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  2. It is'nt necessary to deliberately kill ants. I would'nt do that, but it is better to deter them from taking residence. They are certainly not in favour of talc powder, so they take the easy option and move elsewhere. If you see a column of ants going to and fro, in a straight line, they're usually in the process of survival. If you put a little stick across their path, just watch what happens. They are thrown into total confusion as they cannot follow set pattern, because they think as one.
  3. It’s a coincidence that this has come up because today my husband lifted a plastic cover which covers an outdoor electrical connection and disturbed hundreds (possibly thousands) of ants. I’ve always poured boiling water on ant nests but we couldn’t do that due to the electrics in there so put the lid back on to think about the plan of action. A few minutes later we had another inspection and saw every little ant escaping the nest carrying a white egg. We’ve just left them to their task and used extension cables to get power from the house. We found a massive old wasp nest in the loft r
  4. Today
  5. Season started yesterday, river has gone back to normal levels so might give it a couple of hours tomorrow Rog
  6. I use ordinary talc powder as well, in fact we had the ants in the kitchen last week but they have gone now thanks to the talc Rog
  7. It is indeed. The fact that he has said nothing of consequence concerning exactly how he intends to achieve 'net zero' immigration, or any of the other populist but unrealistic tripe he trots out doesn't seem to register.
  8. Iv'e always used Talcum powder. Because ants breath through their skins they avoid it like the plague. Certainly deters them.
  9. Late yesterday afternoon we found that there was a bees nest in our wood shed near the back door, as I am allergic to them they had to go. So today I planned to cover my body with gloves , mask, goggles hat and plenty of masking tape to sort the problem out. We decided to have tea and toast before starting and as luck had it my son called in, guess who did it. Before he started he phoned local Council for them to do it, no told to contact bee keepers association, after numerous attempts recorded message phone again later. So off he set donned up with all the gear throwing wood out till h
  10. At the moment his 'far-right drivel' is appealing to quite a few people. With a lack of discernible policies from either of the two main parties, both of whom seem to be offering the same things in different colours, there is a distinct sense of lack of confidence in politics and politicians. It's not really a surprise Sutton is showing support for Reform, isn't it Lee Anerson's stamping ground?
  11. National Benzole. ( something from the past remember it.)
  12. I wouldn't be so sure. Reform will be content to see the Tories ousted by Labour.. But then Labour will become their next target and it will take some nifty footwork, and some collaboration with Lib Dems and Greens to both fill the policy vacuum which allows such populism space to grow, and to provide meaningful alternatives to Farage's far right drivel.
  13. Haven't seen any posters here, but I'd be very suspicious of anyone claiming to be 'independent'. Rather like is frequently the last refuge of the scoundrel That said.. I got a leaflet from the 'English Constitution Party'. Not sure what to make of them. Never heard of them. I'm certainly in favour of the rule of law, defending our rights, etc.. and especially defending our Parliament, our Independent Judiciary etc.. but it all looks a bit wooly beyond that:
  14. Well obviously.. to re-work a saying about computers... To err is Labour.. but to really foul things up, you need the Tories ...
  15. Whoever you vote for Starkers will be in for 5 years, make a complete hash of it and then it’s back to the Tories.
  16. Out and about in Sutton this morning, I took particular notice of the political flavour of posters in windows and gardens. They seem to be split equally between Reform and Independent. I was somewhat surprised, I must say.
  17. Before I make a detailed response, I'll just say that for me, THE most important outcome of the election is to kick the current version of the Tory party into the long grass, for a very long time. I'm pretty sure you agree that they are hopeless, self serving, corrupt and incompetent. The only party currently capable of doing that is Labour, and whilst I'm not exactly ecstatic about Starmer or his policy vacuum, I'll risk a vote for them at this point. I recall when Labour won in 1993, their initial economic stance was to stick with the Tory 'fiscal rules'. I thought at the time it was l
  18. Finally something may be happening..... radfordred has noticed a piece in the NEP announcing that the building is going to be restored - although don't hold your breath.
  19. From memory, I seem to recollect that the Coronation class loco’s built without streamlining were known as semi’s to distinguish them from the Princess class. When the ‘ell of a mess required a new powerful locomotive to work the West Coast Main Line, Stanier originally wanted to build more Princess locomotives. He was persuaded otherwise which led to the larger Coronation class appearing on the drawing board. The streamlining was an after thought as the hierarchy realised that the opposition were tuning out a streamlined locomotive to haul special trains and wanted the same to compete with th
  20. What a boring match tried watching but kept .........switching over...... Back Passing....Square Passing....Players ive never heard of......Serbs didnt know what a foul throw was.......supporters jumping up and down and hugging each other.........commentators going on as if it was the World cup.........its only the European cup ya know..!!! Sooner watch somethig more meaningful like......Basford town..V...Parliament street
  21. To be honest, pretty pi$$ed off. Something is eating my pansies and marigolds, the first suspect was snails and slugs and as we have visitors with dogs I can't put any baits down. I reverted to using some empty butter plastic cartons and carefully sunk so the top was at ground level and dutifully put some beer in them as they are supposed to be attracted to the yeast. I used a cheap supermarket own brand called Smithy's Bitter. Checked them this morning, nothing, so it must be caterpillars or something else, possums or even rats. I tasted the "cheap" beer and it was the nearest thing
  22. After a scrappy 1-0 win against Serbia, you must be having a laugh!
  23. Yesterday
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