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Lizzie about Lidl. I quite like it but it's a bit far to shop regularly so it's only occasionally I go. When I was doing my physiotherapy I had to pass right in front of it. One day I popped in to get something and came out with loads of things that we can't find in supermarkets here. I got the taste for some breads, one especially called scocchi. It was shaped like a croissant but made of layers of bread. I got 4 to try and after that I started to get a few more each day I passed. I went in after I had finished physio but then realized that there was little left at that time 1.15pm so I started going in before physio so I had more choice. I started to buy 10-20 each day and I froze them knowing that the physio would stop and I wouldn't be able to go again for a while.

They probably have the same promotions as they do here e.g. British week, Greek week etc. At one time they only sold cheaper brands but now they stock superior brands. The fruit and veg are always fresher than the better supermarkets. 

At the moment I'm making some Monkey bread. I prepare the dough last night and it's ready in the tin to bake. My freezer is getting quite fat stocking all these biscuits and cakes I'm making . We can't eat them all. So they are divided , shared and stored in freezer.

What else do you do in lockdown and it's raining?

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

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Talking of trout, do you  have to descale it when preparing, as well as gutting? I've only ever see it as fillets, apart when in Morrillion, France, when the chef did trout with potato gratin with "Le Thom cheese.

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23 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

I remember that too! Mum used to use the divi to buy our school uniforms.


I simply couldn't comment on the Co-op school uniforms for other than High Pavement..


But....  the HP jacket from the approved retailer.. (Was it D&P?).. retained its rich deep brown colour.  Sadly the Co-op version rapidly deteriorated to a lighter.. almost rusty colour.  I always felt a bit sorry for the lads who wore the Co-op version.


And yes.. I'm a great fan of co-operatives in general.

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BeeKay, our method of poaching trout allows the skin to be slipped away very easily and the fillets to fall away from the bones. Salt baking achieves the same thing - the skin comes away with the salt crust. Descaling isn't necessary.


Regarding serving trout with cheese. In my view doing this would spoil both the cheese and the trout.

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There were certain items of school uniform which were only available from D&P. Others could be purchased at the Coop, behind those revolving doors. For instance, the Manning School grey flannel knickers were a D&P only item, as was the tie. It wasn't a conventional tie but a length of red and white striped petersham ribbon, looped over a circle of elastic under the collar of the blouse.


The Manning blouse was the cause of much trouble. Some parents purchased a red and white striped blouse from the Coop and I think this was the prescribed blouse for a different Nottingham school but the Manning blouse wasn't red and white, it was sort of maroon and white. It was only a subtle difference but turn up in the wrong one and they'd be down on you like a ton of bricks! Some parents genuinely couldn't see the difference in the shade but others bought the cheaper red and white blouse, thinking no one would notice. Wrong!  The Manning blouse was very expensive, presumably because of the rare dye shade and the limited numbers produced.


Other items such as the green, wrap around science/art overall could only be purchased at D&P.

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Taking Kai out this morning we did the usual routine making him sit with his lead on whilst I opened the door and then wait until I told him to go out. As he was sat there I noticed a rather large spider come hurtling out from between the wall and floor slab ready to fight! I moved Kai over a bit, think it was a bit overmatched or more likely Kai would eat it, he is very partial to the odd wasp, beetle etc. I had a good look, from a distance I must add, and it seems to be Big Bertha who was obviously in a bad mood. Perhaps I woke her up when I lent my walking stick against the wall. Making sure the door to the kitchen was shut we proceeded with our walk.

When I got back she was sunning herself on the wall. I sorted Kai out with water etc. and then went back into my side room. She had moved a bit so we were eyeball to eyeball. Although I do NOT like spiders, she is quite magnificent really apart from the way she runs and the fact that she is a spider. We have renegotiated her tenancy, same rules as before. She stays in the side room, can eat as many flies as she wants, no partying or having friends over. All webs must be discreet and must not be where I will walk into them. I have agreed not to let Kai sniff or eat her and she won’t try to attack us when we are going for walks and she is not allowed to accompany us on them either. Any rules are broken and she will be in next doors garden immediately.

So hopefully we can co-exist peacefully.


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I thought Big Bertha had scuttled off to spider heaven, SG.  She must like living with you so much, they've let her come back!


There are lots of babies about, I've noticed, including one poised on the newly painted ceiling just above my bed the other night.  It was gently relocated outside. As I shut the door and tippy toed back to bed, I'm sure I heard a voice shout, "I've been chucked out of better places than this!"

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Made a start on painting me milk churn. Just finished the lid and now started on the body. Lizzie,if you're watching this is the bag o  rust.

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Called in at the Plains fish bar at lunchtime & had some beautiful  proper fish & chips take away then sat across the road by the monument in glorious sunshine & scoffed em. 

Normal life will soon return. 

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That's a good chip shop. Very envious. I just fancy proper fish and chips or even a Big Mac. Our nearest chippy in Southwell is only average and it's a 10 mile round trip. We must be running low on supplies. It's burger, beans and chips tonight!

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I suppose it could be Big Bertha Mk. II JS. As long as she sticks to the rules we will be fine. Just hope she hasn’t brought the family with her!

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Thanks Lizzie, as said earlier, I have started on the main body. Painting Wollaton hall picture is not so easy but I'm trying. It certainly looks different from the rust bucket I collected. Will show you a picture when it's finished, I promise.

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This the start of main body. The picture is still raw state. There will be another on the other side, as well as flowers etc.

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Interesting that,WW, you see loads of em on the M40 just north of High Wycombe. First time we were told about them, we were on a coach heading North. 'Er indoors said she'd spent ages looking and couldn't even see the strings! True, honest.

(I think they're looking for easy pickings, ie. road kill).

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On 4/24/2020 at 7:02 PM, philmayfield said:

That's a good chip shop. Very envious. I just fancy proper fish and chips or even a Big Mac. Our nearest chippy in Southwell is only average and it's a 10 mile round trip. We must be running low on supplies. It's burger, beans and chips tonight!

I agree Phil. Southwell chippy is very average. Bamboo Garden is quite good but I don’t think I’ll be going there for some considerable time.

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Bk, you're correct. Red Kites take carrion and don't predate on live animals. Since John Paul Getty III re-introduced Red Kites on his estate down in the Chilterns, thay have been one of the great success stories. Where I live just north of Nothampton it is very common to see them soaring on the thermals.



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Hiya Deepdene,  added to your post, close to us are a family of Buzzards. When sitting outside with our coffee, we often see 3 or 4 of them soaring above us. Apart from when they actually fly off, you never see them flap their wings. We watch them for ages until they soar so high you lose site of them. They're a lot bigger than I  first thought. Glad and privileged to see them though. Stay safe mate.

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Good evening. I have been unable to create havoc as Virgin Broadband has been down for a few hours and is only just back up.

Just think yourselves lucky!!!!!

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Kicked myself this morning. Surprised to see the pond 9" down after topping it up yesterday? I had left the end of the hosepipe in the pond after turning off the tap and dropping the end of the hose onto the ground. The pond is 18" higher than the patio, so the water siphoned off during the night :Fool:  Another 500 gallons to pay for ....

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