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I had the Pfizer one on Saturday and all I got was a bit of an aching arm the next day, just as though someone had stuck a needle in it..:rolleyes:


I had it done at Lenton, Old Central studios, apparently Johnathan Van Tamm, him off the tele, was there earlier doing his bit injecting people, he didn't do me.



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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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I had the Oxford AstraZenica jab yesterday afternoon. I felt Ok 'til I went to bed, when I felt very hot and slightly ill. This morning I feel very rough and shaky, rather like I have just had a bad bout of the 'flu. I am also very thirsty, drinking more tea and coffee than normal. I am sure I shall be fine after a day or two.


I read up on things a few days before. Sources suggest the second jab is worse than the second, as antibodies are already in your body. People who have had Covid feel the first jab worse, as it is equivalent to the second jab for everyone else.


Just wondering if maybe I have already had Covid some time in the last year and didn't realise.

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Veering a bit (again). Does anybody know anything about "Viber"?

A chat app for swapping messages and pictures, as opposed to using email.

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As I said a few pages back, I reckon the AZ jab produces more side effects than the Pfizer.  However, I may be mistaken.  

Interesting what you said @notty ash about the second dose being a bit worse than the first, and if one has already had Covid and probably has antibodies, then there may be more of a reaction.  I’d like to read any research results on this because both Paul and I believe we had Covid in December 2019/January 2020.  Of course there is no proof, but we have never ever felt so ill for so long with all the classic symptoms of Covid.

Anyway, we are OK now.

what do you reckon @carni ?

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Here goes.

I wasn't going to say anything adverse about my experience because so many people need to get their vaccines and I wouldn't want to put them off. I really want every one to get vaccinated as they say 'No one is safe until everyone is safe!


We had Covid in November, Chris ended up in hospital, thankfully only for one night. I think you have to witness someone  with a bad dose of Covid to understand how terrifying it can be. Believe me we were both petrified.


Still recovering, when called for our vaccines on Feb 1st, I was also prescribed medication  as I was having a bad Virtigo attack. I decided to go ahead and have my vaccine. Chris had Pfizer and just had a sore arm for a couple of days. I had the AZ vaccine and I went down hill and was quite poorly again. Doc prescribed Betahistine, I seem to be ok now. The problem is I don't know how much of my downhill spiral was due to the AZ or the Virtigo.


I will be there straight away when I get my call for my second jab, but a bit worried what to expect. 

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Thanks for replying carni.  Sorry you had a bad reaction to the jab.  We, too, will definitely have our second jab when the call comes.


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Hi Carni. Hope you are feeling a bit better. I've suffered with vertigo on and off for decades ever since having Labyrinthitis. I can't say I rate Betahistine much for treating it. I get prescribed Stugeron  which I think is Cinnarizine..but obviously you'd need to consult a pharmacist at least. Even better is Diazepam In very low doses. That is mostly prescribed for anxiety but can be used for bad vertigo. 

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More of the shelving saga.


I am convinced that in the night someone steals my skeleton and leaves me with one that doesn't quite fit!

Roller painting the ceiling is, literally, a pain in the neck. Kneeling for skirting boards hurts the knees and gripping a 2 inch brush for extended periods means my right hand is more like a claw! Scrabbling about with a new carpet, I went for carpet tiles, is almost psychedelic if you breathe in the fumes from the glue.

We are mostly finished, there are some minor 'fiddly' bits and I'm waiting for the new window blind. After that's up I can start moving stuff back in.


All this started because I was bored and thought I'd try and paint another picture. There wasn't room for my easel and foolishly said, "we need more shelf space"...


I will not make the same mistake again!

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Well done Brew, you’ll feel so much satisfaction when the room is fully completed.  
We went through similar upheaval before Christmas but had people in the do the hard work, which included new parquet flooring and decorating. Two months on, we still haven’t got everything back in the right place and can’t actually find quite a few files etc.  But after almost 12 months of lock-down and brain stagnation we don’t actually care!  The plus side was that we got rid of (shredded) bins full of old bank statements, utility bills, insurance documents going back to when we moved to Nottingham 16 years ago.  A lot of satisfaction doing that too. 

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My dearly beloved said I should do it as I made such a good job of fitting the kitchen - 16 bloody years ago!


Since then even quite minor jobs have been done by professionals but due to Covid she won't let anyone in the house.


Earlier this evening she casually informed me the inbuilt dishwasher is leaking and the door is not closing properly...


There will now be a prolonged period of me moaning, groaning and anything else I can think of to convince her it needs a proper chap to fix it..



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Thinking I was a proper smart A**, I went out and bought enough materials to repaint the entire ground floor, stairs and landing, back in February 2020.


I got as far as re-doing the dining room, which I'd only recently done but which was spoiled by having the ceiling artex plastered over. Except.. I used too much Decorator's Caulk in places.. and that doesn't like over painting with emulsion.  So.. I bought a new can of 'stain blocker' to solve that.. got some on my specs and ruined 300 quid's worth of poncy lenses.  I also seemingly lost all of the 'cutting in ' skills I've built up over a lifetime..I've left it all since.  There's masking tape on skirtings and uneven paint everywhere and I haven't even started on the living room.. much less stairs and landing...

I've told myself light levels are too low.. but that is changing.  At some point soon I'll have to step up to the plate and get it done.  But it will be the last time I do it.

