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6 hours ago, plantfit said:

You must be one of those rare breeds of husband who has a choice Den slywink



lol, not for long if she reads his post about breakfast!

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Recently got an OS map of East Dorset, Poole and Purbeck. This morning did the Poole Harbour trail. Breakfast at The Kitchen in Poole Park, then followed the map to Lilliput where a coffee, and a much needed toilet break was taken. Then on to The Sandbanks Beach Cafe. 

Phew, tea and walnut cake was welcomed.

Here, the trail forks left for Bournemouth, and right for Sandbanks ferry. Decided to hobble back, and keep to the road which is slightly shorter.

Now at the sis in laws with aching knees, calves and backache ! Brilliant.

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Well done FLY, that is my occasional stomping ground.  We were down there for a few days this past week, didn’t do a lot as my husband is suffering badly with backache and sciatica, (he’s had it since November) it’s  beautiful walking country but this trip we only managed a couple of walks on Sandbanks beach.  We love it there.  

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Me too Lizzie, it's a beautiful area.

 Get hubby a Fitbit, and ensure he reaches 10k daily, but for goodness sake, keep him off the Full English, the coffee and walnut cake, and endless cappuccinos !

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 Unbelievable this morning I've been counting sheep.:Shock:

I was preparing food for the dogs when I heard them all barking including next doors dog and the one next door but one plus others that I didnt recognise the bark. Went out to see what all the fuss was about I saw through the gate a herd of sheep. Ok they're sending them to graze, hope its not in the field opposite us. Went down to the gate and the road and field were full of sheep in all shapes and sizes. I had my phone ready to take a photo then it discharged. Honestly I have never ever seen so many in on herd. There were 4 dogs that wanted to come to see our dogs then the shepherds waved their sticks and they moved. We don't see sheep in fields around here but its coming towards easter and lamb in on the menu's unfortunately. They are brought over from Sardinia and you know what comes next. There were quite a few tiny lambs and one shepherd had a new born in a rucksack. One little one came out on his own , he was beautiful. White obviously but with black markings. There was a black sheep only one ,very big ,  I suppose he was the male. I noticed there were a few horns running through. I asked how many sheep there were and the reply was a wave in the air of two arms and he said 100's Think there were more like a 1000.

No doubt they will all be in field somewhere nearby. I'll keep my phone handy.

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We got them in the field next to us Nonna, they stink something terrible and spend most of the night bleating, much quieter when they are on a plate surrounded with gravy and spuds



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Another fabulous days fly fishing at Carsington yesterday. 30 to the boat. Gardening today in preparation for the timber edging boards that are being delivered tomorrow morning. My grandsons next door has a huge garden and I'm using about 150 sq yards of it as an allotment. Loads of frog spawn in the pond this morning and the frogs are still arriving. The pair of mallards that have been visiting daily have given up using the pond as a nesting area. Cats keep chasing them off. They were down for a quick swim this morning though.

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I haven't had a pond in my garden for 20 years now PP but I still get lots of frogs I hate the 

things they jump out at me when I'm gardening. My 8 year old Grandson informed me that frogs

have a life span of 11 years, not in my garden they don't my dog has had two already this weekend.

Sorry Frog lovers.:mellow: 

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3 hours ago, Jill Sparrow said:

Looks like your moggies prefer mallards to mice, PP!

They average one mouse a day. They had two yesterday! They ignore the frogs now, thank goodness. Maybe the frogs give off an anti moggie smell?

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Cancun 28 degrees. Bliss


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5 hours ago, radfordred said:



Apologies..Haven't sussed out the editing system.




Plus a lot lighter since the clocks went forward 

Eyes instantly darted to the time on my tablet..before a 180 degree headspin to the wall clock.

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17 hours ago, radfordred said:

Reckon it touched 28 while I was sat in the Market Square this afternoon ......

28 Kelvin? :rolleyes:

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1am, on Sunday March the 31st.

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Thought so , same as us but seem to remember years ago that U.K. Put clocks forward before us in spring.

thanks Fly

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:) the sun is shining AGAIN. Its getting monotonous but its nice. We have been without rain for ages and the farmers  are getting very worried. The fields are so dry . We are desparate for rain. Looking at the local forcast we have to wait until April 8th before it will rain. But then towards Easter we are apparently going to have violent storms, which will mean flooding. This weather is lovely but its also very worrying. 

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Some warmth and sunshine would be most welcome here nonna, as its another cool, cloudy and benign day here.

Supposedly warming up by Thursday, then the possibility of wintery showers and plummeting temperatures next week. Grrrr !

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My telly blew up on Monday, I was sat watching it and there was a loud bang and it went dead. Luckily the sky box and DVD player weren’t affected. Changed the fuse in the plug, plugged it in and there was an even louder bang, thought it was worth a try just in case it was only the fuse, vain hope really. I have a spare tv upstairs so got that down and spent most of yesterday trying to find remote control, finally found it this morning in a safe place! Unscrewed the screws that held the stand on the dead one, took me ages to manhandle the tv off stand and after all that it doesn’t fit the new one. Sod’s law I suppose. Booklet says there was a stand with it, but it was on the wall in my husbands man cave before so no sign of the stand anywhere. Looks like a trip to Comet etc. to try and get one. Don’t watch that much tv, but now I haven’t got one I want to watch it. Why does life have to be so complicated?

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How's my day ?...... Getting longer ! :bighug:

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12 hours ago, MargieH said:

Did the bangs spook the dogs?    

They were both fast asleep when it happened (long walk and bellies full of chicken, good life really). They raised their heads, looked at me and then went back to sleep. Second time they were in back garden and came running in to see what was going on. Borrowed a small tv until I can get a stand, looks like an internet job.

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