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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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instead of a can opener get her indoors a bottle opener much more usefull. 

Don;t forget though its got to be Gold,  after all 50 years is a long time, 

If I don't post 3days from now Have a very Happy Anniversary  allso Merry Christmas.

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Well, I’m about ready for bed on my 79th Christmas Eve.  Just watched ‘The Nativity’ on DVD with a friend of ours and our daughter- it was lovely, then we opened a box of chocolates… and I ate a few too many!

I thought I’d wish all of my friends on here a safe and happy  Christmas, and a peaceful new year.  God bless xx



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Me too Margie, I'm off to do a bit of reading before kip.

Fed up with repeats on telly.

Good night all, Merry Christmas !

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Early hours as ever here.. so technically it is already Christmas.

Wishing all of you a Happy Christmas, and a Peaceful, Healthy New Year.


But mostly, wishing you all that you wish yourselves.




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A merry Christmas to you all. May your Christmas be better than mine, I have done the wrong thing again. The wife is always complaining about price increases especially power, with me leaving lights on and doors open. So I decided to help her save money. So for Christmas I brought her an  iron, a light ,a cobblers last and a little meths powered heater, She wasnt happy, so no dinner for me and a night in the spare bedroom. Roll on the New Year.

PS I only followed Bekays example of useful presents.



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I'm with Beekay for Easter time. BBC had hardly any news broadcasts and totally abysmal programmes.

I watched half of 'Spitting Image' the BBC borrowed from that equally abysmal Britbox. 

I was never tempted to subscribe to it. Total rubbish. Listened to Radio4 extra which was far more enjoyable listening. 

Wishing you all a happier and healthy new year.

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Good for you Mester Trogg, if your missus wants them items painting, I'm your man ! No charge, members special rates.

Best wishes to you and Mrs. TROGG. thumbsup

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52 minutes ago, West Bridgfordian said:

Nollick Ghennal as Blein Vie Noa.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Hope you all have a great day.

W.B, Feliz Navidad ! , Joyeaux Noel !

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‘The Repair Shop’ is the identical book as the one I bought my wife last year and she can’t abide the Hairy Bikers so their recipe book didn’t go down too well either. Not the most popular pig in the sty then! Much like my socks and a boring book on the history of Southwell. How I love Christmas!

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Best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, but with respect for the religious persuasion of others who choose to practice their own religion as well as those who choose not to practice a religion at all;



a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2000, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions have helped make our society great, without regard to the race, creed, color, religious, or sexual preferences of the wishes.

(Disclaimer: This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others and no responsibility for any unintended emotional stress these greetings may bring to those not caught up in the holiday spirit.)

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3 hours ago, letsavagoo said:

and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2000

 Almost 22 years late but thank you the kind regards...     slywink

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Hope you all had a good time.Just returned from our christmas lunch. Daughter in law cooked for 15 . It was superb. Everything went down a treat. Sitting now to watch tv but as many have said before no decent programmes even here. Oh well an early night. Enjoy the rest of christmas.

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Well Nonna, I've had a decent day. Done bugger all as its been raining most of the day. It's been like a ghost town all day, but the inmates are being brought back after visiting relatives. A few more lights on now. Happy New Year to you and yours. B.

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Felt rotten again most of day with earache and nausea...followed by a migraine.. complete with light show...but improved a lot after a nice meal.

I've just watched a lovely programme about the musical Kanneh-Mason family from Nottm... Did you say you knew them Lizzie?) And now watching a programme about Pavarotti.

Looking forward to seeing the kids and grandkids tomorrow.

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Sorry to hear that mate, here's a joke to cheer you up:


Two socialist sat on a porch, one turns to the other and says "have you read Marks"? The other replies, "yeah, I think it's these wicker chairs”... boom boom...   :rolleyes:

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We were watching the same TV channel this evening DJ, far better than re-runs of old comedy shows.  Can’t brag about ‘knowing’ the Kanneh-Masons but they are near neighbours and we see them all around and we exchange pleasantries!  Can you just imagine living in a house with seven kids learning a musical instrument?!  It was bad enough when our two were  having piano lessons many years ago.  I really regret not having lessons at the same time but when the boys packed it in we gave the piano to Wild Willy Barrett when we lived in the same village.  

The Pavarotti programme was wonderful and so interesting.  We had front row seats at Wembley Arena to watch him perform, can’t remember the year, then a private dinner at the Grosvenor Hotel in his presence, and all the guests got to speak to him.  The evening cost an absolute fortune but so worth it because it’s something we’ll never forget ……. hopefully! 

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Not seen any Christmas Day telly, absolute houseful, hit double figures, in-laws, kids, grandkids & two dogs, front room resembled the waiting room of a covid testing station, about 8 o’clock I realised I’d not seen Mrs Red since Crimbo dinner @ 3 she was still washing the pots! 


3 points today @ Middlesbrough & jobs a good-en 

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Well Christmas Day 

What can one say?

We were going over to the youngest sons for Christmas dinner, the daughter in law phoned day before, hacking, sniffling down the phone.  Not sure if you still want to come, have sent of covid test in case.  Waited to hear result, it was negitive but. what would you do? being over 60/70 years would it be wise to even get a common cold or put yourself forward for one.  Any way thought it best to stay put (Christmas dinner on back burner)  well yougest grandson was not happy about  this (for some reson he misses us) took it out of his mum, i closed my phone to him just till he saw sense.  Next day a text came though thanking us for his present of a watch, what are you going to buy with your money i ask? what money he said. you should have found it in your Christmas card, it was £50 00. Phone went dead, 2 mins later OH!! thanks for the £50 the card was only in with all the other rubbish, Well Merry Christmas,

This Christmas was even better than last year

thanks Boris 

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