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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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The most useless bit of kit are the electric seats. All have several motors, heaters, coolers etc but how often do you use them? Once the seat is adjusted how often are they moved? even the headrests are electric and to me it's just so much more weight to lug around and burn fuel.

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Bring back the Ford Popular, with wind down windows and wipers that never worked when going uphill.

8hp, side valve engine and starting 'handle. You knew where you were with them, provided you pulled in a layby 

to let the engine cool down, after about 45mins driving.:rolleyes:

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I had one of them.  Took us to the Lake district and back, to work every day.  Never a bit of trouble.  If it got too run down looking I just used to buy a can of blue Valspar.  slap it on with a brush, and she was good for another year or two. :biggrin:

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Same here L.L., a 1954 pop. The valves seriously needed sorting out. It used to use more oil than petrol. Used buy it for 5/9d a gallon from a little place on Nottingham road, (think it might have been recycled and filtered). Was my first car back in 1965.

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Mine was a '57.  Bought it for 15 quid from a workmate in '66.  Never overheated or burned oil though.  I learned a lot about cars from that one.  I'd never done an oil change before.  What I learned has saved me 100s over the years.  Sold her to a neighbor for 27 when I emigrated.   I'd owned her for five years.  She'd still be going strong if somebody took good care of her.

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Engine fault codes.  On my previous car if the fault light came on I could stop somewhere, operate the pedals and ignition in certain order and the engine fault lamp would flash in 4 sequences. These flashes represented the 4 digit fault code which could be deciphered from online. 

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My old Toyota Hilux pick up truck was superb for durability and off road work. Wind up windows never failed. Oversized AT tyres and high ground clearance - nothing could stop it. Then it was nicked :angry: It's simplicity was it's failure - easy to hot wire.

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Just come in for a warm after doing my 'monkey climber' act in a giant cherry tree. Always done my own felling and arbourist work but may have to start using a pro. Cut a few major branches down but the tree needs serious work. A bit windy up there though.

Looking forwards to this evenings dinner at the local with my valentine :Kiss:

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Well done PP, I’ve said it before but you put a lot of younger folk to shame.  I hope you both enjoy your evening, we’re having a Cods Scallops takeaway and a cosy night in. 

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Happy valentine to you all. All mine are working so at home with some home made soup. I did have a bouquet though. 

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Just renewed car insurance online.


It obviously involves clicking on various boxes, and the one for ‘Date of birth’ always comes as a bit of a shock. Every year I have to scroll down further to find the year in question. One day It's going to come to an end before I get to the one I need.

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Nipped into Morrison's at King's Mill this morning. Just inside the entrance were 50 buckets containing bunches of red roses. Benjamin1945 obviously hadn't been in at that point. February 14th must cost him a fortune every year! :Shock:

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8 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Thought this was novel! Has @benjamin1945benjamin1945 been on holiday in the USA recently?

Actually happened,, car park Bulwell coop,,the lad then jumped in river Leen,,ruined all the battery's he'd nicked,,

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As the weather is so miserable decided to have an in day, just Kai and I, do some housework and then settle down and watch some telly this afternoon. Kai has recently become an avid telly watcher and we sit on the floor together and watch all sorts of rubbish. 
Hoovering my kitchen and happened to glance into the conservatory and there was a lake on the floor, surprised it didn’t have a couple of ducks and some seagulls on it. Got my wellies on and ventured in. During the summer my handyman had sorted out 3 leaks, however the water was coming in different ways this time. From what I could see there are now 3 new leaks. (Funny how a lot of things in this house come in threes starting to think it is possessed!) Two of them are either end of where it adjoins the house and the other is in the front either coming from in between the panel and the floor or from the frame.  I think I am getting to the stage where I want to take a sledgehammer to it and just demolish it (feel like that about the house very often as well). I don’t use it, too cold in winter and red hot in summer as I darent open the sliding door as it takes ages to get it to shut properly as it is shall we say past it’s sell by date and if you open the windows they are really hard to close and you have to slam them really hard and I have visions of the whole thing collapsing.

I have also noticed that the rendering on the unsheltered corner of the house  has got a bit of green what I think is algae on it. I dread to think what this could be but just hope it is cosmetic with all the rain we have had. Someone said to get a pressure washer on it once the rain has stopped, don’t think so I have visions of the rendering falling off!

When I bought this house I was really excited, it was the start of a new life near my family although without my beloved husband but it has become a bit of a nightmare. It seems as soon as I get things sorted out (or so I think) something else crops up. If I had known at the time of buying what I know now I wouldn’t have touched it with a barge pole. I feel like I was conned, it looks good on the surface but has a multitude of sins beneath. I really want my old house back, it wasn’t perfect but it didn’t leak!
It feels like I am in a constant battle with the house, it wouldn’t be so bad if I had money to throw at it but I don’t so it looks like the money I am saving for decorating will have to go on sorting the conservatory out/knocking it down. I think I will try and stick it out for another year then will seriously think about selling and finding something else, possibly a bungalow I think, not getting any younger. Will look into Council bungalows as well but don’t know if I would meet the criteria for them. I am really starting to hate this house:angry2: 

Sorry this is so longwinded but feel better getting it off my chest.

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Quite amazed how much higher the sun is in the sky.. not to mention the fact that I can actually see it.... :)


Not really my sort of programe, but I watched that 'Masked Singer' last night.  A lot of hype really.


However.. and I can't recall if I've mentioned this... but it turns out that me and Mrs Mull's best friend's Daughter in Law manages the team which designed the costumes. 


How that for a 'claim to fame'?

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I'm going for a brisk walk in a bit. Maybe 30 minutes as fast as poss.  Other things to do.


Somewhere in the loft is a brass table lamp which I inherited from Mum.   It's clearly made from 'found bits' in a 'trench art' sort of way. Has a brass base, tubular brass 'stem' with brass/ceramic lampholder (possibly illegal now?) and a brass silhouette which Mum always referred to as Jane. because it is supposedly modelled on the famous Jane cartoons in which a rather statuesque young lady always seemed to be getting accidentally relieved of her apparel.

Anyway.. I was buying 'clearance' mini flourescent lamps from B&Q yesterday and also got one of those large globe lamps which I think might look good with Jane looking up at it. May need to re-wire the lamp.  Bit of fun and might look good on my record shelves, along with a Lego Beatles Yellow Submarine, and a Cavern Club Superlambanana.


I'm noted for my taste and style.... :biggrin:

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