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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I've been an Apple user from when they were first imported to the UK in the 80's. I've used them in the office, factory and home. The main thing is their ease of use. I've tried pc's as well but back then, over 30 years ago, they didn't compare. I'm sure that PC's  must have now caught up with Apple in usability. I am in the market for an update and was considering a new Macbook Air laptop but it would be around £1,000. I would like a  dabble on the latest Windows machine, which would probably be less than half the price, but the shops are presently closed. Seeing as all my stuff is on Apple it would be very difficult to change over to Microsoft.

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Sheer bliss Trogg. I worked in the baths for a while before my 16th birthday and then being old enough to go 'down t  pit'. Ironically, I ended up driving for Makemsons, part time. Used to do an evening run to Calverton pit, taking night shift workers and bring home afternoon shift. Also have done Bulwell to Bestwood on Sundays, (both as a driver and conductor at various times).

I saw the pictures in one of CTs links and was a real memory jolt.

(Would love to take a drive up that road again).

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11 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I've been an Apple user from when they were first imported to the UK in the 80's. I've used them in the office, factory and home. The main thing is their ease of use. I've tried pc's as well but back then, over 30 years ago, they didn't compare. I'm sure that PC's  must have now caught up with Apple in usability. I am in the market for an update and was considering a new Macbook Air laptop but it would be around £1,000. I would like a  dabble on the latest Windows machine, which would probably be less than half the price, but the shops are presently closed. Seeing as all my stuff is on Apple it would be very difficult to change over to Microsoft.

Interesting ! I have been a dedicated user of PCs at home and in a number of educational settings since the late 80s. More recently I grew increasingly irritable with the machinations of Google and Microsoft and looked at Apple. The result being to move to a  Mac desktop and enjoy the relatively uncluttered use and access. At a price admittedly, but then I am no longer annoyed at frequent inconsequent messages and unhelpful adverts. When funds allow will be looking for an Apple laptop or iPad to replace my trusty and good Dell.

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Beekay and Denshaw got me salivating with their mention of egg and chips with HP sauce. Two or three Pork Farms sausages round it off if you’re really hungry.

I read somewhere that George Harrison was a big fan of egg and chips and used to get frustrated when The Beatles became famous and posh hotels and restaurants didn't have it on the menu. That's why I love The Beatles they never forgot where they came from. Ringo said he had to pinch himself many times because he couldn't believe how famous and wealthy four sh1t kickers from Liverpool had become.

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The snow has all gone here in Daventry and I saw a video of the ground staff clearing the Meadow Lane pitch yesterday so this evening's game can go ahead. A great effort indeed, well done all.

Just a bit miffed however to read this morning that the National League will be voting soon on whether to continue with the season because so many clubs are in financial difficulties. Notts are so lucky to have the Reedtz brothers in charge. They have brought financial stability to NCFC no doubt helped by their very wealthy dad. With these guys at the helm I've no doubt Notts will eventually climb back into the league. The management of the NL is a shambles so I hope it's sooner rather than later. BTW most of the match officials are dire too.

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I was just researching computers, not because I need a new one, but mine are getting a bit outdated now. The top choice was the latest MacBook Air which I had been looking at. I then considered if I really needed a new one. Mine are perfectly adequate for my simple usage today. Gone are the days when I was crunching numbers on spreadsheets and the other functions like web browsing and emails don’t require ultra high tech. It’s just that I can never resist gadgets. Perhaps a new metal detector might give me an interest. I’ve got plenty of my own land to explore. They once fond a mammoth in nearby Hoveringham. That wasn’t metal though!



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A man and wife couple I worked with a few years back went metal detecting in their free time and unearthed a mint condition gold “angel” coin from the time of Richard III. Thing is it was found near Nasby and could have been dropped by the man himself. IIRC it sold for a then record price of £14K at Sotheby’s.

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The nearest battle to me was the Battle of Stoke Field in 1487. The last battle of the wars of the War of the Roses. It was on the other side of the Trent though but some of the soldiers swam across and the river was awash with blood earning the area the name of Red Gutter. When we lived within the village my wife found lots of broken clay pipes around the gateway where the old boys would have been leaning and chatting. I think around our field gate would probably be the best place to start hunting. I have been looking on Amazon for metal detectors. I don’t want to spend a fortune as the novelty will probably soon pass!

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18 hours ago, benjamin1945 said:

With the ' 'Lockdown'' i have spent much more time on here...but it doesn't seem many others have,,,is it me thats sad ?     Nobody has much to say...must admit i'm running out of least RR keeps dragging old threads up...think a few more of us should too.......also think we need some in-put from new members.........what you all think ?


Summat I've noticed especially in the last few weeks....there have been several newcomers (or people who post very rarely) who have asked a question or made a comment, and then never returned to see what response or answer they got to their post.


