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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Happy to report there’s a slight improvement with my wrist, luckily it’s my left one.  Thanks all for your concern, even though most of you think it’s self-inflicted!  

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Not wishing to be left out of the 'I fell over...' theme.. :)

Last week, I was standing at the end of the bar in the Cavern Club with Picko and Daz from Boowul.  Also present was Tony Coburn.  Tony said something and I turned slightly to face him whereupon my left knee ( normally the better of the two) decided to completely collapse.  Me being a ltlle 'impaired' by four or five pints of beer, I was unable to react quickly enough by grabbing the bar and went down like the proverbial 'sack of spuds.'  Ended up on my back on the floor, with the other three fussing around and picking me up.  It took me a while to convince them that I was OK.. but no harm done..


I can confirm that allegations of Alcohol being involved in this incident are entirely correct..  But I still don't know why my knee gave out.


Joys of ageing eh? :blink:

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Aye What, While we are talking about falling down, Hubbs can go one better, last week.   He fell up!!!


On his way upstairs with my morning cuppa (I know, I know. I'm spoilt). He got to the turn at the top of the stairs and misjudged a step, (Dint lift his foot up high enough) He lunged forward,  hit his face on the wall and slid down, leaving a red track all the way down to the skirting board. We didn't realise it was part of him until he turned round. Bless him, he looks like he's done ten rounds with 'Carni Bugner'. 


How the heck the tea reached the ceiling I don't know, but judging by the walls and paintwork, it would have been a rather large mug of tea. Joking apart, a few days of aches and pains and a scabby mush, I'm pleased to say he is still beautiful and almost walking upright again.:)


Just been catching up on the posts, and I hope all of you falling down people are on the mend again. It's a bit worrying int it Miducks.:)

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12 minutes ago, carni said:

On his way upstairs with my morning cuppa (I know, I know. I'm spoilt). He got to the turn at the top of the stairs and misjudged a step, (Dint lift his foot up high enough)


To prevent this from happening again - live in a bungalow.:rotfl:

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C'mon, you know the words, 'Pick yourself up, dust yourself down, and start all over again'. Life in a nutshell !

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Ian, I agree with you. The consequences of falling especially at our ages can be very serious. I also had a near miss last week. Serves me right, I spotted a cobweb and instead of getting the steps I stood on the pouffe and on reaching out I started to wobble, before I knew it  both me and the pouffe were wobbling in different directions. I made a grab for the mantelpiece, which didn't help much, so I shut my eyes, jumped off and hoped for the best.  I'm still here? Lesson learnt. Steps next time.:biggrin:

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Ian, so are these 'banned' substances / activities just for now, or for ever?   Cliff of Mohor - is this a bit like Beachy Head?

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5 hours ago, IAN123. said:

The problems I have now.. according to my latest hospital meeting could be related to a bad fall I had ..going back to 2007. It was now I am typing!....February 13th..Saturday?  There is a lot of scar tissue in me nut apparently... no flying,booze ,excitement, ladder work or coffee.

Cliff of Moher  it is then!

Mind you the bright side is ,I have to drink 3 liters of water a day.

Not funny..hate the stuff.


I'll drink your quota Dawson smile2smile2

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11 minutes ago, IAN123. said:

Ash Wednesday today,so no meat...all this talk of Berni Inns going on.

Good Catholic boy. That’s what I like to see. Many years ago, when my firm had a Dublin factory, the managers had to get dispensation from the priest to eat meat if they were over in England on a Friday. They always had steaks! 

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Lizzie good job it was as bad as when you came 2 yrs ago. Then I could have understood. Anyway sorry you hurt your wrist but pleased it's less painful ... get well quick.

Sitting having physio at the moment, tense and frustrated with situation at home. Will explain later. P.....Ed off in fact


Nothing seems to be going right. Think I have to wait for next therapy if so will write a pm ... big hug



Sorry it wasn't as bad

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Re-reading my last post my phone must have taken over . In fact the post doesn't sound very sympathetic. I do apologize. It sounded to me that I was sorry it wasnt worse.  Phone missed comma out. I know I'm a bit confused but I would never wish that on you. Again in physio, done gym now sitting with electric pads on my.  back, last one today just gym tomorrow 


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Had a tx from my Russian foot health lady Svetlana in Bulwell (up the alley) asking me to put my appointment back to 12.45 this morning,.....Text back  ''ok mi Duck''...............she just tx me back........''is this mean yes or no,and what is Mi Duck'' ?........made me laugh anyway, shall be teaching her proper Bulwell

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Fairly normal start to the day - 40 minutes on rowing machine before porridge.

Did anyone see the 'How to get fit quick' prog on telly last night? They were in a gym and statistics showed that the rowing machine was not ranked in the first four gym machines by use. Tests proved that the indoor rower gave the best all round workout of any gym machine.  So why is it not more popular? Simple really - it's bleddy hard! I often wonder why some people bother with the gym. They either give up after a few weeks or want an easy time + a bit of posing. 

Using the indoor rower, usually a Concept2, does not have to be hard to show a marked improvement in fitness and well being.  It is down to using the correct technique. When on my travels I used gyms quite a lot and invariably the people on the rowing machines had no idea about technique - even the gym instructors had poor technique!

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Hat off to you PP, not one for the Gym myself,but work at a place that has a fitness suite with all the different machines,hardly ever see the 'rowing' ones used,...........can see them all on camera........and as you say many just posing.....don't think many realise they are seen on camera, and the most popular area of the Gym is in front of the camera,..where the Mirrors are......I sometimes go in to straighten me

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Tips on using an indoor rower.

1. Set the resistance to the lowest setting. You can go just as fast on a low drag as on a high drag

2. Start nice and gentle keeping a good posture. Don't lean too far forward or back.

3. With straight legs just use your arms for a minute ~ 25/30 stroke per min.

4. With straight arms just use your legs for a minute.

5. Use arms and legs for full strokes but not at the same time,  When you have straight legs then pull with your arms so that the handle touches your sternum. When you have straight arms push with your legs. It may feel odd at first but after a while it becomes seamless.

6. Over 70% of power comes from the push with your legs. Most people think that rowing is about pulling but with a sliding seat it is about pushing.

There is a lot more I could say but just concentrate on the above  for a while and pm me if you need more info. Best of luck PP 

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