11 hours ago, plantfit said:

And thats what happens when you give the power to delete posts and ban members to people who think some posts are directed at them personally, let the members have a vote on who gets banned,suspended or other, there's the odd one or two "in charge" or think they are who are killing this site.

Yes Andy Charlesworth did have constructive things to say and he was and probably still is a decent sort and the likes of him are missed all because of some trigger happy delete/ban/quote button pressers








Thank you for your suggestion Rog, we have decided to listen to your idea. If any members would like to see anyone banned please PM me and we will see if there is sufficient interest.

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Just a tthought Den,not having a pop at anyone,this is a good site with a lot of good members who,I think are proud to be members so should be heard in a democratic way,if you know what I mean, thanks for the replythumbsup



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Just recovered from Saturday's birthday bonanza. Three birthday parties one after the other starting at midday. An 80th a 50th then on to a 70th...phew! Thankfully I have been training for such events :rolleyes: Heavy gardening / landscaping again today. Potatoes and broad beans went into the new veg plots yesterday and the cats have been digging them up already....:(

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Not a good start so far. Saturday went to London to consult with a surgeon about implants. Set of without the e-mail print out, oh dear, bad omen?.


Stopped at a service station on M1 for a meal but it was rammed, chock full with supporters going to the Man City game. Found a parking space well away from everyone else and trotted off. Place was heaving so ordered a burger (is that 'to go' sir?) and took it back to my car. There's a damn great SUV parked so close opening the door was difficult, nearside OK so sat in there to eat. Halfway through said burger SUV takes off, turned too early and catches the front of my car. Marvellous, wonderful, impressed I am not. After several imprecations relating to his mental state, parentage, IQ level and the need for Specsavers we examine damaged wing. It's not that bad he pronounces and thinks we can do it without insurance claims - 'a couple a hundred quid should cover it' he thinks.

One damaged wing, one headlight, one alloy wheel and he thinks £200? The headlight alone is over £1200... muppet.


Any road up arrived at appointment with 5 mins spare, apparently I need bone grafts to have the procedure I want and it will take possibly 12 to 18 months. This I do not want to hear.


This morning has not started well as I said. Now I can't remember who I'm insured with! Did it online and thought no need to print it out so didn't bother. GRRR this old timers disease is not funny... 

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Progress; the claim is in and a long conversation is now on the go. It seems Halifax hand over claims to claim management company. After jumping through the various hoops we came to the personal injury section. 'Can you lean back, bend to the side, put your shin on your chest without pain'? 'No no no. there is no injury'. 'Ah but the stress of having an accident may take time to show blah blah blah'.

I told her that I'm feeling very uncomfortable and she appears to pressuring me to make a claim and that it would fraudulent were I to do so.

Was that the end of it?, no, I now have till Thursday to think about it and she will ring me again!   What is wrong with these people!? I have had similar in the past but never this blatant.


One excellent piece of news. As of 3:30 this afternoon I was released from the  cancer clinic after 5yrs monitoring and declared clear of any trace.  wereno1



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Excellent news Brew. Aren't they continuing your checkups any more then.? I thought my oncologist would stop checkups after 5 yrs cancer free but he said no we continue for life. Suits me fine.

 I go every 3 months with every 6 months an ecograph and Cat scan.

I must say I do feel safe.

All the best it's all behind you now.

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3 minutes ago, nonnaB said:

Aren't they continuing your checkups any more then

Thank you nonna.

No need they say. They seem quite confident that due to catching it so early it has gone and not metastasised.

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@Brew.  You certainly haven't sustained any whiplash injuries if you can put your SHIN on your chest!! (Unless you've dislocated your hip and knee joints). :wacko:


Pleased you've  now been discharged from the cancer clinic - you must feel very happy x

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Ah but you see Margie I'm a conters  er doublejoi er.. oh OK I admit it, it should read chin.......       bloomin smarty pants.... 

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@Brew  yup, that's me... I could just read the tiny font!   Btw, I am/was 'double-jointed' even though there's really no such thing

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3 minutes ago, MargieH said:

I am/was 'double-jointed'

Betcha can't put yer elbow in yer ear tho'....      ;)

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1 hour ago, Brew said:

One excellent piece of news. As of 3:30 this afternoon I was released from the  cancer clinic after 5yrs monitoring and declared clear of any trace

Wonderful news Brew.  


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Thanks to all.

Although one tries to be a bit blasé about it, it is a relief to have official confirmation.

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Brew.. good to hear you are 'cleared' of the 'Big C', but don't underestimate the potential for 'whiplash' type injury from relatively minor 'shunts'.  I got 'rear ended' ( Oooh -err Missus!!..) last year and was fine until the next day when all sorts of symptoms appeared, including numbness in arms/hands, sore shoulders and a very odd sort of anger/short temperedness which lasted for a few days.  It wasn't my fault so I claimed.


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Strange day yesterday. (Mon)  Just home from my Mexico jaunt to find that Mrs Col's cousin had passed away from Cancer and went to her funeral Monday morning.  That whole side of the family seems to be very susceptible with four brothers and many of their offspring passing.  Not good. Then I got news that my wife's Brother in Law is in hospital and just operated on for some sort of bowel tumour.  He's 80+,   generally fit as a 'Butcher's Dog', regular cyclist and dog walker etc. Never sick a day in his life..  Latest news is he's doing OK.  His Mum lived to well past 100. Hopeful signs.


Most of us at the funeral were in the 70-75 bracket and it's a strange thing..  We're all now in the 'firing line'.. but mostly doing OK.  Assorted ticker troubles, strokes, cancers etc, between us, but we're all hanging in there. We count ourselves lucky that we've got this far.. and share a philosophical outlook on life. 'Don't worry..Be happy!.. and 'Do it now!!'

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I was in a car accident a couple of years ago. My husband was driving and we were waiting to turn right when an elderly gentleman coming towards us ploughed straight into us. At the time I was looking left at some horses in a field when there was an horrendous noise and I was jerked forward. My husbands airbag deployed but the passenger one didn’t. We were in a zafira , he was in a smaller car but he wrote our zafira off, couldn’t believe the damage he did. He said he was only going 30! I had some pain in my chest where the seatbelt had held me but after being checked out by medics was told I was okay but if it got worse to go to hospital, my husband was okay. The next day I was in agony and had bruises on my chest following where the seat belt had been. The funniest (?) one was on my stomach, it looked like a smile! I ended up having 2 weeks off work but the other driver came off worse ending up being in hospital for a while. Our insurance company said the other driver admitted responsibility but suddenly a witness came forward and said my husband had turned into the other driver and hit the side of the other car, bit strange when the damage to both cars was at the front. We argued the case with the police but all we got was there was an independent witness and my husband was prosecuted even though the other driver admitted responsibility. We got a dash cam after that. I sometimes wonder if this is what set my husbands cancer off again as he had been 4 years clear by that point as it was a big impact.

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Cracking day today,Beefsteak came over from Cheshire for a fast and loud RAF jet day, he was not dissapointed,plenty of Typhoons taking off and landing at RAF Coningsby and a solo display by a Spitfire, After lunch at the Abbey Lodge Kirkstead we went off to RAF Scampton where the Red Arrows were just finishing their display routine, great day great company,great weather






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