One possible explanation is that if they are on a phone/tablet, they might not be able to find their way back to where they asked their question. If you're on a phone and search Nottstalgia, thanks to the recent update it's very difficult to navigate your way to a specific thread and specific comment.


The problems people are having with iPads etc are not helping the site to encourage new visitors.

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8 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

What's this? Loppy not barking any more? Can't have that!  Come on, Loppy , dig up a few juicy bones and tell us all about them. Denshaw, too!

I will still bark once in a while but thus far it can only be from my laptop.


Even on that the upper banner is half missing and features are slow.


I often miss replies I would like to have made because I'm not on the laptop much. 

Gotta give this 'upgrade the prize for the worst one I have ever seen and I'm not doing a complete reset on my Ipad when it is working fine for everything other than this Invision site


Ben..... Glad the cats are doing well.


Re. the 'ole in the road.   From memory not google


'E looks dahn the 'ole, thought for a mo and then said.

Don't dig 'ere. dig it elsewhere

Yer, digging it round and it oughta be square

The shape of it's wrong

It's far too long

And yer can't put an 'ole where a 'ole don't belong.


Just thinking.  Sounds like the upgrade, don't it?


Woof woof!!!

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A good day today on the rowing machine leaving Inverness this morning and crossing the Cromarty Firth this afternoon. At a point now where I could continue up the A9 and row up to visit Compo or to turn left as originally planned heading for Bonar Bridge. 708km completed so far on my virtual trip to the Assynt region.

Life is good :biggrin:

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@PeverilPerilYou are amazing!  It makes me tired just doing my bit of dancing exercises.....  although  I also did the ‘strictly’ workout which was on TV this morning so I’m quite pleased with myself.   

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3rd time I have done shopping on line, don't like to advitise but 1st Morrisons 2nd Iceland 3rd Morrisons

Morrison's after being at the laptop inputting my list, numb fingers and spliting head ache, message came up, i had 3 mins to finish or I would lose my slot. By this time I could not care less, it must be hard to shop on line if you have a family, one 2 of us and it ties me in knots. You tend to order thins that you would not look at twice, and I was trying to order enough food to last us a fortnight. Order finished , orderd Mon for Fri delivery, then it started,message fro MO's sorry no weetabix. Oh come on your a big shop, NO WEETABIX?  None of somthing else. oh!! well order is in now so waited. 5 * right on said time it arrived. delivery man put some bags in the poach went for some others. Woo!!! just a min this is not my shopping, man certain it was, sorry but it is not mine NO WINE with bags, (disater) man then found my bags. Did not have a dilivery note so could not check order. Thank goodness for printers, Colli a very very big one only fit for the compost heap, bussels ready done, Grapes very brown and nearley out of date, wine orderd New Zealand,Oz,French, or South African none of these but not sayiing where the wine came from. To add insult to injury banana's to ripe at home, now 3 weeks in my fruit bowl, still green and solid. 

1* morrisons

4**** iceland can't give 5***** as it doe's not sell every thing you want.

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Thats the world we live in now Mary,,,

Much better when Granville took your order,, 

Thankyou Mrs Mary,,what time shall i deliver for you,, have the kettle on,, 

Can i take your Dolly out tonight? 

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My friend received her delivery from Morrison’s last weekend and a bottle of Vodka she snook onto the order arrived with the security thing still attached!  Oh the frustration!! 

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We have Morrison's deliveries. It's not perfect and there are sometimes omissions and substitutions. Sometimes we get things we haven't ordered but not charged for! We have a Spar and a farm shop within 4 miles to make up the deficit and for the extras. I doubt we will ever go to a supermarket again.


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Hello Noddy, to add a bit more to your post...We have alternated between Morrisons and Iceland, depending on our needs. What I  DON'T do, is book a delivery spot first. I make out my shopping list first and then go to check out. I'm told then to book a delivery and continue to check out and pay, (I do make sure there is a spot first).

On one occasion I made a list of shopping but then went and did something else. The list was still there two days later, so I added a bit more then booked a slot. Job done !

Been on line shopping for 11 months now. Never been able to find a slot on either Tesco or Waitrose, (although both keep sending me emails).

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Felt very sluggish on the rowing machine this morning however I was delighted to see where I had reached on my virtual journey to the Highlands. Look up Strule Hill Viewpoint B9176 on Google maps and street view. You will see the magnificent Dornoch Firth. Strule Hill is one of my favourite roads and I've always regretted not cycling on it.

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A bit sluggish PP? Are you sure you've not sprung a leak or left the mooring rope still tied. Look on the bright side.

"It's downhill all the way back !!

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Just re read my post - correction - it is Struie Hill Viewpoint on the B9176 not Strule. I should pass by The Kyle of Sutherland and into Strath Oykell this afternoon. Wonderful area lots of memories here. 

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