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I was a smoker from being around 14 till around 45. By that age I was quite a heavy smoker. I tried many times over the years to stop smoking and failed many more times, always leaving me a bit more down hearted. Someone once said to me 'Never give up giving up'. Sound advice, Immediately giving me hope. One day it worked, I have never forgotten those words and I pass them on to anyone who decides to stop smoking. 

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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What sort of "work" do they do? It would be nice to see dogs working the vineyards here, instead of the farmers keeping them for guard dogs . Or even truffles .

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Took me about four attempts, what spurred me on was a couple of hours TV show around 1974, hosted by a lung surgeon, I think it was on the BEEB. Caused quite a commotion back then, the tobacco companies shouted foul!! Tobacco products went unsold by over 75% the following morning. Annual sales dropped by around 50% that year.

Seemed to work better than anything for many people!! Out of the fellers I used to ride to work with, only one went back to smoking, last I heard, he'd passed on over 20 years back with lung cancer.

Me??? Still tobacco free after 44 years.

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1 hour ago, nonnaB said:

What sort of "work" do they do? It would be nice to see dogs working the vineyards here, instead of the farmers keeping them for guard dogs . Or even truffles .


nonna, they are rat catchers, a speciality of terriers, even more so of Norfolk terriers (which my two are). 

As you probably know, at this time of year, rats are a particular menace in the wineries so the dogs go out for a specially good time chasing (and dispatching) the verminous creatures.

They do work at other times throughout the year as well, depending on how prolific the rat breeding is.

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On 11/15/2018 at 1:20 PM, katyjay said:

Stavertongirl, You can then see things in the PRIVATE Members only discussions threads, like meet ups. 


5 hours ago, denshaw said:

 and congratulations on becoming an Advanced Nottstalgian, soon you might tell us your first name?


Combine the two -  tell us your name when you appear at the next meet-up.

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Advanced Nostalgian, goodness makes me feel quite important. 

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. Seemed strange tonight doing my Friday night shop and not getting cigarettes. Saved some money as well, less than half what I normally shell out so will concentrate on that as I want a table and chairs for my kitchen (Ikea here I come). Did treat the boys to a toy each though, lots of running around squeaking (the dogs not me). 

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Having stopped for six years and foolishly started again I think smokers will always be smokers. After smoking a couple of cigarettes it was as if I had never stopped and although stopping was easy the first time around it's not now. I tried vaping but where is the logic in that? You are still taking nicotine into your system so it does nothing other than swap one bad habit for another albeit slightly less harmful as far as we know. 

I wish you success SG.

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I do agree with you Brew about vaping and I think the jury is out on whether it can have harmful effects. It is amazing how many people have the vape pipes, almost like a fashion statement. I have tried them before but could never find an oil that I liked, I thought they tasted like dirty ashtrays smelled to be honest and can’t see the point in flavoured ones when I don’t smoke strawberry cigarettes. Each to his own I suppose. 

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Jonab, never thought of your dogs being terriers. I had an image of much bigger dogs ie. Alsations, Labradors that size there. Never thought about the rats in wineries or cantinas. But if that works ( like it obviously does) it. the correct solution. I'll have to ask around to see what the others do.

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Nice bit of news this morning, my sons restaurant has been placed 13th of 737 restaurants in the province of Asti. Since it was opened hes always been number 1 in the village out of 10 restaurants.


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Congratulations to your son, nonna. Must be a good place - the Italians, like the French, are not shy in giving their opinions when it comes to the nice things in life - like food!


Regarding my dogs, I have a great aversion to Alsatian dogs ever since one bit me when I was young. I have had golden retrievers in the past (my cousin, who I have mentioned on these pages, was a breeder of them). They are very loyal, loving dogs and I didn’t think that I would be able to become attached to another breed until about twenty-five years ago when some neighbours acquired a Norfolk terrier which became strongly attached to me – and the rest, as they say, is history, I was hooked on that breed.


Norfolk’s are loyal and loving but have very different personalities to the other breeds I have been familiar with. Like all terriers, they have an ‘impishness’ about them which I find very endearing. Another thing is that their small size fits well with my ‘less than perfect health’.



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I'm with you on Alsations, Jonab.  One bit me on my lip when I was just a toddler.  I wandered up the terrace and into his yard so it was partially my own fault, but when you are that age you don't recognize danger.  I'm lucky he didn't grab me by the throat I guess.  You can still see the scars from the stitches in my lip.


Didn't put me off dogs though.  I've owned several breeds over time.  Really loved ny black Lab.  A faithful good natured guy.  my current Beagle is as stubborn as a mule, but not nasty.  My Lab Spaniel cross is another good natured friendly guy..  I would never take on an Alsation, though.  I just don't trust 'em.  Apologies to any Alsation lovers here.

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I have had many German Shepherds and like most breeds there are good and bad.  I know many people are intimidated by them, but I have always found them faithful, loving and protective. My 2 boys are German Shepherd crosses and I feel completely safe in the house at nite on my own. Would not be without them. There are some breeds of dog that I am not fond of, I prefer bigger dogs, but the world would be boring if we all liked the same.

