telly adverts

Guest scooterboy

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The Available Car . Com advert. I used to like the blonde girl, but now she's had a 'makeover ' she looks all ghostly,anemic, pale, and fuzzy like Elizabeth 1st. Ugh.

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Who wants to be identified as a smelly goat ? You must be kidding.

There will be those who identify as a goat, Lizzie.

...... and every household has one black parent.

There's an ad on Gold radio at the moment where a bloke strums his guitar and sings about Hive which is a system to control your central heating remotely using your mobile phone.

I reckon he made the words up in about 5 minutes whilst sat on the toilet.

There's a "rhyme" where he sings about being at the rugby whilst your house is nice and snuggly. Does my head in.

Think it's started up on the TV now.

Completely banal.

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I'll get the remote in readiness to propel at the screen.

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I hate the advert about- WHEN A STROKE STRIKES - gives me the creeps, I had a mild stroke back in May and do not want reminding of it by the TV, always turn it off, cannot bare to look at it - even the Cancer adverts make me cringe......Adverts are supposed to be amusing, like the ones we had years ago, you could sing along to them.......OMO add's brightness, CAMAY SOAP makes you beautiful as it was worth 9 guineas an ounce, your never alone with a STRAND CIGGIE and the toothpaste ads were funny as well, bring them back..........

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Dislike all television advertising, its too loud,full of lies,purposely put ethnic minorities into advert,which if executed without honest intentions is worse than racism!!, the white shirts are brand new,why would a posh house with a 30 grand kitchen have a hob that dirty,which comes off with kitchen towel!!,Barry Scott needs nutting,

Why doesn't a supermarket just say" we were going to use a real expensive piece of popular music,voiced by a Hollywood star,filmed in Venice..we have saved 21 million... we are going to give YOU the customer 21 million in reductions instead!!

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I agree with Blondie and crankypig regarding the cancer ads. As you know, my wife has cancer and she can get quite

upset by the amount of cancer adverts there are on the TV. She doesn't want to be constantly reminded about how

many cancer deaths there are every year.

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I agree with Blondie about the stroke advert.I was taken to the hospital on a Friday and kept in.On the Saturday my wife approached the nurses as she was worried how bad I was looking.She was told they were doing everything they could-what more did she expect? On Monday when the doctors did their rounds they found that I had had two more strokes.

The advert says the first ten minutes are the most important.I Suppose that is excepting week-ends in hospital.Thankfully I have made a reasonable recovery.

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Well I dispise all adverts ! we rarely watch commercial tv anyway here, and thankfully our ABC has not succoumbed as yet, but they still do their self promotions like the BBC and they can be a pain.

We also used to have a second advert free channel, SBS but that is now full of it and also drives me nuts, it is a shame as they have some good programming, I try and record anything on the adds channels and then blast them when they appear.

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  • 3 months later...

Available Car.Com has become irritating. The car insurance ones with the wobbly black guy gyrating as some morons are chanting 'Big Bad Wolf ' . WTF. And the other insurance one with Brian the robot. Gimme a gun mother !

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Agree about the wobbly guy ,

Guess it's only on daytime TV but the GTech rechargable "hoover" advert is really starting to grate on me . Have to change channels now when it comes on .

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Bruce Willis is embarrassing full stop.

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Does anyone know if it's cheaper to use puppets, cartoon characters, etc for adverts instead of people? When you look how many ads use non-human casts there must be some advantage? No Equity card, maybe - or is that not used any more?

My pet hates, GoCompare and the 118 twins.


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118 definitely.

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I am like banjo48 and rarely watch commercial tv and the few programs we do watch regularly we record and skip through the ads.

However when I do see the adverts I become more and more bemused and at times really struggle to work out what they are advertising as there often seems no connection between the ad and the product.

Car ads really p**s me of when in small print they say something like "foreign vehicle shown, this model not available in Australia" Why show me the bl**dy pictures then?

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All the personal loan adverts that are shown in the afternoon for the couch potatoes. Also the ones for Personal Injury Lawyers. Disgusting parasites.

The most irritating lately are the McCain sponsored ones for Emmerdale depicting a family of inbreds supposedly discussing the programme. Bring back the scarecrows.

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Don't see many brit ads but the mcCain one does annoy me. I like the meercats but after a while they too bore. We have ads here too when the actors present the product and its as if they are reading the praises. Not convincing at all.

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