Ailments, Aches & Pains. (Let's hear them here)

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Maybe over there it has another meaning now I come to think of it, Margie.  Here it simply tends to mean a person who runs around with a gang intent on causing trouble of various kinds.  If it has other connotations there and offends you please accept my apologies.  I'd remove it but I can't edit it now.  If a mod wants to delete it that is ok with me.  :Shock:

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So true, Phil.  So true.  We have a friend in Canada who was asked to give a speach at a church social about growing up in the war years in the UK.  They had a guy whose job. It was every a.m to go around to the workers houses and bang on the window with a stick to wake them up.  He was the knocker up.


She said I could not understand the look on these ladies faces when I told them I got knocked up every morning. 

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Who'd have thought an innocent bit of knitwear could cause such confusion!  ;)


Now.. on a different topic.  Neither Mrs Col nor me are obsessive holidaygoers, but I do like a dose of the Sun  and have been getting a bit restless lately  (i.e. for about 5 years...) and Mrs Col really isn't interested in beach holidays in warm places.  Last time we were abroad was about 10 years ago when we had a week in Nice in October.  Nice, but hardly tropical.

So anyway.. A very longtime Nottm friend is coming to Liverpool shortly and we were discussing meeting up, when he told me he and his Mrs were about to book for Mexico next year.. and another of our friends, a divorced chap was considering joining them but baulking a bit at the 'Single Person Supplement'.  So, in a moment of madness I said:  "No worries.. I'll share with him".

I then had he minor issue of explaining my decision to Mrs Col.  I can't say she was ecstatic.. but she hasn't physically assaulted me yet... girlvboy

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I'm still sufferring from the "Well virus".  I expect that within the next 48hrs I shall know whehter my trip to the septic city of Glasgow has rectified the situation :)

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6 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

In the old mill towns, everyone got knocked up in the mornings and I believe they had to pay for the privilege!

Surely it was just the ladies that got knocked up !!

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57 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

Who'd have thought an innocent bit of knitwear could cause such confusion!  ;)


I then had he minor issue of explaining my decision to Mrs Col.  I can't say she was ecstatic.. but she hasn't physically assaulted me yet... girlvboy


That bit of knitwear got me in trouble din't it.  Seriously though, gang members here tend to put their baseball caps on backwards.  They are then referred to by the term I used, which apparently may carry a far different meaning in Nottingham.  I felt really bad about that.


re. The Physical assault.  That will probably come when you least expect it.  :biggrin:

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I was just thinking.  Long after we are gone hopefully NS will still be going.  It will inform the locals of that day where some of these terms came from and what they mean in different countries.  A valuable service.  ;)

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55 minutes ago, Compo said:

I'm still sufferring from the "Well virus".  I expect that within the next 48hrs I shall know whehter my trip to the septic city of Glasgow has rectified the situation :)


Compo.. what is the 'Well' virus of which you speak?


A Boowul based friend of mine has a had bug on and off for a few months now and says a group of his friends have had it in rotation for ages.  Coughing, sneezing etc., but apparently no real signs of chest infection etc.  I'm puzzled.

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This is a very weird bug DJ.  Bad cough, sinus type headache, general feeling of weakness.  Aches from coughing so hard, but I do not think it is the 'flu.  Temperature is normal.  So the question then becomes, where did it come from?  Conspiracy theories, anybody? ;)

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DJ 360: The "Well Virus" is that rare state (at this time of year) of not being ill.  I expect that my long weekend in the big city will fix that - good an' proper!

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I make comments now and then about my ''shaky finger/hand'' and usually make light of it ,but have to say its got a lot worse looked on the internet today and found a forum about it  ''Essential Tremor'' after reading others problems with it i feel blessed its not much worse.......some have had it since childhood and over time its become much worse. Its hardly ever talked about yet there are thousands who suffer greatly from this incurable disease,and their plight as opened my eyes,  ive joined the forum and can hopefully help some of em cope, with a bit of humour..............

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There is a very close relation to me with 'Essential Tremor' since childhood. I think they have had medication to help, but it still has an impact on daily life. Like you benj and your mam not letting you shell the peas. My relo would find it impossible to carry a cup and saucer. So if you wanted a cup of tea, you had to make sure you were not at the far end of the room, as there would be no tea left in the cup, it was all in the saucer by the time it was passed to you.


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Might of mentioned before carnie   a few weeks ago in Wetherspoons i forgot about my left hand problem and tried to carry a coffee in each hand from Bar to table ET kicked in half way there, bleddy Coffee went everywhere......people stared,some laughed,others i think thought i was P....D..........Twas embarrassing but made a joke of it.....and being in Bulwell they soon forgot about it............until i started throwing me Garden Peas all over

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10 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

''shaky finger/hand'' and usually make light of it


Since adolescence I have suffered from a tremor in the hands.  At first it was a mild tremble but as I have become older it is such that I cannot now do any soldering single handed; similarly my welding: I cannot stay steady enough to hold an arc at the tip of the electrode - even with two hands.  Classically, it becomes worse when performing a deliberate action such as trying to lift a fork or spoonful of food to my mouth after someone has commented on my shakes.  It's a bit of a nuisance but hey ho, that's life least I'm still around and relatively healthy, which is more than many of my late friends. :)


Ben: I always flatten my peas before attempting to transfer them from plate to gob - saves folk nearby from having to pick them out of their lugholes .

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I have a mild condition of the tremor in my right hand which makes quick Travis picking on the guitar somewhat difficult, and thanks Compo for the tip on pea eating. I switched to shaving with an electric razor some years ago, reckon that a cut throat razor would be just that, even a safety razor not always fool proof!

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14 minutes ago, radfordred said:

I did wonder why Compo kept changing his picture & why he was replying to himself?




RR: Have you also noticed that Commo lives in Compo territory...Holmfirth?!

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I’ve got Writer’s Cramp. Had it since my early 50’s, which was a bummer cos next to a library my favourite establishment was a stationers, and I used to like buying new pens (sad, I know).


It’s not something that makes your hand ache after you’ve been writing, it effectively stops you from writing. I was very glad when chip and pin came in! Not likely to get any better, but in this age of computers etc., not too bad.


Asked the quack if It had a latin name so at least it wouldn’t sound like a joke .... so, I’ve got focal dystonia.

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Feel dreadful.  Alternating chills and fevers. Some digestive issues.  Earache, Headache, Sore Throat,  Coughing and wheezing. Chest is sore. Not like a normal cold.  Dunno worritis burrits orrible..

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