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I have no doubt that German Shepherd dogs can be just as you describe but childhood traumas can be very persistent.


I did have a preference for large dogs (hence the golden retrievers) but circumstances and the affection shown to me by a certain small dog twenty-five years ago converted me.

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That's why I put my pre apologies there.  I was pretty sure some one on here would love them.  I love 'em too, just that my experience made me wary.  My younger daughter in Canada is now on her second one.  She loves 'em and they have always been ok with the grandkids.  Just wish the blighter wouldn't goose me whenever I go there.    :biggrin:

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Pets can be a very divisive issue.  I don't like pets, or animals in homes, because I don't be;lieve that animals belong there.  But that doesn't mean I don't like animals. 


I'm happy to go for a walk without a dog.


Some people find that strange. Some people seem to think that the footpaths around where I live are only really there for them to walk their dogs.


Yet I'm supposed to accept .. 'He won't bite.. OK, he's jumping all over you and covering you with mud.. but he won't bite'.  Right.  OK.


That's what I got yesterday whilst out walking and minding my own business.  I can honestly say I've never jumped all over someone's dog whilst 'just being friendly'.. or declared.. 'It's OK. I'm just being friendly..'


A few weeks ago, I was attacked by a Dog.  Its owner justified its behaviour on the basis that I was carrying a stick. 'He doesn't like sticks'.  Well tough ****.. I don't like being attacked.


The real top hat was put on it today by a chap whose two Jack Russell's were trying their best to attack a woman's Scottie as I was exchanging greetings with her.  He dragged them off with a series of expletives and the observation that they are 'The yappiest, noisiest little sods on Earth'.  So I enquired.  'Why do you keep them?'  'Well yer've got ter ave a dog...'



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There are no bad dogs just owners 


I have had quite a few dogs in my time, first one I had must admit, let it run and go any were, then I had a "ROTTI" as at the time I was getting lots of breaking at my salon and (or so I thought) my Rotti would be a deterrent and at the same time signed up to do working dog trials. The trials were brilliant I learnt such a lot from the tutor not just about trails but how you dog thinks and behaviour, I even took my Rottie into college  whilst doing part of my teacher's training, at the time their was a lot of stigma about these dogs, she caused quite a stir when we made an  entrance into the class room, I told her to sit and wait (wait means you are going to tell her something) (stay means you are leaving her and will return) she sat their for a good half hour till I called her to me. I could have left her in slab square for a whole day and when I did return she would have still been in the same spot. I think every one who has a dog should give it a certain amount of training. I have had one or two dogs since losing my Rottie and taken them to various training classes, but none came up to when I did working trails,  a lot of the training  is all about the dog, but it's not the dog it's the owners most of the time.

Also one last thing I cringe when I see dogs on these thin long leads, what control  have the owners got if the dog  runs across the road to see another dog? especial if it's a German Shepard. Your dog could cause an accident oh! sorry it would be you, with that silly  lead. not the dog that's caused the accident.

Sorry to get on my soap box  but one last thing You are the leader of the pack and the dog comes second keep this in mind and you can't go wrong. You eat first, You go though the door way first, you sit on the sofa (not the dog) don't feed from the table you are sending out wrong signals to your dog.


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Feel really rotten this morning. I've not felt well for a couple of days. My husband has a rotten cold so thought I may get it, although I dont catch cold easily. I havent got a cold its turned into bronchitis. I havent had it for at least 2 yrs. I used to get it every year and I used to dread the colder weather. So now I think my resistence is low, my back giving me so much trouble, I havent got the energy to fight back. Hope I'm ok to go to the hospital on wednesday . I have to see about pain management and then in December start my 3 monthly checks . Bloods and Tc scan. Wonder who my oncologist will be as mine has just retired.

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I love your last big paragraph,  Mary, about the owner, not the dog, being the 'leader of the pack'.   Some dog owners are too indulgent with them - which gives mixed messages to the dogs.  It's more difficult with domestic cats, though, as they are not pack animals.  One of ours always sits on my chair when I'm doing something else, but when I walk towards him and say 'Off!' he glares at me before he jumps off.   


Just read your post, nonna.....  so sorry you've got bronchitis and feel so ill (also your back pain).   i hope you'll be well enough to go to the hospital on Wednesday.... xx

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Sorry to read you and your husband are both under the weather nonna and I hope you are well enough for hospital on Wednesday, to wake up with pain every day can really bring you down before the day even starts. I have heard of pain management but I have no idea what it is. I always had the feeling it was a training of mind over matter, with pain relief drugs as well. I must do some reading up on the internet . I hope you get some  help  nonna and  your new Oncologist will look after you well, best wishes for your Bloods and scan results.

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Sorry to learn you don't feel well, nonna.

Mme always recommends lavender honey in a hot, strong red wine. Failing that, bigarade honey (which may be available where you live).

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