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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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My brother-in-law was buried in the corner of one of his fields in Balcombe, Sussex.  His coffin was a hollowed out tree trunk from their own ancient woodland, my nephew has a JCB and dug the hole but when the time came to drop him in it the hole wasn’t big enough!  The digger was put into action again and there was a successful result.  I didn’t go to the funeral but my husband did.  He said the whole episode was like a comedy show with him and several other men struggling to keep the coffin level so the deceased didn’t fall out.  Sister-in-law made the area into a proper grave with coloured stone etc. This was a few years ago and she’s since sold the farm. I’ve never thought to ask the reaction of the purchaser.  

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My wife being careful with money has already arranged my cremation. She is very busy saving logs ,planks in fact any old wood , behind the shed. When the time comes, I have been informed I WILL be going before her and she has earmarked a site in the garden. Me it worries me not when you have gone you've gone.

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A phone call this evening has established that my sister-in-law still owns the area where her late husband is buried, even though she sold the rest of the farm. 

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Hopefully it'll never be developed and built on Lizzie.

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Speaking to quite a few friends in the senior area we live in, they have organized and paid for their funerals a while ago, cremations one and all, one couple even have their urns sitting in a cupboard. We are not that organised but should really get it sorted, to take the onus off our kids. Speaking of costs, our son-in-law passed away 2 years ago. He knew he was dying so organised his funeral wishes and paid for it all. He had a catholic service in the church nr their house, but the burial was to be in a Catholic cemetery 40 miles north. He chose this because his mum and brother live in N, Phoenix and will be together. Police escort for the many cars going north on the freeway, beautiful casket, burial plot etc, cost him $15,000. A lot of money, but it was his wish, and doing it your way is what counts. Personally I wouldn't mind being turned into a tree. S o me folks' ashes go up in a firework! 

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I will try to be serious for a short time, the wife will not talk about death or burials other than she wants to be cremated , arrangements or anything else. So if I survive her she will be cremated and I will arrange a Cremation , followed by a celebration of her life, which will mean food, plenty of alcohol and most importantly loud 60s music and dancing. Dancing is what she enjoyed but she landed up with me , two left feet and no interest.

Me simple cremation and that's it, my sons have been told, don't waste money on me , it can be spent better else where, I have had my share whilst alive.

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You can be buried on your own property here, subject to health regs etc.  Local housing subdivisions can have their own rules.  I personally would not choose to do it because of visitation rights and potential problems for my relatives selling the property.

For me, the final location of my mortal remains is of little consequence.  I have run my life trying to go through it with it with as little trouble to others as I can.  I'm just trying to make my death the same way.

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It’s the same over here but there are so many hoops to jump through before you can it’s not worth the hassle. Plus, of course, there’s the potential devaluation of the property for your heirs. We’re running out of burial spaces and cremation appears to be the preferred and cheaper option. We do have a natural ‘woodland’ burial site at nearby Oxton which has proved popular.

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Just printed out the funeral home estimates emailed to me after yesterdays visit.   Glad I was sitting down.  :biggrin:


Starting to look more and more like I'll have to buy my own little chunk of the USA rather than let them ship me around.  Plenty of expenses at both ends, not to mention me plane ticket.  Ohhh Well!  I did aaarsk.l

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On a brighter note..

I've just returned from seeing Graham Nash in concert at the Southport Theatre.  He sang songs written by himself, and by Steven Stills etc., including some he recorded with Crosby Stills and Nash, some with the Hollies and some from his solo albums.  His keyboard player was from Lubbock Texas, the birthplace of Buddy Holly.. which they marked by doing an almost a capella version of Buddy's 'Everyday' as part of their encore.

The music wasn't all gentle and peaceable.. but the sentiments were. 

Excellent concert.


As for funerals.. I don't care much what they do with me when I'm dead.. so long as I am actually dead.

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P.S. Earlier on Tuesday... I saw one of the Airbus A300 'Beluga' transports overhead. Not unusual to see one of these.






  Quick look on Flightradar showed it was Hamburg to Chester.  Oddly though.. only about an hour later, another one appeaed.. also Hamburg to Chester.


Never seen two in a row before..

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8 hours ago, DJ360 said:

P.S. Earlier on Tuesday... I saw one of the Airbus A300 'Beluga' transports overhead. Not unusual to see one of these.






  Quick look on Flightradar showed it was Hamburg to Chester.  Oddly though.. only about an hour later, another one appeaed.. also Hamburg to Chester.


Never seen two in a row before..

They’d nipped over for a new pair of wings Col, but could have been the same plane too, practising for Fairford this week.  


Our company re-surfaced and striped the runway at Broughton last year.  

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I haven’t seen Brock The Beast for a while so decided to venture into my conservatory. Opened the door announced that I was coming in and then jumped in a bit like Jackie Chan with both hands raised and saying aaaha. Jumped round to face the door and waited. I fully expected to see him reclined on my chair, drink in one leg, fag in another, just chilling but there was nothing. Bit spooky really.


Hopefully this means he has either moved out (hooray) or popped his clogs (oh no I hope I didn’t hurt him). Checked around and there are no webs or deceased flies to be seen.


There is one other explanation unfortunately, perhaps he has managed to get into the house which doesn’t bear thinking about. So I have hoovered beneath everything I could and moved things I couldn’t to hoover behind them. He is probably sat somewhere safe laughing at me. I am getting quite neurotic (spelling?) about him, keep thinking I see him sauntering across the floor. Can they climb stairs, will have to google that or perhaps not, I don’t want to know.


My dad always said they are more frightened of you than you are of them but somehow I don’t think Brock is that worried to be honest. 

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Sad news today Andrea Camilleri has passed away 94 yrs old. For those who don't know who he is. He's the author of Montalbano.

Tv is celebrating his life and what a life . A great man and such a loss may he rest in peace.

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Has anyone advice on a place to visit in Wales preferably flat and if possible antique shops. When the weather is nice mum and aunty get the wanderlust they fancied Ireland so I suggested Wales, advice on other places you have visited also welcome.


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Llangollen is ok, so is Machynlleth. Good B & B's too.

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