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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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What a beautiful day today, sun is shining and forecast to be dry all day ,spring is here flowers have started colourising our world most important I have woke up to enjoy it. Despite what is going on in this mad world there are many things to enjoy, I am still in isolation and taking precautions but I am determined to be happy and do whatever I can. I plan to drive up into Derbyshire and wander around and see this great countryside of ours , very few people will be there if any, they will all be at supermarkets hoping to stockpile any thing they can.

Keep smiling all of you and stay safe.

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Sounds like a good plan.  Tell us tomorrow how you got on in beautiful Derbyshire - lots of description, please x

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44 minutes ago, trogg said:

I plan to drive up into Derbyshire


I have the same plan for the weekend trogg. Pack a picnic and go for a wander, find somewhere nice with a view and have lunch.  I might even try my new phone and see how good the camera is.

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Just got stocked up with a few beers and a bit of food ready for Sunday. Nobody allowed out from 9a.m.till 7pm, suits us just fine, hardly anyone here anyway !! Might make it the whole weekend, just to be safe.

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@Brew  enjoy your triip to Derbyshire, too.  It's a bit too far for us to attempt anything like that just for a day, so I'll just gaze out of the window at our daffodils, primulae and all the fresh shoots.  LoveLy and sunny here.  


Felt sad for the children in the village going for their last day at school for a while.  Some of the year 6 have been crying because it will probably be their last day at Primary School before moving on to Secondary.  Apparently, they aren't having the usual goodbye assembly in the hall and they are feeling they're missing out.  I do feel so sad for all the children at this time as they try to take in all that's going on.  

I'm sure many parents will be able to cope with the long 'holiday' from school but there will be others where life will be really difficult for the whole family.

In another 50 - 60 years - if the world is still here - there will no doubt be some oldies chatting on nostalgia forums about how they felt in 2020 when they were children..... and all that's happening now globally will be part of the History curriculum!

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18 hours ago, albert smith said:

   Ooooh Shhhugar managed to get Photoimage working, even if it is too big! Thank You everyone for your Good Wishes                                                                         


Back to Albert for just a minute.


I've met Albert several times at Nottstalgia events over the years, and if someone showed me that photo without any clues I'd definitely recognise him even 70 years ago. He's changed a bit, but not too much.

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Margie, you could always go Fenland mountain climbing, or stay in the foothills :rolleyes: I understand there are some good ski slopes near St. Neots. (Look close and you'll see tongue firmly in cheek). We've been in house arrest for a week now, down here in "Ghost town".

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BK, your mention of the 'Finland's mountains reminded me of when I instructed the trainees at the C.I.T.B at Bircham Newton. Some would asked where i practiced my rope access skills, and I would tell them that i was a reserve for the 'Norfolk Mountain Rescue Team' only a few twigged it!

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Thought about our Loppy this morning.


Went into the village to get a few odds and sods. There's a little market, of sorts, on Fridays: fresh fruit and vegetables and fish and meat stalls.  The queue at the meat van was terrific, not that I'm interested being a vegetarian, but I spotted a young beagle on a lead with its owner quite near the end of the queue.


As I went in and out of various shops, I noticed the Beagle edging nearer the front, painfully slowly. He was getting bored.  As I returned to the car after my final shop, the Beagle was peeing up the trouser leg of the chap in front. Owner too busy gassing to notice.  Funniest thing I've seen since a desperate wirehaired terrier peed in the open handbag of the woman his owner was talking to in the vet's waiting room years ago!

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You nearly made me spill my coffee Jill.  That really tickled me.  Tried to read it to Mrs. L.  I had a hard time from laughing, my eyes were watering.  You've got to own a Beagle to understand how that could be.  They are nice, but he is the most independant, stubborn, ornery dog I've ever owned.:biggrin:

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Waddo, I spent many a happy hour Alpine trekking around the Fens. Best place to see a glacier is not far from Ely. Best to take Oxygen. 

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16 minutes ago, denshaw said:

In the Disney film Tangled where Rapunzel is locked up and not allowed out, what is the name of the village?


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He was a lovely dog, Loppy. Only young. He was clearly looking for some fuss from those in the queue and no one was taking any notice of him so, to begin with, he started winding himself and his lead round people's legs! Each time I walked past, I could see the naughtiness increasing in his expression. It's the same with cats, when you know them well, you can almost mind read what sort of mischief they're planning.


I'm sure Jake would never pee on anyone's leg.  I was so amused by the little lad this morning that I almost bought him a string of sausages as a reward for bad behaviour!

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