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Amazed to see all my roses survived my first ever pruning session as well as my acer. One of the fuscias is taking its time but has shoots on it. The sedum is really flourishing, I love those always remind me of my dad. Unfortunately the 2 acorns I planted haven’t made any effort at all but an apple pip I planted has sprouted much to my amazement. 
When do I start feeding the potted plants?

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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26 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

However.. a number of flights.. Mostly BA, leaving London Heathrow for undisclosed destinations....


Probably flying off to be parked up at regional airports.  I saw a drone video recently of dozens and dozens of BA planes, including 747s parked up at Bournemouth Airport.  Quite a sight and rather eerie.   

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Good point Lizzie.

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Stav, in my experience Fuschias can look quite dead and then suddenly start sprouting, though many of the more fancy ones aren't reliably hardy.

Fuschias in pots really repay 'pinching out'. Keep taking the growing tips out of shoots so that they then produce two shoots and so on. You end up with a much bushier plant with more flowers.


If your pots are newly planted, the compost bag you've used will have info about how much nutrient it has and how long it will last before plants need feeding.


All container grown plants will need feeding at some point as they only have what is in the pot...  but I think the general rule is to allow flowering plants to get into flower, or at least into bud before feeding.  Feeding before that can encourage leaf growth etc. It seems that plants are more likely to flower if they are a bit stressed.. the urge to reproduce and all that.. So.. probably best to leave flowering container plant until flowering.. or at least in bud, before feeding.

I tend to use Phostrogen if I can find it.  Miracle Gro is also OK but more expensive.

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Could be B.A flying some of their 30000 cabin crew and pilots to their home Countries now they suspended most of them.

Or still flying ghost flights to some Countries to preserve the slots at airports, if those Countries haven't relaxed the conditions yet.


Or flying foreign nationals home.


B.A are still offering flights to Dallas or Chicago or Miami or onwards to Phoenix (no direct flights now)


Heathrow said the other day they will only be using 1 runway  now.

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Well I do know, none of those plane's are coming for us yet! Hopefully, might get back by the end of the month!!. With a bit of luck, things would be on the downward trend by then. Fingers, legs, eyes and arms crossed.

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Hi Oz.  Right foot not so good on the pedals anymore.  Toe tends to droop and sometimes plays a note i never intended.  I raised the bench a bit, that helps a bit too.  Left foot ok.  I tend to drag my right foot.  Leg is ok, juxst a disconnect from that part of the brain that controls it.  If i concentrate I can pick it up ok.  Just have to try to rebuild the connections.  Always worse when I'm tired.

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Robs daughter please tell your friend to take all necessary precautions and be safe no matter where she goes in the world you are doing a fantastic job in these difficult life changing times all the best Ian Canada.

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Hi Rob we were in Florida from January to the end of February we flew back from Orlando and they were preparing for the virus at the airport we were very lucky to get home without any problems.

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Thanks to all who have offered advice re the range hood. It is easy to get the filters out to wash and clean them and you can see that the vent to the outside is clear but it does not allow access to the section where the light is. The exploded illustration that I have been able to download is not much help as you cannot see how the lens is retained.

I will send an e-mail to the manufacturer if they still exist,  there must be a way but I can't quite see it yet.

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Loppy, re: Stroke.


I've had two small ones diagnosed around ten years ago.  Not as big as yours and I feel lucky they weren't worse, but they can have peculiar effects in my experience.


I regained most feeling and most movement in my arm over a period of days and even wondered whether what I'd had really were strokes. but the Docs insisted they were.


So, the good bit in my experience is that things generally improve over time and the more you try the better it gets.  The slightly bad bit.. (though in my  personal experience it's no more than a bit of a niggle) .. is that even now I can have difficulty handling things.  For e.g., trying to handle cash in one hand and goods in the other whilst at a shop till can sometimes be a bit of a trial as my right arm/hand doesn't always behave. 


The other issue can be memory and 'mental/psychological' issues.  Mrs Col seems to think I've become a grumpy old git since I had my strokes... I just think she took a long time to realise I was always a grumpy old git.  :)




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1 hour ago, Oztalgian said:

there must be a way but I can't quite see it yet.

On ours you have to push up not pull down and they swing out. On a previous AEG they were hinged and it was necessary to use something like a small screwdriver to prise one edge down.

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So true, Col.  I sometimes struggle getting cash or a card out of my wallet.  There is a lack of feeling in my right hand.

Food no longer tastes as good as it used to.  I just don't care about eating.  Lost quite a bit of weight.  Gets my blood pressure down anyway.

I am more emotional than I once was.  I can get angry and frustrated just trying to get my right shoe or pant leg on.  I lack patience.  Even buttoning my shirt is an exercise in frustration.  It can reduce me to angy tears like a kid.

A lot of other subtle effects.  It is just the new normal.

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Just re - read the above post after a night's sleep.  I didn't mean to be a whiner, and I am quick to apologise if I get a bit snappy.  I struggle with what the stroke has done to me but I also realize that I'm not getting younger.  Something was bound to get me sooner or later.  I am also truly blessed compared to some poor folks who are struggling with worse conditions than mine.

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No need for apologies LL. With all you have going on it's pretty amazing you manage to stay as positive as you do. I seriously doubt I would cope as well.

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With you all the way Loppy...we are of a similar age,,,and although (i think) led a very different life...we i'm sure had a similar outlook to life in general,,,mostly being happy and up beat.........but must admit this last few years as took its toll on my deeper feelings,,especially the last ten or so.

                    I tend to have very little patience and do grumble a lot more,,mainly due to little health problems,,some littler than others,,,manage to make a joke of em most days,,but now realise some days should have stayed in bed,,,


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Yes I try to keep busy.  Out weeding the front flower bed this morning.  Chatting to a few neighbors.  (from a distance.     :biggrin:)  I'd rather die working than in bed or my rocking chair.

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To both Loppylugs and Ben, I'm sure you've found it's nice to have Nottstalgia to let off a bit of steam without upsetting too many people :)


The internet lets you tell everyone what's happening, the problems you face, and how you're coping.


As a result, you get sympathy and understanding rather than glares and shouting !

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I have enjoyed NS since the day I found it, Cliff.

When I got on the plane in 1970 I doubted if I would ever see it again.  I did, I came back for a visit several times over the years.

Wherever I have lived I have never found a people with  quite the friendly attitude and outlook of many Nottingham folks.  Though I doubt I will ever meet any of you, you have all brightened my life in one way or another.  Thanks for being there.

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9 hours ago, loppylugs said:

Just re - read the above post after a night's sleep.  I didn't mean to be a whiner, and I am quick to apologise if I get a bit snappy.


Loppy, what you describe is I think known as 'Emotional Lability'  It certainly affected me for a while after my small strokes.  Fortunately the worst has passed over time, though I still have my moments.  There's a description in the link below.. though it seems to describe the more extreme version with hysterical laughter followed by crying etc.  My experience was much more subtle and low key.  I wish you well.

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Same here, Col.  I become more emotional when reading of someone elses troubles or feelings.  I often play Bach's 'Come Sweet Death' while my tears blur the music.  It wasn't like that before, but I remember he lost his wife.  He didn't even know she died until he came back from visiting another city.  I have a sense of how he must have felt.

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