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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Whatever day it is.. I hope you all have a fab meet up.  You can pretend I'm there too...

Or maybe don't..., I wouldn't want to turn it into a Political Meeting..;)

Please don't be offended, but I'm doing my best to avoid getting even a minor Covid dose, so as not to spoil my chances of getting my knees sorted ASAP.


Enjoy... I expect pictures... :)

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Have a good meetup. Keep safe everyone and enjoy yourselves. DJ hope your op goes well without any hiccups.

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Cannot get enough jabs, it seems. Orion-4 have re-started their programme, so I'm off to QMC to get jabbed in the stomach. Either Inclisiran sodium 300mg, or the placebo. Every six months for the next few years, so my fix off jabs sorted for the foreseeable future!

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Just opened my Christmas present that Mrs PP bought for me without her knowing about it :rolleyes: Anyway, I can't use it because she has made me put it back in the box so that she can wrap it up as a surprise on Christmas day.

What was it? A fishing reel of course. Ordered from Sweden 5pm Monday and arriving today at 2pm! Them Swedish reindeer are fast movers!

The quality of the reel is sublime - fishing jewellery.

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Well, we're back home in dahn sarf. Had a good journey back.

And it we're raight good to meet up the four musketeers. We all left about 2 o,clock as Brew had not got any chips left and Denshaw had to get to work. Having all windows changed tomorrow or Friday. So will be sat around with me top coat and scarf on. I'm not going out and leave to it , I'll have no coffee left.

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My day, Thursday, started well...  I got out of bed, quickly washed and headed straight down to the kitchen to make a coffee. As I turned to put the bottle of milk back into the fridge, my feet slid out from under me.. on water which Mrs Col later admitted to 'probably having spilled'...


As I plummeted Earthwards in a more or less horizontal position, my left arm's fall was fortunately broken by contact with the ceramic tiled floor.  It smarted a bit, but the bottle of milk, although it also clanged against the tiles, did not break....


Almost within the same nanosecond, my head was very fortunately prevented from impacting the hard ceramic tiles, when it impacted instead, forehead and nose first, onto a radiator 'Gate Lock' valve.  Mercifully, said valve was sporting its plastic cover and a pair of gardening gloves, draped over it the previous day, to dry.


In a very uncharacteristic example of failed self-control.., I was moved to cry out "AAARRRGGGHH, OH!!! S***.ARRRGGHH!!!! and... quite possibly ....other expletives.


I lay for a moment,  fully expecting to find blood pouring from a gaping wound in my head and/or nose.  Meanwhile Mrs Col was yelling from upstairs.. "What's happened?  Are you OK?"  "I'll let you know!!", I replied... cheerily...:angry2:


After a few moments, I picked myself up and discovered a 2 inch graze on my forehead, plus a developing bruise, and another on my nose.  I had also clearly pulled muscles in the right side of my neck.


Probably best put down as a lucky escape.  I had a bit of a headache for a while, but seem to be otherwise relatively unharmed.


Shortly afterwards, the Surgeon who is planning to do my knee ops, called me to discuss a few things, and informed me that I'm likely to be 'done', in Jan or Feb... which is nice.

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1 hour ago, DJ360 said:

As I turned to put the bottle of milk back into the fridge, my feet slid out from under me.. on water which Mrs Col later admitted to 'probably having spilled'...


The less than sympathetic among us might say you're a clumsy bugger, I on the other hand, though clearly fat and unfit for polite company, would not dream of such a thing.      thumbsup


GWS mate...

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Keep smiling DJ , as you know  life is like that, you think everything is going OK and then these thigs happen to try you. Remember your from Bestwood and your made of better stuff and can deal with these mishaps. Was it a fall or was it your attempt of seeking extra love and comfort from Mrs DJ.

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Ouch! DJ.

Reading about your fall again I think it gets at least 9 out of 10 for artistic content :biggrin:. Maybe it was not Mrs DJ's fault our your imbalance at all- maybe you had just heard the by election result on the radio?


Hope you are OK mate. 

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Hi DJ you never learn do you never/ever disagree with a botte of milk. Keep posting  love to hear your stories (True Life) and last time GASP!!! you gave me a tick for one of my post WOW!!! 


Hope you are OK 

Stay Safe.

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Sorry to hear about your fall, it can be very worrying at our ages as my husband found out the other day and landed up in hospital fortunately everything ok. But hes left with a huge bump and grazing on his head and hips hurting him.


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Sorry about your fall, Col.  At least it wasn’t in full view of lots of people - I fell over in Newcastle earlier this year while walking on the busy riverside and felt very stupid because quite a few people rushed over to ask if I was alright.  I think it was the indignity more than the painful knee and elbow… 

Anyway, pleased to hear that your op will hopefully be within a couple of months x

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15 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I had also clearly pulled muscles in the right side of my neck.


Probably best put down as a lucky escape.

I hope them there muscles don't give you too much trouble in the following days DJ. Sometimes the next day can prove very painful! Hope you recover quickly. Good news for your Op date.x

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I bought a new fly fishing line and prior to fitting it to the reel I unwound it carefully and laid it out on the floor of the conservatory, into the dining room and then back into the conservatory. All spread out neatly. I needed to inspect it and make sure it was not twisted. It is painstakingly, tedious work. Everything looked good so fixed it to the reel and started winding in. Oh! it's snagged on something? Tried winding in again and followed it into the dining room only to see the line disappearing into the kitchen? Still trying to wind it in I followed it into the kitchen. Then through the other door back into the conservatory where it vanished through the cat flap! Looked up the garden and there were the two cats fighting over the other end 20 yards away. I carried on winding the line through the cat flap with two cats hanging on to it. Bleddy cats!

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Regarding my recent fall.. I should add that my head butting of the radiator gate lock valve caused a significant leak. This in turn had me doing a minor re-enactment of every submarine film ever made, where the crew rush around re-tighening pipes and valves as everything springs a leak after they are depth charged. Fortunately for me.. it was just a 1/8th turn on a single nut.
The bruising is already fading and I appear to have suffered no lasting effects.



Thanks for all of your concerns. Happily, the bruising is fading already, the headache has gone and even the pulled muscles aren't as bad as they might be. :)

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20 hours ago, Brew said:

The less than sympathetic among us might say you're a clumsy bugger, I on the other hand, though clearly fat and unfit for polite company, would not dream of such a thing.


Right, time to clear up this Diplomatic Incident! ;)


I said you appeared to have put on a bit of weight, in the right places. I was referring to the fact that your face appeared to have filled out a bit, making you look healthier.

My story and I'm sticking to it...:laugh:



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6 minutes ago, LizzieM said:

Pleased you appear to have no lasting ill effects DJ

Pleased you appear to have no lasting ill effects DJ 



Ya got  me!   Twice... :wacko:

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