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Treated myself to a pair of Kickers boots, had a pair a few years ago and they were really comfortable for walking my boys. Decided to wear them round the house to “bed them in”. Took me ages to get them on, tied them up and started doing my chores. Feel like Minnie Mouse in them (have you seen those u-tube videos of dogs with boots on - felt like I was walking like them). I am not sure but think I may have the only pair which are carnivorous they appear to be eating my toes and for good measure gnawing on my ankle bones, good job I have compeed plasters for blisters. Just taken them off (a battle in itself) and soaped them inside to try and soften them up. I remember now why I hate buying new shoes, think it might be crocs next time!

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Heard on Radio Nottingham this morning, that three violent burglars were arrested in the early hours of this morning, after breaking into the Sam Hall at Sherwood. One police car was rammed, and another damaged by a thug with a sledgehammer. He was tazered.

Perhaps they only wanted to secure their seats for the next meet up !

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Did any Nottingham-based Nottstalgians hear a very loud bang around midnight last night?  It was too loud to be a firework, more like an explosion but just the one bang, sounded like it was towards Mapperley/St Ann’s area.  

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A nice walk around Worksop market this morning,got back home a quick bite to eat then in the garden doing a bit of pruning on the Silver Birch tree and the Swedish Hornbeam, noticed there's quite a few new buds on both trees, got out the Honda lawnmower and cut the grass in the back garden.looks a lot neater now although there's quite a bit of moss in it so I might get the other mower out tomorrow the one with the scarifier on,might help in shifting some of it, Daffs coming through now as well, Blue tits,Great tits,Chaffinches,House and Hedge sparrows,Robins,Long tailed tits,Collard doves and a wood pigeon on the bird feeders,Pheasant with three of his hens just came through the fance and have started digging in my little veg patch (must get them a little spade each) think they are after some old seeds and maybe a few worms.relaxing now with a coffee



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Cut my grass a few days ago.  It's growing like the clappers. 


Just finished painting out the new loo today.  For some reason both Mrs Col and me were 'knocked daft' by the primer I used on some new timber. That's all gone now. Undercoated it all yesterday and a coat of gloss today.. though Mrs Col decided to dip out and go to her sisters while I did the work.


Won't get much time here on Thurs as I have a dentist's appt. to look at doing summat with the tooth I had the abscess on a few weeks back.


Also, Thurs night 21st, I'm going to see Professor Brian Cox, doing his Astrophysical Show in Liverpool.  Mrs Col bought tickets for Christmas.


Then an early night as I'm on the 06:28 train from Wigan to Bristol for the Bristol Hi Fi Show. on Fri 22nd.  A geekfest of epic proportions....  :) We will spend much of the day listening to assorted hi-fi kit.  Much of it will be crap.  The 'big names' tend to fail spectacularly at these events. Some bloke with a sensible pair of speakers and a moderately powered amp, much like what many of us use.. tends to get 'sound of the show'.  I treat it as a day out.  I've already got the best system I can put together and afford... you get a bit jaundiced after a few decades of shows featuring much the same...  Just a pity that while geeks like me seek the 'ultimate', most people have no clue how much better they could hear music, for not much.


Rant over.

I'll report back Sat 23rd .. ish

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On 19 February 2019 at 6:43 PM, LizzieM said:

Did any Nottingham-based Nottstalgians hear a very loud bang around midnight last night?  It was too loud to be a firework, more like an explosion but just the one bang, sounded like it was towards Mapperley/St Ann’s area.  


Could have been from meadow lane? Notts Clownty fans coming back to earth? 

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More like 'Hows your yesterday' but just wanted to share my day with you as it's a while since I had anything Nottinghamish to write.


Yesterday we had cause to head to Nottm, we didn't visit anyone because Chris is recovering from the virus that is doing the rounds and didn't want to pass it on.

