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Today I planted Snake's Head Fritillaries, and Alliums.  I also planted out a few of the Echinacea I grew from seed earlier in the year.  I think I may have left them a bit late, so I'll try some in the borders and pot on the rest and keep somewhere sheltered.   Also planted out Aquilegia I grew from seed.  They are pretty bomb proof.

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Aguilegia are like weeds in my garden - they grow everywhere and I have to keep either transplanting the young plants or throwing them away!

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2 hours ago, MargieH said:

Aguilegia are like weeds in my garden - they grow everywhere and I have to keep either transplanting the young plants or throwing them away!


I know what you mean Margie, but I only had that problem when Mrs Col brought the blue flowered one into the garden.  Aquilegia Alpina? That one has to be rooted out ruthlessly all the time, as do some of the 'crosses' between it and the large flowered ones.   I never had that problem with the large flowered long spurred ones I grew from seed decades ago and brought here from our first house, but the last of those expireed last year.


Thing is, I'm now going to have the problem of waiting till I see flowers before I know which ones to dig up!  :blink:

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I planted a small lavender bush about 5 years ago it now takes up the whole side of a wall, two years ago I cut it back thinking to thin it down but it just came back thicker than ever. Can the roots do any damage to the wall as in weaken the stone work, love the smell so I don't want to dig it up. The plant came from a local wood does that make it stronger that a plant from a garden center you will by now realise I am not much of a gardener.

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1 hour ago, sue B 48 said:

A Lavender bush should be clipped back after flowering Gem but not into the old wood.

If you don't do it every year it will grow big and leggie. 

Thanks Sue, there are still a few heads in flower so will wait I admit my ignorance as I cut away into the old wood last time. In some places it's grows thickly others straggly, doing it properly this year should stop that.

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Finally getting my garden slabbed over, gardeners started last week when the rain would allow. Not sure about the colour of the slabs, they are a golden colour not my favourite but at least it will be tidier once it is done. The front is almost finished, must say they are doing a good job but then I am paying them enough. The driveway looks a bit like a builders yard at the moment, hopefully the skip will disappear this week as I have my dog groomer coming on Saturday!
I have had the patio area slabs taken up, they didn’t seem to be laid properly, I was constantly having to weed between the cracks, don’t like using weed killer because of my boys. They just lifted straight up not having been concreted in so at least the slabs can be used again.

Where the lawn was is at the moment a sea of mud, they are starting to put stone down today to get it ready for slabbing. I will be glad when it is covered as at the moment my floors are covered with doggy footprints. You can guarantee as soon as I wash them the boys want to go out, even if I let them out before I do them, and they look just as bad again. Having a black sparkly tiled kitchen floor doesn’t help. Also the dog blankets and my two rugs will need shampooing/washing respectively once it is finished.

It seems like I have been continually getting repairs/jobs done this year but this will be the last, it’s been a bit of a money pit in some ways. Next year decorating. The joys of moving to a new house:Shock:

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SG, make sure they cement between the slabs, as this will prevent the weeds from protruding through. Also, it will ensure that you get no ants crawling between the gaps. Best of luck.

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On the subject of lavender, it grown on an industrial scale here. What most of the growers do is take cuttings of their better, more vigorous, plants, and grow them on to replace the old woody plants with the new ones. The old plants are burned. The timescale of this varies but often every three years or so.


More forward looking growers use cell culture methods of propagation - this method avoids the transmission of diseases from the old plants.

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Went to London and back on Saturday for a dental check up. "You are not cleaning properly, I see lots of plaque" she said, so today I've bought a dental irrigator.

OK, so far so good, filled it with warm water after charging it up and gave it a go.


It's how I imagine being shot in the gob would be! Herself was in hysterics at my antics trying to control the damn thing - until I took it out of my mouth and shot her and number one grandson in the face. The bathroom needed a mop and I've decided it should be used in the shower only, there's too much collateral damage otherwise.

I have to say though the amount of crap it removes even after a conventional brush is surprising.

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It's quite a beast and comes with attachments for cleaning your tongue, a cone shaped gizmo for cleaning up your nose, (not gonna happen!) fine jet for braces. and other bits and pieces. I expected it to have a charger that plugged into the shaver socket but it has a USB and a diagram showing it being charged by connecting to a laptop or phone! 

Damn clever these Chinese

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I bought a Waterpik years ago Brew, used it twice and it was a struggle, I got wet through.   It then was put in a cupboard and about a year ago I put it into the bin.  That one did work off a shaver socket btw.  

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Crikey, what a day it’s been so far and we’re only half way through it.  

For 15 years we’ve had an awkward, cantankerous, but well-educated, bachelor living opposite us.  We’ve helped him out when necessary but have tended to keep him at arm’s length as we didn’t want him relying on us too much.  In recent years he’s trusted me with his debit card to get cash from the ATM and do bits of shopping, with the rest of his food being delivered by The Cheese Shop in Flying Horse Arcade.  This arrangement has suited me fine as I spent several years caring for my Dad and didn’t want or need to take on another old man.  

Last week I had to dress a wound where he’d fallen and the next day arrange a locksmith because he’d been out in a taxi and lost his key ...... nobody else has been trusted with a key and it’s like Fort Knox. 

In the past 2 or 3 days we’ve noticed that his lights weren’t on so yesterday tried his door. No answer and we could see his key was in the lock, inside.  This morning my husband got step ladders out and managed to get into his back garden and saw him lying dead on his kitchen floor, naked!  There was no way I needed to see that.

I rang the Police who arrived quickly, with a Paramedic. They forced the front door open and since then Lymns have been and taken the body away.  While all this was happening I rang his nephew down south (I’ve spoken to him several times before to inform him of admission to hospital etc but have never met him)

He thanked me for letting him know and said he would come up later today “because he’ll need to find his uncle’s Will and other paperwork”   

I make no further comment!!


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True here I reckon.  He’s got 4 nieces and nephews, only one ever visits him and that is about every 2 or 3 months.  I hope he leaves it all to the local Cat Rescue! 

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If he does find a will it will have to go to probate to prove the validity. He wouldn’t be able to claim it all for himself. You may even have a ‘mention’ for your kindnesses. If there is no will then the rules of intestacy will kick in to ensure an equitable distribution amongst the next of kin.

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Every death brings the creatures out of the woodwork. I've seen that numerous times recently.

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