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9 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I can't say I rate Betahistine much for treating it.

 Thank you for your reply DJ. The episode of Virtigo has passed again an I am back to being normal? The doc said to leave the Betahistine off until it recurs and I think some more investigation is coming. 


I know what triggered the last  episode. I stood up and moved towards the kitchen at speed, before I'd gone four steps the walls were moving.  I do have a habit of zooming around at home, so I am trying to control my movements a bit. Very difficult when you are a zoomer!:biggrin:

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Is there anything in the world more insistent than a ringing telephone?


My better half is feeling reet poorly at the moment and to


A, look after her and

B, earn sufficient brownie points to get out of mending the dishwasher I made tea and toast.


Passing my newly refurbished office on the way to her room the phone rang. Rather than ignoring it I went it to answer and crashed the tray into the desk as I did so. Two mugs of tea all over the new flooring and the well buttered toast, not to be outdone, hit the wall.



To say she is not best pleased is something of an understatement...       :Fool:

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Not having a bad day all things considerd. 


Then I heard the news about Harry & Meghan,  WHY! now I am not a Roylest but when will GB ever learn, this young man and his wife are very popular. Do will still think we are the rulers of half the world. In my opion they killed Diana off after she had given us two boys, But what they have done to Harry well words fail me. Is there more to this than we know? Come the Revoultion. but we have been there done that. got teeshirt. Remember we went over to Germany to get the UK another king. So I don;t hold much hope for us, that's us lot the back bone of the UK. (Workers)

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Brew I know how you feel. I can't stand a ringing insistent telephone. One of my sil's only lets it ring 3 times. I don't stand next to the phone all day long waiting for it to ring, then there are the others that leave it to ring making me rush from one end of the house to the other and when I lift the receiver they've hung up. Not to mention those telephone calls when we sit down at the table and start to eat.

Theres a lot to be thankful for pre technology.

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Mary1947, I wouldn't go as far as saying the couple are well loved. In my humble opinion, she put him up to all the moves. I reckon were well rid of them, they could take a few more of the parasites with them. Can you visualise "Queen Meghan"? She couldn't fit in with royalty, she's not in the same league. She wanted the fairytale dream of marrying a Prince but couldn't cope with all it entails.

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On 2/18/2021 at 10:19 AM, Cliff Ton said:

So far - after nearly 48 hours  - I haven't had any side-effects from the AZ jab.

I had Oxford and no side effects. Missus had it yesterday and was looking for side effects lol , but after a burst under the bathroom sink she forgot all about the jab. Can't wait for the next episode . Stay Safe everyone

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There are a few ‘royalists’, a few anti monarchists, and the many who look upon the royals as an amusing sideshow, akin to a soap opera. Parading in their Ruritanian uniforms with their mainly unearned decorations. It’s all rather quaint and unworldly. If Harry and his wife don’t want to opt in to the charade that’s up to them, as long as we’re not supporting them financially.  I think their antics just add to the entertainment that this overprivileged family bring to us.

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et al,

we are well rid of Harry and the Mekon and the saga that goes with it. We all are aware of Harry's origin, ginger hair and not the German family's nose. The firm, that is, the German mafia and the snivelling courtiers who are there to prolong the firm's influence are sufficiently stupid to believe that the whole nation is unaware that the firm is one almighty conspiracy designed to accrue wealth and other major assets that they are not entitled to.


It's Eddy and Mrs Simpson repeated. What will arise next in this sorry example of a corrupt organisation being allowed free reign to exert their power? We would be well rid of the whole sordid firm of these German interlopers.


The UK is no longer a world power, nothing but a third rate bankrupt nation still suspended in the past with a succession of incompetent governments and ministers.


I believe now could be the time that we could expose them for what they really are, a parasitic family living off the nation's backs. To those disbelievers who fail to see the light count the number of the firm that multiply annually that they can't all fit onto the Buck House balcony. Ridicule me if you wish but you are paying for it all! 



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I wouldn't say I was a Monarchist, although some of them do their share and I wouldn't want their lives. They didn't ask to be born into the media spotlight and I wouldn't want someone with a telephoto lens watching my every move. That said, complaining that the press won't stop hounding you when you're just trying to live your lives as private citizens and then using them to disseminate news of your forthcoming sproglet, complete with nauseating baby bump photos, or spilling the beans on some tawdry, tacky chat show is something quite different. There's a word for it: hypocrisy!

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One is born into it but, like Harry and Megan one could opt out. Why put oneself on the job market though when one’s already on the gravy train? It’s a cushy number where one has to go round opening a few things to demonstrate one’s relevance but then one can go back to one of one’s many palatial houses and play with one’s horses.

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Trying a new way of speaking today (i am a laryngectomy) usually have to press a button called an HME (Humidity moisture exchanger) but today am using an HME that you don;t have to fumble about with ..pressing etc...tried about a year ago and wouldnt work for me....however trying again this morning and all ok so far.....makes such a difference in fact feels almost normal.......Voice very deep and strong..wife says Sexy lol....just hope it continues...makes me feel better Physiologically.....fingers crossed.......

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3 minutes ago, benjamin1945 said:

.......Voice very deep and strong..wife says Sexy lol....just hope it continues...makes me feel better 


Don't get carried away with that Ben. You'll be going round talking to yourself, and looking like a loony.

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