We just dropped Granddaughter off at Nottm University, she had to attend a seminar. She has a place offered, if she gets the grades. She is hoping for Warwick but is more than happy with Nottm.


After dropping her off, we headed for the Embankment to enjoy our picnic, then drove to Mcdonalds for ice cream. I know that fast food is not to everyones liking, but if you haven't tried their ice cream, just give it a try. Delicious.


Must say, the Embankment looked grand. Such a beautiful sight. There were at least four boats, eight rowers and cox in each and some single people sculling. Not much mess from the birds, people strolling, some cycling. The cafe was open. The whole place looked lovely and the sun was shining. I felt a pang of jealousy because I can't visit the river more often. Yesterday, our visit reminded me of how the Embankment is something to be proud of. Wonderful to see. So many memories of the area in my time living in Nottm

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Glad you enjoyed your day in the city of your birth Carni, you are right in saying the embankment is something to be proud of as is most of Nottingham,write down some of your memories of the embankment they are sure to be of interest to us all



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Yes Nonna, it is there, and I remarked to my daughter that it was such a shame that on that warm sunny day it was empty of water. So many families playing on the park next to it. My daughter said 'Mam, you do realise it is only February'? The sunshine confused me! :biggrin: 

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57 minutes ago, plantfit said:

write down some of your memories of the embankment they are sure to be of interest to us all


Erm, :blush:


Most of my memories are spent around the paddling pool,. Relations living in the meadows, so spent family times playing with cousins on the grass,  picnicking days. and doing a bit of talent spotting around early teenage years.:biggrin:


We never had any money, so the Embankment was always a place you could spend a few hours for nothing. Mam would sometimes be with her sister at her house and we would all traipse there for water or sucker money. Loved the Milk or Banana Suckers.Mmmmm.


Just a thought. Are there any toilets there anymore. The ones in the gardens are long gone. Even as a youngster the toilets were always priority for me!:blink:


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Lunch in Wethers Bulwell,,,very nice 2 for £8 something,,,,noticed a couple of changes on Main street,,,Catfans charity cafe is now a Barbers,, £9 a shot didnt say owt about pensioners price so assume £9 the same,,,i will be sticking to the lovely lasses in ''Geezers'' at £5.20.

                      The other change which is pending,, Outlet closing down,,been there some years now.

Purchased some nice 'Skinny fit' jeans in Tesco which will go with the casual jacket had given me a couple of weeks since. Usual ''Bump into's'' 2 blokes i played football with back in the 60s,,one lady i was at school with,,and a couple of cousins........Got a couple of ladies ''Tittering'' in the lift at Tesco,,,,1st floor ladies lingerie 2nd floor Glass and China ,, going down..........

                    All in All a very pleasant couple of hours in the finest town in England..................

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Banana suckers,now you talking,can you remember the sand pits near there,I think they were something to do with the school sports lessons or something,spent a lot of time around that area when I was quite young, only living on Bathley street we were pretty close to the "rec" a few swings and a slide and we were in kids heaven,happy days



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Just been to a specialist dentist who's going to rescue my abscessy tooth for a mere £350.

Off to Liverpool Arena this evening to hear Prof. Brian Cox talking about " millions and millions of staaaaaarrrrss.'

Then an early night if poss as will be on a train from Wigan 06:30 tomorrow heading to the Bristol Hi Fi Show and not back till about midnight.


All go lately....  :)


Edit.. just remembered I posted all this last night....  losing the plot....


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It wasn't easy.. probably why I gave up after only 50 years.... :laugh:

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After scarifying the back garden grass,playing about with my lawn mowers, fiddling around with the penny farthing bike and my trike I thought it might be a good idea to do a bit of housework for Mrs P so set too with this bit of kit, modern appliances make womens work a doddle,they don't know they're born do they





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3 minutes ago, nonnaB said:

plant fit get a cordless then you don't have to exert yourself to plug it in :)

Well with the height of his socket he doesn’t even need to bend to plug it in.  

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